2003-07-20, 16:42
New Blood
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Female Singers?
Am I loner out here or do any of you like metal with female singers? I'm freakisly obsessed with Kittie. Are there any other good metal bands out their with female singers?
 Evanescence XD

I wish I could by the world a coke and blow it out my nose.
"Wishing you were someone else is a waste of the person you are." ~ Kurt Cobain
I'm not drunk, you're just sober!
I don't suffer from head banger syndrome, I enjoy every second of it!

2003-07-20, 17:10
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I don't really like bands with femal vocals
Arch enemy and sinister are good though!!

2003-07-20, 17:16
kittie? evanescence? what the hell?
i like bands with female singers but i cant stand those 2
The sins of thy beloved, sinergy, nightwish, within temptation, after forever, arch enemy, etc
i prefer female voices in doom metal though...fits the mood perfectly
in other genres it ends up sounding like a girl puking after drinking too much(esp kittie)

2003-07-20, 17:26
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Bjork!! Not metal, best the best girl singer to ever walk the planet.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-07-20, 17:26
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Evanescence sucks!!
they're even play in top of the pops

2003-07-20, 17:57
Originally posted by Darko
Bjork!! Not metal, best the best girl singer to ever walk the planet.
not my favorite singer but yeah she's nice

2003-07-20, 18:07
The Devil
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There should be a law against women singing while distorted guitars are playing in the background.
I hate Nu-Metal, i hate punk in general, i hate lots of kinds of music.....but i think the one thing that reigns supreme over all is a 112 pound woman trying to sound like Ross Dolan. Fuck it's annoying. "iiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!" So high pitched it tears my ear drums to shreds.
I despise all bands with female singers in the metal industry.
Flame away. 
Through me you pass into the city of woe
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To rear me was the task of power divine
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Eternal, and eternal I endure
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2003-07-20, 18:09
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Originally posted by memnoch
but i think the one thing that reigns supreme over all is a 112 pound woman trying to sound like Ross Dolan. Fuck it's annoying. "iiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!" So high pitched it tears my ear drums to shreds.
I despise all bands with female singers in the metal industry.
Flame away.
which woman does that, I'd like to hear it
and sinister has a femal singer but you can't actually hear she's a woman 

2003-07-20, 19:08
New Blood
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Goth-metal (e.g Nightwish) often have female singers. I've never heard any female that death-metal growl though

2003-07-20, 19:22
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they dont growl, they scream. I agree with memnoch, it just isn't right. A female voice is suppost to be beautyful, not yelled and screamed. Kreator check out Dreams of Damnation and new Arch Enemy.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-07-20, 19:30
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2003-07-20, 19:35
The Devil
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Originally posted by Kreator
which woman does that, I'd like to hear it
and sinister has a femal singer but you can't actually hear she's a woman
I can't name anyone cause i don't know anyone. I just said i hate this style so how could i have examples?
And to the other dude, i didn't mean the women actually growl.....if you actually read every word i wrote, you would notice the small 3 letter word "try" in there somewhere. The women TRY to sing like that, but instead it sounds like childbirth.....it's horrible and disturbing.
Like Darko said, a woman's voice is beautiful, just like everything else about a woman. Why destroy such a beautiful image by having her rip her vocal chords to shreds? Just use someone like Dave Mustaine if high pitched vocals turn you on and let the women have their contemporary rock music.
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2003-07-20, 19:38
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I looking for porno of em'...
But can't find any...
Anyway how old are they?
I suck at guitar.

2003-07-20, 19:40
The Devil
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Probably 14......at least they look that young.
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Eternal, and eternal I endure
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2003-07-20, 21:27
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Lacuna Coil and Theatre of Tragedy

2003-07-20, 21:55
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Veruca Salt has a nice voice

2003-07-20, 22:12
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the girl from One True Thing has one of the most beautiful voices i've ever heard.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-07-20, 22:58
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Originally posted by memnoch
There should be a law against women singing while distorted guitars are playing in the background.
Memnoch, I say this in the nicest way posible, you are the the most closed-minded person when it comes to music. I know it is just opinion, but you take it to the next level of pig-headedness (is that even a word?).
I like a lot of female fronted or male/female bands. Most of them have already been said.
After Forever
Rain Fell Within
3rd and the Mortal
The Gathering
Flowing Tears
On Thorns I Lay (dumb name)
Christian Death
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
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2003-07-20, 23:59
The Devil
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Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
Memnoch, I say this in the nicest way posible, you are the the most closed-minded person when it comes to music. I know it is just opinion, but you take it to the next level of pig-headedness (is that even a word?).
Negative on that one bub. Just cause i don't like female singers makes me the most close minded person on earth? I doubt that.
There's lots of music i like, and i enjoy female singers when they aren't singing metal....but like i stated before, i absolutely can't stand women singing metal. Is that wrong? Just cause you adore it doesn't mean i'm a fucking idiot for not feeling the same.
Do you adore Immolation? Do you get a boner everytime you hear Here In After?? No?? That's strange, you must be extremely close minded then.
One thing i've learned on these forums is that whenever someone states their opinion (a negative opinion), they are automatically viewed as being close minded. Can't a guy just not enjoy screaming women? Fuck, i like death metal, i like metal in general, i love rock, jazz, some adult contemporary, i adore classical music....but i hate women singing metal, guess that means i'm "the most close minded person when it comes to music".
Pathetic. Why even have forums when people can't put up with criticism?
Through me you pass into the city of woe
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Justice the founder of my fabric moved
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Before me things create were none, save things
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2003-07-21, 01:06
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Sorry Memmy, but you seem to be trying to trap me in my own words to make me look like an ass, and it really isn't working.
Originally posted by memnoch
There should be a law against women singing while distorted guitars are playing in the background.
I call you close minded cuz when you say stuff like that, it is even worse than some like "Female lead metal sucks". You take your opinion and make these ridiculous statements. It just sounds dumb.
Originally posted by memnoch
One thing i've learned on these forums is that whenever someone states their opinion (a negative opinion), they are automatically viewed as being close minded.
Well, take that up with those who do, but whatever someone likes I can repsect (Even though I may make lots of jokes about particular bands, I still respect everyone's taste).
Originally posted by memnoch
Do you adore Immolation? Do you get a boner everytime you hear Here In After?? No?? That's strange, you must be extremely close minded then.
That is just a stupid comment. No relevence at all to what I said. I have never listened to them, but chances are I won't like them since the only all out death metal band I like is Obituary. However, I never insulted you for liking them.
My point is, I'm not arguing with you over which bands are good, which you seem to think that I am. What I am getting at is that you should rethink such close minded statements.
Originally posted by memnoch
Pathetic. Why even have forums when people can't put up with criticism?.
I can. You obviously cannot. I knew you would have a crap flinging fit.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
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-Beavis and Butt-head
Last edited by Gigantic Penis : 2003-07-21 at 01:13.

2003-07-21, 01:48
The Devil
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I'm not flingin any crap around here.
If you can't figure out on your own that "There should be laws against....." is a fucking joke, then there's something wrong with you. I wasn't being serious about that, it's just a highly overexaggerated version of what i really feel.
Even though I may make lots of jokes about particular bands, I still respect everyone's taste
Really? Doesn't seem like you respect my taste for women singers.
That is just a stupid comment. No relevence at all to what I said. I have never listened to them, but chances are I won't like them since the only all out death metal band I like is Obituary. However, I never insulted you for liking them.
Never listened to them? Well gee, i've never really listened to much bands with female singers. You know why? Cause i don't like female singers. Now if THAT makes me close minded, then YOU sir are also close minded for not listening to and liking Immolation. You said you don't like death metal, well, that's pretty close minded now ain't it??!? (SARCASM!!!! But still shoving what you said to me right in your face)
I'm not sure if you noticed at the end of my first post, but i said "Flame away!" and you did just that. You jumped right in to accuse me of being this and that based all upon me not liking a woman singing in metal. I could accuse you of being close minded for not accepting other people's opinions about music.
I never expected to have such a huge discussion about this crap, but here it is. I don't know if you realize it but you've been just as "close minded" as i have about not liking Death Metal like i don't like female singers. That's what it all comes down to (from my point of view).
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2003-07-21, 01:59
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It's like you missed my point entirely...............
here it is plainly
I am NOT calling you close minded for never having listened to something. I am calling you close minded for saying such blatently stupid stuff against such large group as a whole. The single band here has no relevence.
When you say stuff like no females singing with distorted guitars or that there is no good hip hop, etc. you are making a very broad comment/insult/opinion/whatever. It is just plain dumb.
orginally posted by memnoch
"You said you don't like death metal, well, that's pretty close minded now ain't it??!? (SARCASM!!!! But still shoving what you said to me right in your face)"
back to the words of penis
No, you did not shove anything back in my face (except another fistful of irrelevent crap). That comment is once again a lame attempt to trap me in my words. You didn't though cuz you missed my point, so thus, no relevence.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
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2003-07-21, 02:39
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both of youse shut up
GP thinks your "close-minded", because he's probably read you saying these opinions like these before:
"i don't like keyboards in metal"
"i don't like women singing in metal"
"i don't like rap/hip-hop"
which are very broad statements.
now memnoch the best reaction you could've given to that was "okay. whatever" 'cause that's his opinion.
but you didn't.
so now just shrug it off, and move on.

2003-07-21, 02:42
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back to the topic, i did know that Arch Enemy had a female vocalist, the voice sounded very much like a male!
i was quite surprised.

2003-07-21, 20:33
The Devil
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Whatever, i never really cared what Penis had to say anyway, i was just defending what i originally said.
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2003-07-21, 21:18
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Awwwwwwww, I'm touched............. by myself! Hehe...... 
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-07-22, 04:05
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Erik Rutan has a new side project named Alas with a female vocalist. 

2003-07-22, 10:34
Originally posted by BeastOfCarrion
Erik Rutan has a new side project named Alas with a female vocalist.
new? aherm... *dusts off his cd*

2003-07-22, 10:53
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Floor of After Forever has a great voice....
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2003-07-22, 14:14
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Don't forget that Christina Aguilera was in a
Nu-Metal song...
I suck at guitar.

2003-07-22, 14:16
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Originally posted by BeastOfCarrion
Erik Rutan has a new side project named Alas with a female vocalist.
Is that side project old? My friend read your post and he
says they have been around for quite some time.
I suck at guitar.

2003-07-22, 14:18
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Originally posted by Bones98
Don't forget that Christina Aguilera was in a
Nu-Metal song...
which one??

2003-07-23, 17:05
New Blood
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I don't know whether its the fact that Evanescence (sp??) are played on rock stations that pisses me off, or its Amy Lee's voice, or what, all I know is I think the band absolutely stinks and their one song... "Bring Me back to life" gets old after a while. Everytime I hear her sing I just want to jump out of my seat and strangle her cause her voice bugs me to shit. All the teenies are not into that band thinking they're all cool and shit now cause they like the band. Bottom line...They suck!!!

2003-07-23, 17:14
New Blood
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P.S.....that was in resopnse to the idiot who was making it out like Evanescence was rock or metal. They are neither, I consider them pop!! [ 

2003-07-23, 17:38
New Blood
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I listen to Kittie
Mosh & Thrasher the Headbangers
Real Men Wear Skirts since January,1997

2003-07-23, 17:54
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Originally posted by Bones98
Don't forget that Christina Aguilera was in a
Nu-Metal song...
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2003-07-23, 18:09
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Arch Enemy and Without Face
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2003-07-23, 22:00
Originally posted by HdbngrKen26
I listen to Kittie
Well congratulations. Im sure we can all live our lives a lot happier knowing that.

2003-07-23, 22:35
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Originally posted by Dissection
lacuna coil rules!

2003-07-23, 23:43
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Even though the topic is over I have to put in my 2 cents. Penis, you do make fun of music and bands, look at the Immortal break up thread. Now im not going to bitch and complain of hypocricy for two reasons. 1 - Its a fucking forum and 2 - I think its funny of what you said about them. Memnoch dosen't like girl singers in bands...so what? That dosen't make him close minded, its just something that defines his personal taste. I hate when people make that affiliation with that. Now, if he had never heard a girl sing in metal before and automatically judged it as bieng awful then thier would be a case but he has.
Anywho, Storm has some great stuff with a girl named Kari Rueslåtten who has a beautiful voice.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-07-24, 00:09
The Devil
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Originally posted by Darko
Penis, you do make fun of music and bands, look at the Immortal break up thread.
Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't even looked at that thread until just now when i read your post.
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Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2003-07-24, 01:38
Yes, Morgan from kittie is good but she picked it up from spit cause she couldent scream or sing in that album and then on oracle(BUY IT!) she sung very well Evanenscence (or however you spell it [sorry just getting in to them cant spell the name yet]) is a very good singer in "Metal, not but good singer". but dont be like the girl from otep. Its an ok band but she scares the shit outa me.

2003-07-24, 10:18
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Chalice has a good female singer.
You should check that out!!
There are 2 bands who call himself Chalice....one is powermetal, that's gay music.
the other one is gothic/melodic doom metal. That's very awesome, lots of different kinds of instruments. Very cool band.
Join the hordes!!

2003-07-24, 10:23
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Join the hordes!!

2003-07-24, 14:39
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OH GOD! I thought atifman pointed this out.
darko and memnoch - I could care less about making fun of bands, I wasn't calling memnoch closed minded for that. He made VERY BROAD statements which made me say he was closed minded. He didn't say something like "Nightwish sucks", he said that females shouldn't sing in metal bands. I'll make fun of whichever band I want and I encourage you to do the same. Why? Because it is funny. Why take music so seriously?
Which band has more fans? Immortal or the Gigantic Penis Project (not my bands real name)? Obviously Immortal, but I'll still make fun of them. I still respect how far the have come as a band, and I am sure if I search hard enough I can find a song by them that I would like (I actually found a Rhapsody song I like....oh god, it's true, kill me now).
Darko and memnoch before you misinterpret what I say again, I will give you some quick reference notes.
1. Making fun of bands has nothing to do with this arguement
2. Bands you like or have listened to has nothing to do with this arguement
3. Memnoch's very braod ideals of what genres music should be like is the main point.
4. If you say"(insert band here) sucks a fat dick." you are NOT closed minded. Just more of an idiot for not giving much reason.
Thats all I got for now, when you mess it up again, I'll have more.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
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-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-07-24, 20:15
The Devil
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Whatever man, despite your love for bands with women singing, i still fucking hate it and think it shouldn't exist.
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Before me things create were none, save things
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2003-07-24, 20:28
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I like good music. So far I have yet to experience good music with a female singer.
I think memnoch is entitled to say that he hates metal with female vocals. So what if it is a broad statement? I hate all rap, country and nu-metal. Does that me me closed minded? No. It simply means I know what I like. If someone says "Here, this is a great rap cd, ma nigga." I know I wont like it. It is closed minded of YOU Gigantic Penis to not open your eyes and realise that people can have strict tastes in music. Get off the whole "Youre a closed minded Nazi!" train. Oh and I spelled it nigga, so don't call me a closed minded racist, nigger.

2003-07-24, 21:08
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Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
1. Making fun of bands has nothing to do with this arguement
2. Bands you like or have listened to has nothing to do with this arguement
3. Memnoch's very braod ideals of what genres music should be like is the main point.
4. If you say"(insert band here) sucks a fat dick." you are NOT closed minded. Just more of an idiot for not giving much reason.
DEAD, what you said is irrelevent. Read quick reference number 2. Everything has nothing to do with who likes what.
Please respond with something meaningful, not just putting words in people's mouths and irrelevence.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-07-24, 21:36
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if someone does think you're a closeminded, that's just they're opinion. who cares? that's why it would've been ideal if memnoch didn't post what he did.
so let's drop this now, no need to cuntblather about this anymore.
Last edited by atifman : 2003-07-24 at 22:14.

2003-07-25, 12:57
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Hmm Kittie sucks and so does Evanescence. Nightwish is allright but the supreme girl metal band is...
Astarte , greek goddesses of Black Metal (ever wandered how do girls look with corpsepaint? Try looking at Astarte lol they're gorgeous)
The Count Nosferatu Kommando exclusively supports total annihilation of human values , we piss on your hopes. We crush the dream of heaven. Kommando Sechsundneungzig , Ultra-Violence Über Alles.

2003-07-25, 18:40
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post a pic then... I think we don´t praise female vocals enough when the chick is fat and ugly... example : Cradle Of Filth...
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2003-07-25, 20:09
The Devil
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Originally posted by Dark_Bathory
Astarte , greek goddesses of Black Metal (ever wandered how do girls look with corpsepaint? Try looking at Astarte lol they're gorgeous)
Oh baby that gets my motor running...... 
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2003-07-26, 20:01
New Blood
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Posts: 10
I agree that woman singing in metal band should have beautiful voice. I really don't think that it's good thing if you can't tell is the singer guy or girl.. Man should sound like man (stratovarius is almost out of that) and woman should sound like woman. (Listen to Lullacry. There's nice sound and pretty voice. At least the newest one.)

2003-07-27, 14:00
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Originally posted by Jethroseven
stratovarius is almost out of that
Very true. Did you ever listen to the very end of Hunting High and Low? Yikes.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-07-30, 21:57
haha! Its True! Ever see the Ghost in the Fog video!?
I honestly think COF is horrible and the guy cant sing or yell...but whatever if you like it thats cool.
post a pic then... I think we don´t praise female vocals enough when the chick is fat and ugly... example : Cradle Of Filth...

2003-08-01, 00:20
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Indiana
Posts: 35
Kittie sucks ass!
Check out Arch Enemy and Still Breathing
one fish two fish red fish blue fish

2003-08-01, 00:26
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Fuck I wish Nightwish would kill them

2003-08-01, 00:49
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I don't know about anyone else, but I literally get a headache when forced (and yes, I mean forced...thanks to some of my friends  ) to listen to Kittie.
Evanescence is boring too....
My favorite female vocalists are Anneke van Giersbergen and Tarja.

2003-08-02, 18:38
Pokémon Master
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the other one is gothic/melodic doom metal. That's very awesome, lots of different kinds of instruments. Very cool band.
they are from adelaide in aus ... i saw them support opeth in melbourne when they were down here (in aus), not bad but they seemed a bit of a rag tag bunch to be, with a couple of members that seemed to be thrash fans, and a flute player playing throughout the songs .... not bad stuff

2003-08-07, 04:26
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Georgia
Posts: 40
Originally posted by Kreator
I don't really like bands with femal vocals
Arch enemy and sinister are good though!!
Those are the only bands i listen to w/female vocals, not my favorite vocalists (i liked Liiva) and the Sinister chick is just scary.
Pantera, Slayer, Meshuggah, Metallica, Necrophagist, Vehemence, Killswitch Engage, Nile, Dying Fetus, Opeth, Dimension Zero, The Haunted, The Forsaken, Anata, Grimfist, Lacuna Coil, Ayreon, Carcass, Imperanon, Children of Bodom, Hate Eternal, Bolt Thrower, In Flames, Soilwork, Arch Enemy, Carnal Forge, Nevermore, Hypocrisy, Decapitated, Suffocation, God Forbid, Divine Empire, Fear Factory, Machine Head, Damage Plan, Black Label Society, Lamb of God, Death, BOOM!

2003-08-08, 16:53
fuck off evanescence is a non-metal band that i choose to like!

2004-03-14, 05:05
Senior Metalhead
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angela from arch enemy!
and Liv Kristina from thetre of tragedy...
Osculum Obscenum
Seer blest, thou best philosopher
"Build thyself a mirror in whichSolely wanton images of thy desire appear"

2004-03-14, 05:10
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Rachel From Sinister!


2004-03-14, 13:30
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Angela from Arch Enemy is the only one that comes to mind.
on a more classical note, the chick from Nightwish (can't remember the name right now).

2004-03-14, 20:24
Schrodinger's Cat
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I don't own an album with a single female musician or vocalist featuring on it. I agree with Memnoch's earlier posts, female growlers just don't appeal to me as, in my opinion, they can't do it as well as their male counterparts. I don't think Angela Gossow can compare to Lord Worm or any of the Nile guys for example.
Female death metal musicians in general don't appeal to me because women just don't embody brutality as well as men. I think this is probably down to the fact that men tend to be physically stronger than women and so are more likely to be able to play faster and harder and to produce a deeper growl when they sing.
However, if a woman feels she can do a good job in DM good luck to her. I more than likely wont like it, but there are probably a whole bunch of people who will like it so who am I to begrudge those people of their enjoyment?
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-03-14, 21:42
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
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Sinister is the only female vocalist that can compare to the greats.
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