this is their site:
some of their lyrics:
Procumbently drifting, propelled by a jetting zephyr of decompositional gas
Waterlogged, yet buoyant, the corpse teems with algae—fresh water insects amass
Distended with caustic carbon dioxide and repellent hydrogen sulfide
A swollen miasma of inflated cavities slowly leaking sulfur dioxide…
A plume of white froth bubbling from bleached submersion-wrinkled lips
Skin sloughing from the bloated abdomen to shriveled pruned fingertips
The decedent’s last meal, rich in carbohydrates, aerate the swollen digestive track
Bobbing on the surface, the corpse eructs volumes of acerbic odoriferous gas…
…Gaseous bloatation…
…Repugnant refloatation…
…Nauseous eructation…
Excessive egression of sour effluvium ends the stage of Primary Floatation
Spent carcass sinks while putrefactive bacteria breed more fumes for postmortem levitation
Fatty tissues deliquesce and necrotic vapor is produced in order to assuage
The process of Decomposition who demands another crude refloat: the Secondary Stage…

there's even a 60 year old doctor in their band!!
pretty cool and original band if you ask me!