2003-08-04, 14:20
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Hello denizens of the MetalTabs forums. Just thought I'd introduce myself since I'm undoubtably going to be sticking to this thing like a cancer to a pop star & haranguing a great many of you in order to pick your brains & your music catalogues...or at the very least, just for the pure sport of it.
One of your current citizens told me about this thing & so I thought I'd have a peek. Three hours later, I've been disgusted, insulted, irritated, and very nearly violated: basically I had a grand old time & canme out with a list of literally 45 new bands to listen to. Fucking awesome!
I seriously enjoy listening to ear-splittingly horrible musical excrement somewhere in the vein of Embalmer, Satyricon (circa 'Shadowthrone' through to the almighty 'Rebel Extravanganza'), Nile (a band I've been listening to for only 48 hours, but really, really enjoy) most of the time when I'm listening to metal. If you can put your taste in metal somewhere in the vicinity of "No officer, it sounded more like a shopping trolley full of machine guns & onanistic mongoliods in the throes of a cat-rape spasm thundering down a staircase" then I'd very much like to know what you're listening to.
Into a whole bunch of other stuff too, but that's kind of what I'm lacking in mostly. However, what I do have is gonna be slapped up on WinMX whenever I'm online & the list will grow as I garner a decent ripping program from a mate.
Fuck. Long post, sorry. That's me anyway.
Oh, and a thumping hurrah for stuff! Yay.

2003-08-04, 14:35
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you think im gonna read all that?!
no way
welcome anyway

2003-08-04, 14:58
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That's probably one of the best, "Hey I'm new" posts ever. Congratulations for not being a simple-minded fuckwit. So far.

2003-08-04, 15:02
Forum Daemon
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It's interesting, the city or town you live in has a very oldfashioned girl's name for its name.
This entire site's full of onanistic mongoloids, as you could surely see in the RTT if you checked, or the Best Tits thread. There's actually an onanistic cult here, with rituals at least once daily. slayme's in charge of that, ask him if you want to know.

2003-08-04, 15:03
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oh yeah, your name is pretty neat too.

2003-08-04, 15:33
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2003-08-04, 15:40
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I know you haven't been around for awhile, PST so I'll let you know that since you've been away I've passed on my status as leader of the Metaltabs onanistic cult to Darko. I couldn't take the stress, nor could I handle the desensitization anymore.

2003-08-04, 18:11
Forum Daemon
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Is that right? Shit, a lot happens when you leave for seven weeks. Though, I must say, Darko is certainly the right man for the job. I thought that even when you were in charge, but didn't say it for fear of getting the cult on my ass. Because, really, of all the conceivable cults one could have on one's ass, an onanistic one is just bad, among the worst.

2003-08-04, 23:05
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i didn't read it...
but hell anyway, welcome.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-08-05, 02:37
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welcome aboard
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-08-05, 12:10
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Hello, anonymous new person. It is good to see someone else who can use the English language as a weapon.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-08-05, 12:48
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The English language is indeed a nasty little bugger if you can actually get the grumbly old whore of a thing to work properly.
Cheers for the hello's all (even the cult members....who's keyboards [& everything surrounding them] must be truly awful to behold). Huge piss-up at my place on Friday, come along. 

2003-08-05, 17:44
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2003-08-05, 19:48
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What the fuck!?!?!?!?!?!? 
Where's the typical metaltabs-welcome. The welcome that fills my heart with pleasure. The welcome that scare the shit out of the newbies. 
Just because he wrote some sentences more than the others, just because his english is better than mine, just because he can use this langage as a weapon like f_b_s?
OK, his greeting's cool, but he needs it, he deserves it.
Hi, fuckface. Welcome!


2003-08-05, 19:58
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ok let's see, this guy is from Australia, likes metal, is a bit on the kooky side, and uses words like "bugger" and "denizen".
this guy has to be related to far_ beyond_sane, i mean, look at all the similiarities! (denizen???? last time i heard that word it was on Hercules the cartoon show or some crap like that)
i'm thinking he's at least his brother or clone or something.
i'm gonna call this new guy, F_B_S2 or sane2

2003-08-05, 20:02
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2003-08-05, 20:03
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2003-08-05, 20:28
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Originally posted by atifman
i'm thinking he's at least his brother or clone or something.
I thought about that, too.
Perhaps the lost twin of f_b_s. I think it's hard to educate two f_b_s's.
BTW What's denizen!?!?!? 

2003-08-05, 23:51
Forum Daemon
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A denizen is like a resident of a place, or someone who goes there frequently, or, in places with British influence, a foreigner given a right of residency or citizenship. Just think of 'inhabitant' or 'citizen' and you've got pretty much the same idea. Except that it's also used for animals, so it's not quite so highminded as 'citizen.' And it sounds cooler. But all this doesn't matter.
Incidentally, I don't think 'bugger's an especially rare, sanespecific word.

2003-08-06, 02:35
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Originally posted by PST 88
Incidentally, I don't think 'bugger's an especially rare, sanespecific word.
true, but you can't deny the similarities between sane2's and sane1's way of writing stuff.

2003-08-06, 03:27
The Mountie From Hell
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Im with MetalPoldi on the subject of how we treet our newbs.
Hi You Butt Fucking Coon!
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2003-08-06, 06:18
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I am not, repeat, NOT Sane2. Probably more of an insult to him than to myself, but I don't care because this is about me. Granted, I know the guy, but if you look at a fucking map you'll notice that Sydney & Adelaide aren't exactly locked in some sort of border war with one another. Just because I know how to speak using words more than two syllables long doesn't mean I'm related to another person who can do it too...especially that god-damned monster.
Read a fucking book!
PS. I've seen a couple of other 'hello, I'm new' threads, so if you feel the need, bring on the regular billingsgate 

2003-08-06, 06:51
Dog farts
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Adelaide eh.. I'm going to Flinders Uni next year. Need to get out of this shithole of a place, called Tasmania.

2003-08-06, 08:06
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hey cunt, where abouts in adelaide r u from, and does this picture mean anythink to U
run at me

2003-08-06, 09:48
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2003-08-06, 09:53
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 Have fun here, you grammatically correct cunt. 
Only Death Is Real
- Hellhammer
I'll kill Ya, You Bastard!
- Sadistik Exekution
Fuck Off And Die!
- Voivod
Fuck NS Black Metal
- Me

2003-08-06, 10:32
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welcome to the new aussie who joins us
I Seek And Destroy

2003-08-06, 14:07
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Nihilist, yes you do need to get out of Tasmania. I went there once & now I'm me. It is indeed a shithole. Demanufacture, so is that building in the photo. A friend of mine actually lived in the furthest one last year, fell through his floor & also got bitten by a white tailed spider in his bed. A film clip for a local band (can't remember the name, but they have a song called 'McDonalds is Fucking Shit') was filmed in the dungeon..errr, basement too.
Have fun here, you grammatically correct cunt.
Cheers! Shalt 

2003-08-06, 17:47
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Originally posted by Stuff is Great
I am not, repeat, NOT Sane2. Probably more of an insult to him than to myself, but I don't care because this is about me. Granted, I know the guy, but if you look at a fucking map you'll notice that Sydney & Adelaide aren't exactly locked in some sort of border war with one another. Just because I know how to speak using words more than two syllables long doesn't mean I'm related to another person who can do it too...especially that god-damned monster.
if you read between the lines, you can see that,
this only means that the bond is worse.
sane2 has to be conjoined at the hip with sane1!!!
either that, or she's his ex-girlfriend.

2003-08-06, 18:35
Forum Daemon
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To be honest, his way of writing reminds me as much of some of the INFILTRAITOR's posts as of sane's.
It's sad that this forum assumes that there can't be more than one person with good grammar from Australia. I'm not sure who it's sad for, but it's sad. Oh, Christ, is it sad. This is why Jesus wept.

2003-08-06, 22:06
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Originally posted by PST 88
To be honest, his way of writing reminds me as much of some of the INFILTRAITOR's posts as of sane's.
it's not just good grammar, my bro, it's these things:
random swears sprinkled in just the right places:
Originally posted by Stuff is Great
Fucking awesome!
Originally posted by Stuff is Great
Fuck. Long post, sorry.
Originally posted by Stuff is Great
Read a fucking book!
Originally posted by Stuff is Great
look at a fucking map
zany and lengthy descriptions with big words in 'em:
Originally posted by Stuff is Great
sticking to this thing like a cancer to a pop star & haranguing a great many of you .
Originally posted by Stuff is Great
ear-splittingly horrible musical excrement .
Originally posted by Stuff is Great
No officer, it sounded more like a shopping trolley full of machine guns & onanistic mongoliods in the throes of a cat-rape spasm thundering down a staircase.
makes you look up stuff in the dictionary:
Originally posted by Stuff is Great
onanistic mongoliods
Originally posted by Stuff is Great

2003-08-07, 01:26
Forum Daemon
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Which is what I meant, atif. INFILTRAITOR did many of those things. And this is before your time, but Pisschrist did as well. Though he was Australian too, and had an excuse.
Though, for that matter, your list sounds as much like me as any of the other analogies we've drawn.
The point I'm making is to leave the fucking guy alone and quit making him feel like a saneclone after three seconds here. Just call him a cunt, tell him he'll have to suck slayme off to get anything done around here, and let him make inane, instantaneously ridiculed comments about his favorite bands, so he can get on with his life and feel at home like everyone else who feels himself to be of such great importance that his arrival should be accompanied by Annunciation, which, like the original one, should be performed by the Archangel Gabriel.
I'll start the ball rolling: cunt.

2003-08-07, 06:14
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well i have a huge family in adelaide and i dont mind the place myself, in the foto i was refering to the polites sign because they r seen all over adelaide.
run at me

2003-08-07, 14:23
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Originally posted by PST 88
Which is what I meant, atif. INFILTRAITOR did many of those things. And this is before your time, but Pisschrist did as well. Though he was Australian too, and had an excuse.
i remember pisschrist, and i remember Steve's posts, he did some of those things, but not all.
Originally posted by PST 88
Though, for that matter, your list sounds as much like me as any of the other analogies we've drawn.
no, i disagree
Originally posted by PST 88
The point I'm making is to leave the fucking guy alone and quit making him feel like a saneclone after three seconds here. Just call him a cunt, tell him he'll have to suck slayme off to get anything done around here, and let him make inane, instantaneously ridiculed comments about his favorite bands, so he can get on with his life and feel at home like everyone else who feels himself to be of such great importance that his arrival should be accompanied by Annunciation, which, like the original one, should be performed by the Archangel Gabriel.
nah, i ain't gonna call him cunt. i wanna call him sane2!

2003-08-07, 14:26
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Pisschrist kicked ass. This thread however, does not.

2003-08-07, 14:37
bugfucker strikes back.
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I dont know you, but i dont like you.
Eat shit.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2003-08-07, 18:06
Forum Daemon
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The guy does not sound like sane. That is the point I'm making. He doesn't sound like Steve (though he sounds more like Steve's emails than he does like sane's posts, and I can remember specific times where he said almost exactly the same things as Stuff is Great did, which sane never did, except perhaps the comment about cancerridden pop stars, which is no surprise, being as it's a current 'event' in their country), Pisschrist, or myself either. But your little list of traits (random swears, long descriptions with big words, words that make you look in the dictionary) sounds like, and could describe, at one point or another, all of those, and any number of other people who've frequented the forums in the past with a penchant for words and rant that haven't popped into my head.
This thread turned into longest and stupidest of the 'Hey, I'm new, check me out because I found this place much later than you did' threads made. Obviously, new people should be silenced on arrival. Or at least castrated. Something.
Pisschrist did kick ass.

2003-08-07, 20:48
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im with PST

2003-08-07, 20:52
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Atif you have time for response and after that I'm closing this.

2003-08-08, 02:06
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Originally posted by PST 88
The guy does not sound like sane. That is the point I'm making. He doesn't sound like Steve (though he sounds more like Steve's emails than he does like sane's posts, and I can remember specific times where he said almost exactly the same things as Stuff is Great did, which sane never did, except perhaps the comment about cancerridden pop stars, which is no surprise, being as it's a current 'event' in their country), Pisschrist, or myself either. But your little list of traits (random swears, long descriptions with big words, words that make you look in the dictionary) sounds like, and could describe, at one point or another, all of those, and any number of other people who've frequented the forums in the past with a penchant for words and rant that haven't popped into my head.
i may have given an unconvincing "list of traits", but to me it's set in stone, that Stuff Is Great sounds like Sane. that's just what i think, and i think it's fun to call him Sane2, regardless, at least because he knows sane and is from australia. that's my reasoning.

2003-08-08, 05:07
You gamma-minus fucktards
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ENOUGH! You retarded herb of inebriated simian miscreants!
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."
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