2003-08-05, 01:48
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 15
Cradle Of Filth
Cna you all help me? My friend got this cd burnt for him and I know it's COF but I don't know which album it has this chant that says: "Ark Angel, Dark Angel lend me thy light threw death's something until we have Heaven in sight" and the last song has an intro that sound alot like Hellraiser voice please help me out 

2003-08-05, 01:52
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2003-08-05, 06:40
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the last song is "her ghost in the fog"

2003-08-05, 09:13
New Blood
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/\ Nay, the last song is "Tortured Soul Aslylum" ...isnt it?
I have no Sig.

2003-08-05, 09:51
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her ghost in the fog was number 8 of the album

2003-08-05, 10:01
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anyway it's midian...
threads like 'Cradle of Filth' should be forbidden!
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-08-05, 18:08
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 15
thanks you guys and by the way no COF posts should not be forbidden from being post they should be encouraged more like they are an exceptional band with more talent in their fart than most people could ever dream of!!!
But thanks again like I said it was a burnt cd so I didn't know but I got Damnation in a Day first wich is an great album but I think midian is better in some asspect...


2003-08-05, 22:20
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I meant that there are 2000 threads called Cradle of Filth cheesedick...
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2003-08-06, 10:44
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Listen to Sanderinos, there are way too many fuckin threads just called Cradle of Filth and shit. If I was to make 30 posts about different bands but call them all metal, people would get pissed.
And in my opinion, if you're looking for talent in a band, try Blind Guardian. They should be encouraged, as they have more talent in a fart than Dani Filth couldever dream of.
Stand your ground behind the times
And refuse to follow fashion
Write your poetry in anger
And then sing it with a passion
Painted faces in a circus
Images they brings to mind
When I read my Penny Dreadful
Filled with pictures of your kind

2003-08-06, 10:59
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I agree... allthough its a totally different ballgame 
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2003-08-06, 15:02
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Talented or not, get 'Vempire' (it's an enourmously gay name, but believe me, it's not too bad an album) & 'Dusk & Her Embrace'. They shit all over Midian...unless of course you're just into purely brutal shit.

2003-08-06, 20:12
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by Stuff is Great
Talented or not, get 'Vempire' (it's an enourmously gay name, but believe me, it's not too bad an album) & 'Dusk & Her Embrace'. They shit all over Midian...unless of course you're just into purely brutal shit.
i thought it was supposed to be called V Empire. V being 5 in roman numerals

2003-08-07, 03:20
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Never really thought about it.....hmmmm, I'll have a look at the cd cover tonight & get back to you. It could un-gayify at least one aspect of Dani Filth's life.

2003-08-07, 06:19
Originally posted by mrweijia
i thought it was supposed to be called V Empire. V being 5 in roman numerals
no, i read in an interview that its actually Vempire.

2003-08-07, 06:29
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I thought it was both V empire and vempire sort of like a name with two meanings

2003-08-07, 11:33
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it is both... and the best album they'll ever make...
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2003-08-08, 09:54
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Fair enough. I couldn't tell by looking at the cover, it's so annoyingly suggestive of both, that I believe you. So it's still officially a flagrantly homosexual name for an album. But yeah, it's really nutty: all thrash-speed & crazy lyrics, however I've gotta go for 'Dusk & Her Embrace' myself. Seriously well-written stuff.

2003-08-08, 11:18
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Cruelty nd the best was also great!!

2003-08-09, 09:10
New Blood
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Posts: 23
A lot of their stuff seem to have double meanings, well i can think of "bitter suites to succubi"
explaination (for dopes) - "bitter suites" - bitter sweets? maybe. A suite is also a class of composition aswell i think. Then u got those bitter sweets "to succubi"... suck? maybe? I mean sucking sweets seems faesable doesnt it. A Succubi is also a type of female demon. Im not sure if its a female vampire, but its definately some type of demon.
Then a load of their lyrics are full of double meanings. On Midian it is mostly all double entendre.
I have no Sig.

2003-08-09, 10:32
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Posts: 64
Has anyone heard cradles really early stuff like their demo's?? I got this collectors CD of a live performance in germany and the demo's on it are really death metal, the rule!!!
..............................................................................That night he drove to the graveyard and dug up her lifeless body, he then eagerly returned home, positioned the corpse in his bed, and after almost forty years of celibacy, thusly began his first intimate aquantence with the feamale gender. Gein found the corpse so sexually stimulating that he ended up eating parts of the body, and making a waistecoat of the skin, so he could wear it and become a woman whenever he wanted to .......................................................................................... ..........

2003-08-09, 15:19
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
Originally posted by Lucky_13
A lot of their stuff seem to have double meanings, well i can think of "bitter suites to succubi"
explaination (for dopes) - "bitter suites" - bitter sweets? maybe. A suite is also a class of composition aswell i think. Then u got those bitter sweets "to succubi"... suck? maybe? I mean sucking sweets seems faesable doesnt it. A Succubi is also a type of female demon. Im not sure if its a female vampire, but its definately some type of demon.
Then a load of their lyrics are full of double meanings. On Midian it is mostly all double entendre.
a succubi, or succubus singular, is the devil's whore

2003-08-18, 11:21
Join Date: Jul 2002
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you really are a succubi Weija....
And with memnoch being the devil.... you are memnoch's whore!
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-08-24, 20:11
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The track that chants "Arch angel dark angel lend me thy light" is called Satanic Mantra. The last song on the album is Tortured soul asylum.
I finally get to see them live Tuesday on Ozzfest. I have been waiting almost ten years for this. I hope they do well. But I am more looking forward to seeing Hypocrisy this winter. They fucking own!
Blizzard Beast
Suck a turd to a point and stab yourself with it..

Last edited by Blizzard Beast : 2003-08-24 at 20:13.

2003-08-24, 21:08
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What makes CoF not black metal
1. female vocals
2. mtv play time
3. christian band members
4. dani filth ahs a wife, through christian marriage
5. their song structures are more pop sounding
6. gayness in the keyboard area, utterly gay
7. oh yeah and dani filth has a dildo
hell, you can't even call CoF metal!
Feel the ancient rite!

2003-08-24, 21:13
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,216
Originally posted by Pentacle
What makes CoF not black metal
1. female vocals
2. mtv play time
3. christian band members
4. dani filth ahs a wife, through christian marriage
5. their song structures are more pop sounding
6. gayness in the keyboard area, utterly gay
7. oh yeah and dani filth has a dildo
hell, you can't even call CoF metal!
You, good sir dyke, are a chode. Take twenty sleeping pills and die in the morning.

2003-08-24, 21:17
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If you want to torture me, let me hear some CoF tunes
Feel the ancient rite!

2003-08-25, 00:06
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Originally posted by Pentacle
What makes CoF not black metal
1. female vocals
2. mtv play time
3. christian band members
4. dani filth ahs a wife, through christian marriage
5. their song structures are more pop sounding
6. gayness in the keyboard area, utterly gay
7. oh yeah and dani filth has a dildo
hell, you can't even call CoF metal!
So if you're a Christian you can't do black metal, black metal is a style of bloody music not a fucking cult.
Although i do agree, cradle of filth are in no way black metal (their early stuff was though) in my opinion i would say they were symphonic rock, but what ever style their music is you can't take away the fact that their a good band.

2003-08-25, 05:23
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Pentacle just shut up. Your sexist, prejudice, and ignorant reply just shows how close minded u r. So u elt MTV decide whats hip and whats not? OOOO MTV plays COF.... i cant listen to them now. Learn to make your own choices. And if your gonna bash sum1 because they belive in christianity then stop listen to slayer if u do cause tom is christian. Personally im Athiest and give a fuck what u belvie in... its all seems to fictional for me, but that dosent mean im gona try and force my view on them because "Im right" or w/e b/s i wanna make up. Next time think b4 u say sumthing stupid like that.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-08-25, 08:30
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djeez, it was only some list I got from the internet. Don't make such a point of it!
O, my own choice? The band sucks
Feel the ancient rite!

2003-08-25, 08:38
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I still think it´s black metal... but sucky black metal....
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2003-08-25, 20:32
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Pentacle you are so right dude!
Fuck those fucking horny cuntheads \m/

2003-08-25, 22:48
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By the way, congratulations to Bassdumbass4235630234942 for making the 5th thread entitled Cradle Of Filth in the band forum.

2003-08-28, 21:48
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i saw cof last year at the english ozzfest, they sucked dick. They were real bad and it rained whilst they were playin
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2003-08-28, 23:13
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Originally posted by Straker
Has anyone heard cradles really early stuff like their demo's?? I got this collectors CD of a live performance in germany and the demo's on it are really death metal, the rule!!!
yeah i got "total fucking darkness"

2003-09-01, 20:11
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 23
Wow, what a crap set of reasons!!! Black Metal is a type of music, only 3 of them had anything to do with music. As for all the shit to do with religion, i dont think people really understand what they are messing with personally, a lot of it is to do with image in my opinion. MTV choose to play their music .... MTV choose to play lots of bands and dont give me no sellout shit cos its one of the most retarded aspects of metal music ever. Gayness in Keyboard area ... howabout NO, Fool. Keyboards add so much depth to the type of music they play, symphonic/melodic black whatever, its all good. And Dani has a Dildo - my review of that reason .... Ding ding Shit, You are a loser. and cradle own.
I have no Sig.

2003-11-13, 23:18
New Blood
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2003-11-13, 23:20
New Blood
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I go to Valley Christian Highschool in San Jose CA and i got introuble for my cradle of filth pictures on my binder that school sucks ass

2003-11-14, 19:30
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black crap metal, period
nachos! hmmhmmhee

2003-11-14, 20:21
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The name of the song is Satanis Mantra or if you downloaded it... Satanic Mantra. I agree Cradle of Filth does suck. They were tryin to be black metal... and it failed. I cant stand the fucking high pitched scream. They are a bunch of MTV lovin wusses.
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