I didn't remember writing this. I just found it within my archieves so I thought I'd share it. Just remember it was written by a girl -type person. And it's sort of one of THOSE pieces.......

but somebody may write like that about you someday. Thanks for reading and constructive comments always appreciated.
"A Song to a Knight"
Just when I thought there was no tomorrow ,
A knight so bold offered me his hand,
He took me to a castle lonely -
And told me his demands.
He said he wanted to stay forever
In my arms so warm,
And in exchange he'd keep me safe
And keep me from all harm.
I looked into his eyes of blue
And soon I faded fast.
Into the morning mist I went,
Speechless as in the past.
I wanted to say what I could not
Because my heart was torn.
And I scowled and pursed my lips in torment-
Of ideas he had borne.
Because this knight of strength so true
Held captive my heart in hand,
I felt the radiant glow of love
Coming from this man.
"I cannot stay with you right now ,"
I sadly said to him.
It seemed a lifetime I had waited.
It may not come again.
But I said I would always have
A spark inside my soul.
And I would keep it ever there
Til my heart grows cold.
Someday I may have his heart by mine
In more than just my dreams,
But dreams are all I have right now.
Will he feel the same for me?