2003-08-10, 14:50
New Blood
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Some tips on how to Play Death metal

2003-08-10, 15:00
New Blood
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oh an can u guys tell me the names some good Death metal bands
 ola xxx

2003-08-10, 17:07
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play fast
play well
and listen to nile, cannibal corpse, gorguts, cephalic carnage although the last two were more grindcore than death

2003-08-10, 20:50
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If your going to tune that low just listen to Nile.
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2003-08-10, 21:37
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and Anal Cunt 

2003-08-11, 07:44
you need to play fast use trills be accurate use power chords and pinch harmonics listen to these bands Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Hate Eternal Cyrptopsy, Deicde, Nile
BTW u should try and put a solo if u want to write a whole song 

2003-08-13, 09:01
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fast, faster and fastest. speed. youre gonna need speed
listen to immolation, suffocation, cryptopsy, nile, mortician, napalm death, nasum, etc
i like 12yo blonde russian skoolgirls but INTERPOL thinks im skum

2003-08-14, 05:39
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dont tune to fucking A, that's just gay. Don't go for low/heavy = good.. higher pitched technical shit is always better.. with some low tremelo shit thrown in as well.. minor scales sound great.. but just use those as guides..
"Like a slow scenery
I'm losing all my faith
In lifeless motion
You're walking like you're dead"

2003-08-20, 03:56
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good luck making one big noise in A by playing fast and low

2003-08-20, 04:24
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Tremolo picked scales in C# tuning is key to death metal IMO
Is your head up your ass for the fucking warmth?
Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks.

2003-08-20, 18:57
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if you have a metronome, or beat machine, set it really fast like a blast beat and practice going up and down scales, minor scales seem to sound best. once you have that kind of speed and accuracy play palm muted power chords and stuff
play some shit like that^ really f'n fast and throw in little sqeals(pinchharmonics) and leads.
i wouldn't suggest tuning that low for death metal, unless it's on a baritone, they have longer necks and are ment for that, if its just a normal guitar, with thick gauge strings and tuned really low, its gonna sound like a low meshy noise. i wouldn't tune any lower than Db, usually thats when things get mushy(plus i have a floydrose).
also sweep out the mids and crank the lows and highs for a good scooped distortion sound.

2003-08-22, 00:08
New Blood
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You definitely have to listen to Deicide. they are the heaviest band out there, they made Death metal what it is today.

2003-08-30, 07:32
New Blood
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i doubt youd be able to play much tuning down to a!!!! geez! and i thought the likes of carcass and soilwork tuning down to b were crazy!! all your strings will just flap make noise and go out of tune surely?
Im in a band and we tune the guitar to d (not drop d). Try bands such as carcass and soilwork, at the gates, and the haunted possibly.

2003-08-31, 18:54
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If your tuning to A, you'll need thicker strings and that will just make it harder to play because your probabaly used to normal strings. so i agree with the others.. FUCK A TUNING
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I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-09-07, 13:41
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally posted by GoredFaces
and Anal Cunt
Brutal Truth is better.
Grindcore makes my penis sad.... 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2003-09-17, 07:02
New Blood
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waw...Maybe you shoud use c-tuning. you can take than really good sound and really heavy. In Flames used it on "The Jester Race"(Moonchild, for example). And it was very fuckin' good!!! Good luck anyway
Russian metal forever!!!!

2003-09-18, 04:39
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Ya, my band uses C tuning and with .56's it the sound is fine. This comment is almost a disgrace to death metal but I'd say DM is the easiest music to write. Anything and I mean anything will work for it. Just get some really fucking heavy dist., fuck around with some random notes in a scale, adding a tremolo here, a chord there and pinch harmonic there. Once you play it for awhile you will realize it is very easy to do. 
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2003-10-20, 11:19
New Blood
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Some tips on how to Play Death metal
I know alot of people have talked about the different tunings required to play death metal, but the best tuning is BEADGBE for death metal, as chords sound brutal as well as being able to play highly technical stuff.

2003-10-23, 18:04
New Blood
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Originally posted by Alothrysis
Ya, my band uses C tuning and with .56's it the sound is fine. This comment is almost a disgrace to death metal but I'd say DM is the easiest music to write. Anything and I mean anything will work for it. Just get some really fucking heavy dist., fuck around with some random notes in a scale, adding a tremolo here, a chord there and pinch harmonic there. Once you play it for awhile you will realize it is very easy to do.
Yeah man, but it's different for those of us who have been playing death metal for years and years. It does get easier with time, but just try explaining it to someone with no DM experience, it is pretty hard music to play. My advice is to just do what sounds good to you , dont worry about music "labels" and shit like that

2003-10-23, 21:31
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Re: Some tips on how to Play Death metal
Originally posted by heavydutyscarifier
I know alot of people have talked about the different tunings required to play death metal, but the best tuning is BEADGBE for death metal, as chords sound brutal as well as being able to play highly technical stuff.
not everyone has or wants a 7 STRING..
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-10-23, 21:38
New Blood
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what most of everyone is saying is right, but the main part of learning to play death metal (almost 90% of it) is just listening to the music and picking out the guitar pieces. BTW that In Flames song someone was referring to was "Moonshield" not, "Moonchild". Some great guitar-oriented bands in heavier/death/melodic death metal are from the Scandinavian countries. I'd recommend Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, Opeth, Children of Bodom, Immortal, Decapitated, Dimmu Borgir, and Old Man's Child to start. Death Metal has some of the best trained musicians out there right now, especially if they are classically trained musicians that don't stick just to distortion-powered death metal. When musicians do acoustic/classical pieces or work them into the metal, it usually ends up really good.
Mr. Anderson...
I am the alpha | of your omega
I am the beginning | of your end
-So sayeth the Smith

2003-11-05, 02:54
New Blood
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Bah...i play death metal with the normal tunning (eBGDAE) and it is so fuckin nice....
The sound like great and it does not sound like hardcore or another shit 'cuz the riffs are elaborated for death metal...and not for hardcore....hardcore sux
Metall 'Till Death

2003-11-11, 17:33
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i usually play in c or b. like darko said, if your tuning that low, listen to some nile, or malignancy, but that shits not easy by anymeans. i first started playing some at the gates tunes and then some dying fetus. learn some of their songs to get the feel of the style and work from there. after getting used to it the style will grow on you. use a lot of tremolo picking, hammer on pull offs, palm muted notes, harmonics, shit like that.
a few songs to start off with:
at the gates - cold
at the gates - blinded by fear
dying fetus - vengeance unleashed
dying fetus - grotesque impalement
cephalic carnage - black metal sabbath
anything by six feet under is easy
nachos! hmmhmmhee
Last edited by shredder : 2003-11-11 at 17:38.

2004-03-31, 16:54
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2004-03-31, 18:37
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I use standard tuning and I can lay out some killer Death metal riffs. Basically all you need is a good distortion and then just make up a riff. I use a lot of trills and tremelo picking. PINCH HARMONICS use a lot of those too. A lot of palm muting aswell. Riff should sound like-- dun dun dun weee (PH) dun di do dun doodley doodley (trill) dididididiidododododod (tremelo picking) DO DO!
This is my signature.
Last edited by CANNIBALCORPSE : 2004-03-31 at 21:01.

2004-03-31, 21:31
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Riff should sound like-- dun dun dun weee (PH) dun di do dun doodley doodley (trill) dididididiidododododod (tremelo picking) DO DO!
Basicly thats also the way you learn how to growl
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-03-31, 21:36
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listen to these death metal songs
-Im going to rape my mom by jesus bitchslapper
-cut off your buttocks and wear it as a hat by the rapers
-impale your brothers and sisters by family murderer
OR you could just listen to yngwie malmsteen, jason becker, michael angelo, or marty friedman for some REAL talent. Why sing when it sounds like a looonnnngg burp?

2004-03-31, 22:25
Dog farts
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Shut up, you fucking idiot.

2004-03-31, 22:33
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uh oh we got a raging metalhead on our hands

2004-03-31, 23:12
Dog farts
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Raging metalhead? Oh, how witty!

2004-03-31, 23:55
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Your 13 Shred, your musically taste will soon realize how redundant shred is. You don't need to buy a Yngwei or Angelo album when you can download one song and get the whole album. Technical talent dosen't equal good songs either.
Anyway, this thread is gone.
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i'm so bonery
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