2003-08-11, 14:43
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Corona, California
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Ian RObinson wearing a DEICIDE shirt?
Today while I was surfing channels I saw that one prick wearing a
DEICIDE shirt. I got all crazy and my dad told me that its not a big
deal. But it IS! He was on after a stupid AFI song was being played,
now there's gonna be dumass punkers and more nu metallers listening
to DEICIDE. And how dare they mention Morbid Angel in one of their TV shows.
Boycott MTV!
I suck at guitar.

2003-08-11, 15:00
Dog farts
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Yeah, well.. one of those Static-X guys loves Decapitated. I don't see the big deal, dude.

2003-08-11, 15:03
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that dude likes all kinds of metal.
on saturday he was talking about how he liked the new Superjoint Ritual album, but didn't like the first one as much.

2003-08-11, 15:06
Forum Daemon
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Damn. Morbid Angel, getting exposure? This is terrible! How could they do that? I mean, does this mean they might make more money? Ugh, the agony of it.
Why don't people understand: it doesn't matter who likes the goddamn band so long as it's good.

2003-08-11, 17:43
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Metal shirts are actually "in style" now. I see them all the time on MTV and I doubt that many people are into metal.

2003-08-11, 20:39
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Re: Ian RObinson wearing a DEICIDE shirt?
Originally posted by Bones98
Today while I was surfing channels I saw that one prick wearing a
DEICIDE shirt. I got all crazy and my dad told me that its not a big
deal. But it IS! He was on after a stupid AFI song was being played,
now there's gonna be dumass punkers and more nu metallers listening
to DEICIDE. And how dare they mention Morbid Angel in one of their TV shows.
Boycott MTV!
Now I agree that metal really dosen't have a place on mainstream T.V. (i.e. MTV) but
you do the same thing when you where a shirt. It is possible that he does like the band, or mabye he dosen't. In the long run this metal shit isn't going to stay underground forever. And there are always going to be stupid people lisining to metal thinking that because they do, they are more preponderant than others.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-08-11, 21:07
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Bones, you are such a dumb fuckhead. A few weeks ago you were talking about how you, yourself were turned onto Hate Eternal by MTV2. I responded with the a post about how MTV, MTV2, and any other major TV station should not be playing these videos because of how fag MTV kids will jump onto the bandwagon. But unlike you, I don't believe in botcotting MTV because Ian wears a Deicide shirt. I Believe in boycotting MTV because they play the same 5 rap and pop videos and have nothing worth watching. Oh and why in hell would you stop and watch MTV when a AFI video was on, then keep it on long enough for the video to end? I hate to use the poser, but that is just what you are.

2003-08-11, 23:41
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how about this:
I saw a Deicide skateboard in the mall


2003-08-12, 00:02
Forum Daemon
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How about this:
I was driving home today and saw a Deicide billboard on the highway. It said:
'Hey, fag MTV kids and poseurs! Here's a bandwagon to jump on!'
It seemed to work. I stopped off at the record store which was conveniently located at the next exit, and went inside, to get, let's say, the new Superjoint Ritual. It was fucking packed, just full of kids wearing shirts or hats proudly displaying 'I'm a fag MTV kid!' or 'I'm a poseur!', and what do you think they were all doing? That's right, asking, pleading, imploring the owner to sell them Deicide. Which he did, because, expecting, as he did due to a massive conspiracy, the sudden boost in Deicide sales, he had, as a good businessman should and would do, stocked up on Deicide records. They all left at the same time, both as eachother and as myself (I, incidentally, realized that I'd already BOUGHT the new Superjoint Ritual, and had in fact listened to it on the car ride over, which made my face a tad bit red, let me tell you), and, as I got into my car, I could see them all piling together on a large and elaborately decorated wagon, such as you might see a band ride in a parade (in fact, it was quite similar to one I'd seen in the parade yesterday, as I realized later when I drove home. But, really, I'm talking about the future ride home here, while I'm still in the parking lot watching the kids pile up, so let's return to that and let the ride home show up when it should, chronologically, which is, incidentally, after the whole of this particular anecdote is over. An anachronism can really ruin the feel, don't you think?), which, as it was driven off, blasting Deicide from megaspeakers, I could see was being driven by that one prick, you know, the fat guy with no hair - what's his name? - who, anyway, was honking and laughing at people he drove by, who then jumped onto the back of the wagon. It was an odd sight, let me tell you. He said something about it being Morbid Angel next week. When I started to drive off, the only thing I could think was: 'Buncha savages in this town.'

2003-08-12, 00:05
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PST your posts are so unanswerable

2003-08-12, 01:42
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i think its weird how some people buy shirts and mention all these bands and the're not even into the music, that's fucked up
Aly Lys Er Svunnet Hen
( All light has faded)
- Dimmu Borgir

2003-08-12, 04:16
Supreme Metalhead
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Bones - ian's only been a metalhead for how long? just cause he's on MTV doesn't mean he's not cool. Him and his buddy's use to host a latenight New York City TV show that played nothing but metal videos. Let the man do what he wants.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-08-12, 05:11
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Originally posted by Jose Arriaga
i think its weird how some people buy shirts and mention all these bands and the're not even into the music, that's fucked up
HAHA...Some guys with a Meshuggah t shirt that Marilyn MAnson was black metal.
But also look at Deicide, they're Black Death Metal, Ian probably doesn't
know what he is listening to and so do some kids who supposably listen to Misfits.
(Alot of punk poser have been wearing misfits.) Also, Misfits is one of my favorite bands and when I see kids wearing those shirts and saying Danzig sucks,
I just get mad because the new Misfits actually sucks. One time some
girl also pretended to be black metal and she would blabour about
Godhead and The Black Dahlia.. Later I corrected her that Godhead was a
stupid ass wanna be goth band and that The Black Dahlia.. are a dope ass
death metal band.
I suck at guitar.

2003-08-12, 05:13
Join Date: Nov 2002
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Originally posted by artofnothing6
Bones - ian's only been a metalhead for how long? just cause he's on MTV doesn't mean he's not cool. Him and his buddy's use to host a latenight New York City TV show that played nothing but metal videos. Let the man do what he wants.
Just that now at school I have seen stupid Linkin Park fan come
up to me and my friends talking about Morbid Angel and Suffocation.
And I'm not saying Ian is bad person, he seems pretty cool and stuff,
but MTV have brainwashed him, lets head out and save this debilatated man..
I suck at guitar.

2003-08-12, 11:47
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This thread should have been over after PST's first post. What are you doing watching MTV anyway, Bones? It seems like you, and alot of other "metalheads" are no different than the average numbskull that sits down to watch TRL anyway.
I know alot of you are young, and that definitely contributes to the whole, "they can't listen to/wear that/etc because it's mine and i'm elite!" factor quite a bit. STOP worrying about what other people like, or whether you think they're a fucking poser for listening to your precious obscure metal, put your fucking stereo on and have a good time!!

2003-08-12, 11:52
Join Date: Jul 2002
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to hook in on the topic of posers: I saw a shirt with FUCK POSERS on the back at wacken and it turned out to Iced Earth!! It would be even more funny if it was a Cradle of filth shirt 
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-08-12, 13:47
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Wow, I'm wearing a Bon Jovi shirt right now. What a coincidence.
Fuck this topic! Fuck you for even making it a topic! Fuck debating it! Fuck the pose of debating pose! Fuck conformity! Fuck conforming to non-conformity! Fuck everyone on television!
Boycott MTV! Boycott ALL bands! If they were good enough, they wouldn't be on TV in the first place! How DARE anyone ever get exposure??!! How DARE trends change? How dare people change them?
And fuck you.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."
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