2003-08-17, 13:55
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Look out behind you! That monkey has a knife!
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Freddy vs. Jason ruled!
I just saw it last night. It was really great, though the part with the teens sucked cuz they can't act. Plus what they did made no sense. However, the parts with Freddy and Jason made the movie very worth while. It takes over an hour though before they even fight.
The theater was packed, which was a good sign, maybe they will continue with both franchises for a little longer.
Best line in the whole movie was after Jason kills a bunch of people, this stoner goes "Oh man, that goalie was pissed off."
They killing scenes are very well done and Robert Englund really steals the show as Freddy, since he is the only one of the two who talk.
The movie has everything someone would want with these two horror stars. The classic Jason suspense music, Freddy's endless supply of one liners, some very brutal death scenes, the classic boiler room where Freddy's dream victims go, lots of humor (very funny ending), and some cannon fodder teens. I actually thought that the plot was very well done, it was the best you could do to have it make any sense. It just that it was poorly delivered by the teens.
By the way, the teenage girls breasts where so exageratted by skimpy clothes and focused on by camera angles the audience actually burst into laughter many times.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-08-17, 15:29
Supreme Metalhead
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i actually had the pleasure of seeing it 7 p.m. opening day. I fucking loved it, I've been waiting fucking 4 years (i'm a huge Friday The 13th fan, so i've known about how they've wanted to make this movie for heaps of time). The stupid teens, thats just natuaral freddy and jason movies. I don't know much about the freddy movies but the nudie scenes and the camera angles and skimpy clothes on the teen star was just natuaral in jason movies, they wouldn't be the same without that and the killing.
I saw it with my dad and he never really liked either horror star's movies before this, but this one imprressed him.
I thought the fire scene out in the party was fucking spectacular. When jason was on fire, i was just thinking "hey, it looks like a train, only instead of smoke being blown, its fire".
all in all
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-08-17, 17:04
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Ireland
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Serious? Its good? Cool, I was worried it would be shit, but how does Jason get into dreams? Thats the only place freddy exists.
Home of Irish METAL
\m/ Randy Rhoads (RIP), Zakk Wylde, Dimebag, Kirk Hammet( RIP good solos), Jimmy Page, Tony Iommi \m/
My favourite bands- In Flames, Opeth, Tool, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Slayer, old Metallica, Meshuggah, Sepultura, Rammstein, Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Ozzy, Black Label Society, Down, Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath, Black Fucking Sabbath.
My faith is in whiskey and weed and BLACK SABBATH! Its goddamn electric!!

2003-08-17, 17:25
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Its too bad it wasnt a 3-way with Micheal Myers 

2003-08-17, 18:32
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Jason gets hit with a mega dose of tranquilizers. He falls unconcious and Freddy takes him into the boiler room nightmare, where they fight. Then when Freddy finds out Jason's fears, he kicks his ass all over the place.
Just like in the first Freddy movie though, Freddy can come into the real world. In the first one, Heather Langencamp booby traps her house, and falls asleep with a watch alarm set at 10 minutes or so. Freddy then chases her around in her nightmare for awhile, but when there is only like 10 seconds left, she tackles him and holds on. When she wakes up, she takes Freddy with her. They use the same tactics in Freddy vs. Jason.
Type O Negative's new album is played in the movie, the song is "(We were) Electrocute".
Mike Myers wouldn't mix well in a crossover. Freddy and Jason really mix well together.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-08-17, 20:41
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 415
It was all good until that new metal song started playing when they fought. It started off as a really damn good horror flick that felt like an old freddy movie, but progressively got worse. Better than all the other "horror" movies released these days. Ending was dumb though.
"Like a slow scenery
I'm losing all my faith
In lifeless motion
You're walking like you're dead"

2003-08-17, 22:13
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who won?

2003-08-17, 22:37
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haha, society's finest, pay your damn 7.50 to see it.
i thought the very end was quite funny. And who cares if they played some nu-metal song. I'd rather hear that than other bullshit songs in movies these days, quit yapping.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-08-17, 22:59
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I wasn't gonna see it, but know I got interested....
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-08-18, 00:54
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Posts: 415
the nu-metal song was cheesy as hell and made it feel like any other new horror movie.
"Like a slow scenery
I'm losing all my faith
In lifeless motion
You're walking like you're dead"

2003-08-18, 04:58
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Look out behind you! That monkey has a knife!
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Originally posted by societys finest
who won?
Well, obviously neither franchise would want their character to lose, so I knew from the moment I first saw the trailer that it would be a tie.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-08-18, 06:32
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i just saw it at like 8pm last night. It wasnt scarey because i mean come on, it just wasnt. But i liked the gore and killing, it was hot.
"Could god Microwave a burrito so hot, that he himself could not eat it?"

2003-08-18, 07:03
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Originally posted by ArkaneSoul88
i just saw it at like 8pm last night. It wasnt scarey because i mean come on, it just wasnt. But i liked the gore and killing, it was hot.
1) not many freddy or jason movies are that scary
2) "it was hot" is a very wiggerish statement.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-08-18, 09:45
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I thought it sucked and it ruined all the other classic films

2003-08-18, 17:51
Die Young.
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I enjoyed it, more comedy than horror though.
"How sweet...Dark Meat!" - Freddy before he kills that black bitch.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2003-08-18, 19:41
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Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
Well, obviously neither franchise would want their character to lose, so I knew from the moment I first saw the trailer that it would be a tie.
that means sequal, which is dumb. they will ruin it.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-08-19, 18:46
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it was an okay movie, the sexy teens really kicked it up a notch by exposing their hoo-has. otherwise, the movie wouldn't be as good.
the stoner dude totally reminded me of Jay from Jay and Silent Bob
Last edited by atifman : 2003-08-19 at 22:56.

2003-08-21, 19:05
Join Date: Jul 2002
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So, did the movie make a lot of money? I saw it on Saturday and had seen S.W.A.T. the day before (that movie sucked), and both times, FvJ was packed out.
The breats were very much so a focal point of the movie. Those were some very thought out camera angles. The audience laughed quite a bit at some of the camera shots.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-08-21, 22:30
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Re: Freddy vs. Jason ruled!
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
By the way, the teenage girls breasts where so exageratted by skimpy clothes and focused on by camera angles the audience actually burst into laughter many times.
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
The breats were very much so a focal point of the movie. Those were some very thought out camera angles. The audience laughed quite a bit at some of the camera shots.
you just can't stop thinking about their boobs eh?
i gotta admit, there were some nice boob shots. like when the chick is taking a shower when her boyfriend dies, you get a bird's eye view. i thought that was creative.
i wonder if i can find naked pics of that girl "Lori" played by Monica Keena. 
Last edited by atifman : 2003-08-21 at 22:33.

2003-08-21, 22:36
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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No offence but some of you sound like you need to get laid.

Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2003-08-21, 23:33
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
So, did the movie make a lot of money? I saw it on Saturday and had seen S.W.A.T. the day before (that movie sucked), and both times, FvJ was packed out.
The week it came out it made 36 million, and the closest movie to it only made like 16 or 18. I remember hearing that while watching CNN.
Fender0823: ok here's a good one.........
Fender0823: what if u could have all the babes u wanted in ur bed, but once a month u had to wear a shirt in public that said "I like my men in short shorts" would u do it
Fender0823: :-X god im scary
Fender0823: lol
Fender0823: this is what alcohol does to me.
Ulimnar: hell yeah i would, lol, that'd be hilarious
Fender0823: lmfao!!!!!!!
Fender0823: hahahahahahaha
Fender0823: can i put this in my sig on metaltabs
Fender0823: lololol
Ulimnar: but I'd also carry a gun for any homos that took it seriously
"Wally Leaves us officially" - Ulimnar: lol I think it'll work now...goodbye man
Ulimnar signed off at 10:09:37 PM.

2003-08-22, 02:48
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Originally posted by BassBehemoth
No offence but some of you sound like you need to get laid.
aye it's true. i don't know many other forums that have a Nicest tits thread like we do.

2003-08-22, 03:11
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Yeah, I read on CNN.com that it made 36 million, it topped the box office. In second place was S.W.A.T. with 18 million.
In funnier news, the movie Grind opened to 2.6 million.
Oh, and the other big news is......
This is really exciting, I saw this trailer when I saw FvJ. A few teens are in a van driving down a backroad, when they see a girl walking on the side. At that point I knew EXACTLY what it was. The girl is sorta shocked, just saying "They're all dead".
C'mon, you guys might be able to gues what it is...........
Then the teens find an old house in the middle of nowhere. No one seems to be home, so they enter.
Ok, I think most of you should know what it is by now......
There is a whole psycho family at the house, topped off with the crossdressing Leatherface. One of the scariest parts in the trailer was seeing a close-up of the Mom saying "My, oh my, oh my..."
It looks great.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-08-22, 03:17
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its not a new one, its the remake, i saw that too. Did you see the Scary Movie 3 trailer? that's gonna be the fucking shit.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-08-22, 03:25
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You have got to be kidding me....... that fucking sucks worse than having a date with a hot chick, and only having a Manowar shirt to wear.
That is horrible.
It blows.
I want my money back.
Your fired.
Go home.
There is no "I" in "Teamwork".
Oh well, maybe I'll still go see it. SM3 looks ok. It's kinda funny how they make fun of such a variety of movies.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-08-22, 04:26
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nah, it's gonna be good this time, i hear that the wayans brothers have nothing to do with this one.

2003-09-06, 01:41
New Blood
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Freddy vs Jason Ruled!!!!
Freddy is awsome and jason kicks major ass.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre looks good.
Did anybody see House of A Thousand Corpes?
What did u think?
"If it is to loud then your to old" - Airheads
"Bad guys wear black" - Pantera

2003-09-06, 04:44
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i saw freddy vs jason last sunday and it kicked ass great gore and lots of good boobs
Texas Chainsaw Massacre looks good.
yes it does
Did anybody see House of A Thousand Corpes?
yeah it wa ok,kind of stupid though

2003-09-06, 04:48
I am a tax on the world..
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Dude...House was fucking HI-larious and awesome.
And I hated the first TCMassacre, I thought it was gay and senseless.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-10-06, 08:30
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It was awesome! I need to watch more splatter movies! 
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-10-06, 22:27
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texas chainsaw massacre is fucking awesome! 
Rush 30th Anniversary Tour 0wns y0u!


2003-10-06, 22:49
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i wanna see house of the dead that movie looks bad ass 
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