2003-08-19, 02:19
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Wasted fucking Talent
Who do you think is wasting or has wasted they're talent?
For example:
In my opinion, the guitarist in the band with Kid Rock is wasting his talent playing with that fucking douche bag. He's a great guitarist but how can he expect to be recognized as one when Kid Cock raps over his solos. Another wasted talent is Shadows Fall, the whole band except the singer. They have what it takes to be a great melodic deathmetal band, hell, maybe even the next CoB or Nevermore, but their vocalist completely fucks everything up with his lame ass hardcore vox.
State your opinions
Is your head up your ass for the fucking warmth?
Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks.

2003-08-19, 02:43
Forum Daemon
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My opinion: Bands. Goddammit, think before you post or don't post.

2003-08-19, 03:07
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Um, that one dude...whats his name? He's in Creed. The guitar player. I think I've seen him bust out some solos on some show but I don't hear it in the music.
My friend says that blonde haired guitarist in Marylin Manson is good but doesn't show it.
This thread sucks because almost every band has talented members but they arn't allowed to show it off because they have to cope with each other.

2003-08-19, 06:30
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different genres, different vox

2003-08-19, 10:45
Master Killer
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shadows fall is great, his 'lame ass hardcore vox' are less lame then the 'lame ass melodic deathmetal vox'
the guy who plays guitar for cypress hill, Ares, he's their live guitarist, he's awsome and also plays in Downset, but in cypress hill you barely hear him.
aaahm, theres more, what about mudvayne? I don't like the band but the bassist is pretty awsome, mmmm, I'll think of more later on...

2003-08-19, 16:49
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the guitarist for lamb of god hes really good but he cant really bust out in lamb of god

2003-08-19, 17:21
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Originally posted by PST 88
My opinion: Bands. Goddammit, think before you post or don't post.
My apologies
And Def, that was just my opinion on Shadows Fall, I'm a fan of them as well, I just dislike his vox.
Metal=Life, in my opinion, if you're in a band in which you can't shine, that to me is wasted talent. No one is forced to cope with their band members. If they do, that's a sign that it's just not gonna work.
Again, my apologies for posting this shitty thread
Good day to you
Is your head up your ass for the fucking warmth?
Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks.

2003-08-19, 17:26
Master Killer
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no problem
anyways, yeah some member are beeing held back by other members, some shine more then the others, etc.
a band has to function like a unit though, metal in a way santana or hendrix did it would be lame, I like to see bands with combinations such as pantera, overall great musicians who you can all hear on the recordings and do cool stuff...

2003-08-19, 17:40
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If slipknot replaced their 2 guitarists or had them use their full potential, and got rid of 3 or 4 members in their band; and made some technical music, they'd be a pretty good band.

2003-08-19, 17:49
Master Killer
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Originally posted by atifman
If slipknot replaced their 2 guitarists or had them use their full potential, and got rid of 3 or 4 members in their band; and made some technical music, they'd be a pretty good band.
nah, the vocals would still suck 

2003-08-19, 17:53
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Originally posted by societys finest
the guitarist for lamb of god hes really good but he cant really bust out in lamb of god
i take it you haven't heard the new CD.
and you know "their guitarist just can't burst out" maybe sometimes the guitarist is happy with just playing some power chords and not soloing as much. Like the lamb of god guys. the reason there weren't any solos before ATPB was because the guys were used to playing in punk bands, where solo's weren't needed.
did you guys ever think that sometimes the whole band wants that sound? its not a wasted talent if the guy can play good rhythm. If you think you suck cause you can play solos like shit, but don't do it in recordings, then you my friend, just don't know the needs for a well rounded geetar player.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-08-19, 18:33
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Originally posted by Def
nah, the vocals would still suck
i like em 

2003-08-19, 18:52
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Bill Steer, he needs to stop playing 70s rock and reform Carcass!

2003-08-19, 20:35
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Originally posted by Def
no problem
anyways, yeah some member are beeing held back by other members, some shine more then the others, etc.
a band has to function like a unit though, metal in a way santana or hendrix did it would be lame, I like to see bands with combinations such as pantera, overall great musicians who you can all hear on the recordings and do cool stuff...
That's just what I mean, bands like Pantera, where there isn't a member that doesn't show their skill. Every one in the band is great and you can hear it, not one shines more than the other. That's not wasted talent. But a band where it's all about guitar, or all about drums, ect... The other members are wasting their talent by being in that band. It might be Ok with them and that's fine, but we as fans should state our opinions about it. I know sometimes people join bands just for friendship, I'm one of them. I'm in a punk band with one of my friends and I fucking hate punk.
Is your head up your ass for the fucking warmth?
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2003-08-19, 20:36
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phil is waisting his talent at Superjoint, he should get back to where he belongs!

2003-08-19, 20:55
Master Killer
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I don't think superjoint ritual is bad, but I liked Pantera better, the combination of musicians was perfect in my opinion...
beeing in a band just to help friends out sucks, I did it when I was younger but I won't do it now, hell, you gotta have fun when making kickass music, especially if you want to take it to another level!

2003-08-19, 22:48
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Originally posted by Def
the combination of musicians was perfect in my opinion...
yeah, those guys fit so well together
superjoint ain't bad, but phil's voice just reminds me of Pantera and i'm like, "where's Dime and Vinnie?". it kinda makes me sad.
and i'll probably be saying something similar when i hear some New Found Power, i'll be like "where's Phil?"
those guys have let down alot of fans.....i just wish they put out at least one more studio album.

2003-08-19, 23:19
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AND a world farwell tour

2003-08-19, 23:25
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A FREE fair well tour. Even better.

2003-08-20, 00:22
Forum Daemon
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Yeah, they should lose all their money to please Cannibal. And, since they'd have broken up, they wouldn't be able to make similar amounts of money as they made in Pantera in their other bands. I love this guy, he's fuckin' brilliant.

2003-08-20, 02:32
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Originally posted by Def
beeing in a band just to help friends out sucks, I did it when I was younger but I won't do it now, hell, you gotta have fun when making kickass music, especially if you want to take it to another level!
Yeah, it sucks. I'm in 5 different bands and only 1 that i'm really into, the rest are just to help out friends.
Is your head up your ass for the fucking warmth?
Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks.

2003-08-22, 00:02
New Blood
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mick out of slipknot. now, dont laugh. it was said earlier, but i bought an issue of total guitar and he was the main feature. he basically proved everyone wrong when it came to his playing, he could shred with the best of them. its just slipknots producer doesnt want them to use it.
hes been teaching for about 8 years or something, and from the interview and excercises you can tell he really knows his shit. it made me think of him as a heavier version of zakk wylde. though i dont know if we'll ever see it.

2003-08-22, 02:47
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Mudvayne's is good, ('cept for the guitarist). they're music is kinda okay now, but they need to kick it up a notch, and make their music more technical ( i like technical music  )

2003-08-23, 23:11
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Originally posted by PST 88
Yeah, they should lose all their money to please Cannibal. And, since they'd have broken up, they wouldn't be able to make similar amounts of money as they made in Pantera in their other bands. I love this guy, he's fuckin' brilliant.
Damn straight bitch. And then afterwards I'll use my magical unicorn powers and zap them of their skill. Ha! Im so clever.

2003-10-12, 14:02
New Blood
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i think that kirk hammett is wasting his talent, al least with the newer shit
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2003-10-19, 03:21
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Re: Wasted fucking Talent
Originally posted by RUSSIANROULETTE
Who do you think is wasting or has wasted they're talent?
For example:
In my opinion, the guitarist in the band with Kid Rock is wasting his talent playing with that fucking douche bag. He's a great guitarist but how can he expect to be recognized as one when Kid Cock raps over his solos. Another wasted talent is Shadows Fall, the whole band except the singer. They have what it takes to be a great melodic deathmetal band, hell, maybe even the next CoB or Nevermore, but their vocalist completely fucks everything up with his lame ass hardcore vox.
State your opinions
I agree. The band is dope except for the vocalist. Shadows Fall has great music.
They would have been a really great band but the vocalist kills the great
vibe from the music. His voice also kills the headbanging-ness.
I suck at guitar.

2003-10-19, 03:27
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Originally posted by micko
mick out of slipknot. now, dont laugh. it was said earlier, but i bought an issue of total guitar and he was the main feature. he basically proved everyone wrong when it came to his playing, he could shred with the best of them. its just slipknots producer doesnt want them to use it.
hes been teaching for about 8 years or something, and from the interview and excercises you can tell he really knows his shit. it made me think of him as a heavier version of zakk wylde. though i dont know if we'll ever see it.
hahahaha! U have IT?! I love that Issue!
Mick is fucking dope and hes a fucking Death Metal Head UP THE ASS!
He loves Mosntrosity, Brutality, and Death. At least he has some good taste.
But still even if Sipknot had solos they would still suck because of Corey's clean
vocals. Kick Corey from the start and have someone else do growling vocals.
Kick out the DJ and kill him. and then maybe the band would be better.
I suck at guitar.

2003-10-20, 13:42
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Originally posted by DEAD
Bill Steer, he needs to stop playing 70s rock and reform Carcass!
I know this is off topic but Carcass has reformed, and i heard they are currently settinig up a tour, as for recording a new album we will just have to wait and see!!

2003-10-20, 13:46
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Re: Re: Wasted fucking Talent
Originally posted by Bones98
I agree. The band is dope except for the vocalist. Shadows Fall has great music.
They would have been a really great band but the vocalist kills the great
vibe from the music. His voice also kills the headbanging-ness.
I don't know what you guys have against the shadows fall vocalist cause i saw them live recently and his voice didn't kill any of the headbanging-ness, he pretty much fucking ruled as did the rest of the band, especially the guitare player who threw in some insane solos between the songs!!!

2003-11-08, 03:32
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Originally posted by atifman
If slipknot replaced their 2 guitarists or had them use their full potential, and got rid of 3 or 4 members in their band; and made some technical music, they'd be a pretty good band.
I must agree with Def, the only way to make Slipknot better is to put a bullet through the singers skull. But Brian from Shadows Fall is a good singer, my opinion. Their first singer was good, but I think Brian sets them appart from the rest. They have a really really good guitarist, so there's no waisted talent there musicly.
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2003-11-14, 19:27
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i think chris barnes made a mistake when he left cannibal corpse, he was much better in that band.
nachos! hmmhmmhee

2004-03-14, 04:44
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the slipknot's drummer is preety good, he handles the double pedal great, but slipknot is too fucking comercial and murderdolls is too fucking gay
the creed's guitarrist also plays great, he tunes his guitar very fucking weir he gets a great sound
if cradle of filth changes his vocalist to a dm they would be a great black/death metal a little gothic band
if the killswitchengage's and shadows fall's vocalists die and got to be replaced it would be fucking great!
if christina scabia (lacuna coil) or christina aguilera, leaves the music and goes to the porn industry it would be SO fucking great!!!
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2004-03-14, 13:38
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i dont know his name but one of the guitar players from Jag Panzer can play like, classic Mozart stuff on his guitar. pretty awesome stuff from what i've been told.
and Jag Panzer doesn't really let the guy "fly". even the solos are so-so.
he would be great on a Death-like band.
also, Max Cavalera lost it in Soulfly. yes, i'm one of those guys who still can't get over the fact that Sepultura doesn't have Max anymore.

2004-03-14, 15:24
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I think Mauser from Vader doesn't get the chance to show off. Peter nicks nearly all of the solos.
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