2003-08-27, 14:14
Pussy Pulverizer
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"The Devils Scale"
I was wondweing if any of you know exactly what the Devils scale is. I've heard Slayer refer to it a number of times and they claim to use it in most of their songs. I'm familiar with the "Devils Interval" or "Tritone" Which is actually an augmented fourth:
But I've never actually seen a "Devil Scale" pattern. Anybody??? 
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2003-08-27, 14:37
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Re: "The Devils Scale"
Originally posted by INVERTED
I was wondweing if any of you know exactly what the Devils scale is. I've heard Slayer refer to it a number of times and they claim to use it in most of their songs. I'm familiar with the "Devils Interval" or "Tritone" Which is actually an augmented fourth:
But I've never actually seen a "Devil Scale" pattern. Anybody???
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2003-08-27, 15:38
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Re: Re: "The Devils Scale"
Originally posted by DELETE79
lol... Just fucking brilliant!  But no, it doesn't help.
You fucking wanker!

2003-08-27, 16:12
New Blood
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perhaps it is only some tritones played after another, like this:
[font=courier new]

2003-08-27, 17:05
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Originally posted by Slaughthammer
perhaps it is only some tritones played after another, like this:
[font=courier new]
No, it has a scale pattern but with the "devils interval"
I think... Unless there is some wierd scale out there.  I can't find one on line though. 
You fucking wanker!

2003-08-27, 17:37
New Blood
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Nah, man, youre talking about what Kerry said in the "War at the Warfield" DVD
Its just a joke, there are plenty of scales that Slayer use that sound evil, but there is no "Devil's scale" He's just fucking with you

2003-08-27, 17:48
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Originally posted by INVERTED
No, it has a scale pattern but with the "devils interval"
I think... Unless there is some wierd scale out there. I can't find one on line though.
there's a bunch of scales with a tritone in it....the Lydian mode for example, and that's not very evil sounding 

2003-08-27, 19:30
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Originally posted by ErDiablo
Nah, man, youre talking about what Kerry said in the "War at the Warfield" DVD
Its just a joke, there are plenty of scales that Slayer use that sound evil, but there is no "Devil's scale" He's just fucking with you
can you tell us soem of the evil sounding ones?
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2003-08-27, 20:37
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ErDiablo is right. There is no official scale called "The Devil's Scale". They are probably refering to (infact they most defeatly are) the harmonic minor/major scales which always have a "evilish" sound to them.
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2003-08-27, 21:07
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Originally posted by Darko
ErDiablo is right. There is no official scale called "The Devil's Scale". They are probably refering to (infact they most defeatly are) the harmonic minor/major scales which always have a "evilish" sound to them.
what he said^
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2003-08-27, 23:24
Pussy Pulverizer
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Originally posted by ErDiablo
Nah, man, youre talking about what Kerry said in the "War at the Warfield" DVD
Its just a joke, there are plenty of scales that Slayer use that sound evil, but there is no "Devil's scale" He's just fucking with you
Actually, I first heard of it in the Seasons in the Abyss authentic tab book were Kerry Kings guitar teacher makes mention to it. I know that such a note, and or scale exist because there is a record of it. The Church would prosecute poeple for playing the note and sentence them to burn for witchcraft. I did see the DVD too. I'm actually in it. You can see my scream along with the first chorus of Seasons in the Abyss. Fucking blew me away when I first saw myself on there. 
You fucking wanker!

2003-08-28, 03:32
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I would have to disagree with you on that Inverted. As there is NO official scale name "The Devil's Scale" (because scales always take on a musical or greek name to them). "The Devil's Scale" is just a nickname for the scale. I had heard that story of the church for biding a certain scale because of its evil sound. Most defenatly in the Harmonic family (if anyone could do some research and actually find the name of it, that would be cool).
Thats pretty awesome that your in the DVD! I would have been waaay stoked to be on the DVD. Do they zoom in on you directly?
P.S. I woudn't take advice from Kerry King's guitar teacher (as of in my opinion, Kerry isn't a good guitarist technical wise and he represents his teacher.)
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2003-08-28, 15:31
New Blood
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Originally posted by INVERTED
Actually, I first heard of it in the Seasons in the Abyss authentic tab book were Kerry Kings guitar teacher makes mention to it. I know that such a note, and or scale exist because there is a record of it. The Church would prosecute poeple for playing the note and sentence them to burn for witchcraft..
Ahh yes, i remember, but what he was referring to was not a scale, it was the tritone chord shape (root/flat 5th) I believe he mentioned it in one of his Guitar World columns, but I can't remember which one, He said that the church used to refer to this chord as.............DIABOLUS IN MUSICA!!!!!!! Isn't that neat???
Anyways, Check out these most definetly evil scales ( I wont post them because I believe they can be found under the "scales/sweeps" sticky. I might be wrong but if you really want me to post them, ask again)
Natural Minor(aka Aeolian mode), Harmonic Minor (most evil of all), Phrygian mode(my personal favorite), and if you want to start soloing with any of these, I suggest you learn the Minor Pentatonic first
Last edited by ErDiablo : 2003-08-28 at 15:38.

2003-08-28, 18:28
Pussy Pulverizer
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Originally posted by ErDiablo
Ahh yes, i remember, but what he was referring to was not a scale, it was the tritone chord shape (root/flat 5th) I believe he mentioned it in one of his Guitar World columns, but I can't remember which one, He said that the church used to refer to this chord as.............DIABOLUS IN MUSICA!!!!!!! Isn't that neat???
Anyways, Check out these most definetly evil scales ( I wont post them because I believe they can be found under the "scales/sweeps" sticky. I might be wrong but if you really want me to post them, ask again)
Natural Minor(aka Aeolian mode), Harmonic Minor (most evil of all), Phrygian mode(my personal favorite), and if you want to start soloing with any of these, I suggest you learn the Minor Pentatonic first
Thanks for the tips. But I already know all of my Minor, Harmonic Minor, Lydian, Phrigian, Dorian, ect... Oh and (last but not least) Pentatonic. I don't play in any Major scales though. I'm more into exotic scales. Like Chuck Schuldiners style. And with all of these exotic scale, I thought that maybe the was some long forgotten scale called the "Devils Scale." I guess my question is answered. No... But The "Devils Note" otherwise know as the "Tritone" which is actually an augmented fourth (not a fifth) does exist.
Here is an example:
Slayer Seasons in the Abyss
Verse- Alt. ending:
You fucking wanker!

2003-08-28, 22:11
New Blood
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Originally posted by INVERTED
No... But The "Devils Note" otherwise know as the "Tritone" which is actually an augmented fourth (not a fifth) does exist.
Yes, but a Flatted 5th is the same as an augmented 4th, right?

2003-08-29, 06:05
Pussy Pulverizer
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Originally posted by ErDiablo
Yes, but a Flatted 5th is the same as an augmented 4th, right?
Technically speaking, yes. I guess it all depends on what you're playing... It makes a big difference in the scale even though the note itself is the same. 
You fucking wanker!

2003-08-29, 06:44
New Blood
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Yes, but a Flatted 5th is the same as an augmented 4th, right?
The difference between an augmented fourth and a diminished fifth is how the altered note effects the scale that it is applied to.The note ends up being the same when you compare the two however so i can see how you may think that.
Heres an example:
Take the E natural minor scale...
If you where to alter the scale using an augmented fourth it would look like this:
as you can see, the augmented fourth produces chromatic notes on the d string.
Now here is the E minor scale with a diminished fifth:
If you play these altered scales you can clearly tell the difference between the way that they alter there parent scale.
you will also notice that they are the same note,(A#), so you are correct in saying so.
I have heard of the "devils scale," and i am positive that it exists, but scales almost always have more than one name and i doubt that most teachers would refer to that particular scale as the devils scale. If the devils scale is based on the augmented fourth therefore it would be the fingering pattern in example 2.
Hope that helps.
I feel no guilt for the lost one's
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2003-08-29, 16:42
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Originally posted by INVERTED
I'm more into exotic scales.
Same here
I've heard of the Devils Scale but never seen it...or heard it...

Is your head up your ass for the fucking warmth?
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2003-09-01, 18:25
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maybe you're refering to this one (the diminished scale):
-----------------------------16-13------------- etc
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You scream my name, and now you're gone

2003-09-01, 23:48
New Blood
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Originally posted by ErDiablo
Ahh yes, i remember, but what he was referring to was not a scale, it was the tritone chord shape (root/flat 5th) I believe he mentioned it in one of his Guitar World columns, but I can't remember which one, He said that the church used to refer to this chord as.............DIABOLUS IN MUSICA!!!!!!! Isn't that neat???
Anyways, Check out these most definetly evil scales ( I wont post them because I believe they can be found under the "scales/sweeps" sticky. I might be wrong but if you really want me to post them, ask again)
Natural Minor(aka Aeolian mode), Harmonic Minor (most evil of all), Phrygian mode(my personal favorite), and if you want to start soloing with any of these, I suggest you learn the Minor Pentatonic first
Why don't you try Locrian? it has the flat5 on it (1,b2,b3,4,b5,b6,b7)sounds evil to me...
or try it like in a Harmonic (1,b2,b3,4,b5,6,b7)it's probably more evil because of the sixth tone as in a diminished scale.

2003-09-06, 00:40
New Blood
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some of slayers finest work uses the chromatic scale, i. e. At Dawn They Sleep and just about every other breakdown on Hell Awaits
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2003-09-06, 04:18
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Haha, the "devil's scale" is the omission of the 3rd in the chord. The 3rd would be the third note in the scale of the partilular chord that you are holding. A "power chord" is really not a chord since it is only the 1st and the 5th. Some books and some people consider a chord with two or more notes in the chord. Most books and some people say that a chord is at least three notes. Thus, a major chord would be the 1st, the 3rd, and the 5th; a minor chord would be the 1st, the flatted 3rd, and the fifth. The "power chord' is simply the 1st and the 5th. By omitting the 3rd, that makes it "the devil in music" since a chord is considered major or minor by what the 3rd is: natural 3rd = major chord; flatted 3rd = minor chord. There's not a devil's scale. This is what you meant when you asked.
A "power chord" is actually a perfect fifth interval.
Learn all the interval especially perfect fourths and minor thirds and major thirds if you're creating unhappy sounding metal music ! And augmented perfect fifths and diminished perfect fifths (which are augmented perfect fourths).
Last edited by EZURATE : 2004-01-21 at 00:16.

2003-09-06, 04:21
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haha, about hte slayer songs on Hell Awaits. yes there are many chromatic scale patterns used and implemented on that song and album, but learn all the rules befor eyou break them or dont' learn them and just use your ears and creativity.

2003-09-06, 04:40
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Hmm, to the guy that said the Lydian mode is evil sounding... That is one of the three out of seven modes which are major. Actually not really evil sounding. I think I could make it sound evil though just buy picking it a certain way (or maybe you could too), but I personally like the Phrygian mode better and think this is more metal sounding or evil sounding if played right.
chekc it out....play around with these notes....
Memorize this simple pattern and use it all around. This one is E Phrygian (above)
Try this one....A Phrygian:
Last edited by EZURATE : 2004-01-21 at 00:17.
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