2003-08-29, 02:16
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 33
Is there new stuff any good?? ive heard alot of there old stuff on there first album, an awesome song is 'war' i cant seem to find many new songs by them on kaaza


2003-08-29, 02:20
AFAIK there hasn't been any new releases since varg got locked up...but then again i don't know much about burzum, not a super big fan
and kazaa's crappy for pretty much anything (unless you want pop/badqualityporn), go look on irc
Last edited by Freezer666 : 2003-08-29 at 02:26.

2003-08-29, 02:30
New Blood
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Posts: 33
wasent varg in old funeral with abbath?

2003-08-29, 02:35
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i dont like his new(er) stuff, its pretty much all ambient crap.

2003-08-29, 03:36
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i like his old stuff but his new stuff since he went to jail has sucked

2003-08-29, 08:57
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Here we go again:
Burzum is a one man band who doesn´t make cd´s anymore since 1999... Varg Vikerness got in Jail for murder, and created two more albums there but they were keyboard only... there fun to hear but not pure black metal like Aske or Filosofem.
And yes, Varg was in Old Funeral with Abbbath and Demonaz for a short time...
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2003-08-29, 18:01
New Blood
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Posts: 33
murder? whod he kill?

2003-08-29, 18:16
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2003-08-29, 19:50
New Blood
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Posts: 33
oh ya, he stabed him to death. How long was he sentenced?

2003-08-29, 22:21
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21... maximum penalty in Norway
It was only one victim, so he should only have goten 12 years
His defendant was gay, the jury was all over 60 and one of the members was Norways only exorsist
Varg did only make one album in prison... All the other was material made before he whent to jail.
He wasn't alowed to bring a guitar, so his last album is all synth
Now he doesn't listen and do not wan't to be related to blackmetal.
He do not want to use guitar or drums, becouse he thinks they are nigger-innstruments  I think the reason is that he is not alowed to have them in prison.
he is leader of an organisation on the internett: http://www.heathenfront.org/
His music is good though...
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-08-30, 09:59
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Originally posted by old_funeral14
murder? whod he kill?
The Mayhem guitarist and co starter of the Black Metal scene....
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2003-08-30, 10:04
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Originally posted by daggerfall
Varg did only make one album in prison... All the other was material made before he whent to jail.
thats not true... Daudi Baldrs and Hlidskjalf were produced in jail, and are both Synth Albums.
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2003-08-30, 18:16
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 33
i thought layset tar oss was a good album, and good artwork as well. i diddent know that hlidhkjalf were synth, i guess he made layset tar oss just before he went into jail?

2003-08-31, 14:23
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Posts: 387
He made a lot of songs before he whent to prison.
As an example... The the songs on the album called "Det som en gang var" was made between 1989 and 1992(Acording to the dates inside the albumcover). The album was recorded in Grieghallen in 92.
The album was released in 94 I think.
In my old original Mayhem-Deathcrush cd-realease from 93 it says: Coming soon: Bursum - Aske, Mayhem - De mysteriis dom sathanas, Burzum - Det som en gang var and some other titles.
So I'm quite shure about the realease in 94.
His albums has few songs compared to his first demo. Thasts probely becouse he wanted to make as many albums as possible
by the way, it not layset, but lyset.
Hvis lyset tar oss means If the light takes us.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-09-07, 13:39
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally posted by daggerfall
21... maximum penalty in Norway
It was only one victim, so he should only have goten 12 years
*cough* 27 years is max. and his sentence was reduced to 17 years.
Ok, heres the story:
Varg gave Dead(the original mayhem singer) shotgun shells; which Dead used to kill himself a few weeks later. Euronymous found Dead, well, dead in his apartment. It is rumored that Euronymous made stew with dead's brain... yay.
Euronymous was later killed by Varg, in 1994. Varg also did bass on "De Mysteriis," for mayhem. But at the request of Euronymous' family, the track was cut and another bassist filled in.
BOO YAH! IM tr00. Yay.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2003-09-07, 15:08
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 387
I live in Norway, and I know 21 years is all you can get
And yeah... Euronymous ate some some of Dead's brains. He ate it with vegetables and ham.
He also made amulets with parts of Dead's skull. I think he keept one, and gave the others to special fans.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-09-07, 18:21
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Originally posted by Dissection
Euronymous was later killed by Varg, in 1994. Varg also did bass on "De Mysteriis," for mayhem. But at the request of Euronymous' family, the track was cut and another bassist filled in.
BOO YAH! IM tr00. Yay.
Actually the bass on De Mysteriis... is played by Vikernes
they didn't rewrite it!Well that's what
Hellhammer said in an interview I read last year.
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burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2003-09-08, 12:00
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Thats true... He explained that they only said they remastered it for the family. But it is the same track
Another fun fact is that when Euro found Dead (after having himself shot) he first ran to a store to get a photo camera and make some pics. Then he called the police 
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2003-09-09, 01:41
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Originally posted by daggerfall
And yeah... Euronymous ate some some of Dead's brains. He ate it with vegetables and ham.
Thats bullshit. Its a made up rumor by some tr00 black metal fan...or he said he ate it as a sarcastic joke that got out of hand

2003-09-09, 05:48
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It doesn't matter whether you're talking about Britney Spears, Tom Cruise, Euronymous, or any other fucker. A rumour-mongering parasite is still a rumour-mongering parasite!
Consider yourselves fans (or humans) when you stop talking shit about people you don't know.
If I've insulted anyone in this post, then good. Bunch of children.

2003-09-09, 17:45
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 387
Euronymous eating a part of Dead's brains may be a false rumour, but Hellhammer said Euronymous ate it in several interviews...
This is my last post in this thread...
Whe can discus this for ever
Maybe I'l ask some of the guys who was an blackmetal-insider at that time...But that would be a stupid question.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi

Last edited by daggerfall : 2003-09-10 at 19:06.

2003-09-10, 07:51
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I think Euronymous just said that... because he was allways trying to create rumours around mayhem to become more popular... anyway, daggerfall is right....
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2003-11-20, 00:15
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Did he stab him to death? I heard (Like Stuff Is Great saidm this may be bullshit) that he decapitated the dude with a sword. That would be pretty funny if he did but i dont know.
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2003-11-20, 04:01
New Blood
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Posts: 33
varg? ya,20 something times....brutal
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