2003-09-08, 12:00
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Strangest fucking band on this grey Earth...
This is an Australian band, called Halo. Yay us.
I don't know where they're based, all I know is that they sound like the heavy metal version of the strangest industrial noise band you ever heard. They remind me of a very angry anti-corporate Azoikum. Any-the-who, their site has many MP3s...
Metal Judgement called it Godflesh's gimp brother, or something of that ilk. That's close. There's definitely gimp characteristics to it.
Don't blame me if you fucking hate this music. You've been warned. This is part of your education into bad noises and ideas.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-08, 12:23
Dog farts
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Wow. Weird.

2003-09-08, 17:23
I am a tax on the world..
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Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-09-08, 22:36
Throbbing Member
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Brilliant! Really great stuff, its rembelent to a doomish Tool with lots of excellent and errie noise. I love it, thanks Sane.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-09-09, 00:13
Forum Daemon
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The reviews you hear of it make you think it's going to be much worse than it is. It's actually not that bad. The claim that it's not music is ludicrous. If Philip Glass can play nothing for three and a half minutes and still be music, then this is definitely still music. That being said, it's fucked up music that will utterly disappoint anyone who wants to be able to follow, headbang, sing, dance, or fuck along to it, and it might might come off as Chinese water torture to some people, but you shouldn't bitch about something just because it's weird. There are lots of things that are still 'music' that I'd prefer this to. Fortunately, my choice isn't between the two, and I'm going to go listen to Slayer.

2003-09-09, 00:34
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally posted by PST 88
The claim that it's not music is ludicrous. If Philip Glass can play nothing for three and a half minutes and still be music, then this is definitely still music.
Phillip Glass could masturbate in a mason jar, paint a small duck orange and gently fondle a little girl's bicycle seat and some postmodern psudeointellectual would claim it was music. Anything Phillip Glass does is null and void to human comparison... except perhaps in cases like this.
They describe themselves as 'anti-music'. I can't help thinking that I've heard substantially stranger distorted weirdness in industrial stuff though.
I'm getting into this stuff. It provides a rather bleak background for terrible writing time in the FBS head.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-09, 01:37
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Its music, and its great. People are going to give it bad reviews because it falls far from the norm in music, and people are closed minded (espically in the metal genre).
Originally posted by far_beyond_sane
They describe themselves as 'anti-music'.
I find that a bit contradictive about there "anti-music" theme, yet they are making music. But it stil kicks fucking ass.
Im going to coment again about how much I like it. It gives a great atmosphere. There are alot of bands that try to pull this stuff off but can't because its very difficult to make it sound good. And dammit do they make it sound awesome.
For people who enjoy this stuff, you might want to also check out - Today is the Day (great stuff), Sunn, and Shining.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Darko : 2003-09-09 at 02:03.

2003-09-09, 02:02
I am a tax on the world..
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whoa, you guys started an intellectual arguement, and didn't invite the idiots?!?!?!
how dare you.
I believe noise is not a form of music intellect. You say, Darko, that people would shun this because it isn't norm. Well, it obviously isn't norm, and I agree that it can be a form of music. These guys probably never finished high school; I don't care for music that I won't learn from. If you think about it technically, we are all out of norm.
....  did I just make a point...or am I just rambling...
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page
Last edited by powersofterror : 2003-09-09 at 02:04.

2003-09-09, 02:51
Forum Daemon
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You rambled and ended tritely, but not quite sensibly. Don't worry, the idiots will show up when they have time.
Jim, I don't think I'd ever use Philip Glass as a comparison except in this case, or for the sake of nonsense and to see if people get it or just nod as though they do. I'm just annoyed with the equation: no melody = not music.
'Anti-music' seems to be just a cool, rebellious phrase and very little more, certainly lacking much sense.
This band's really not the weirdest thing I've heard, and they're not simple noise, or at least it seems to have more of an arrangement than beating off on the instruments would have. It feels like taking EYEHATEGOD to its logical conclusion, at least the tracks I've heard do. Though, having said all this, I'm not one to listen to this over and over again; I'm just one to say that the band isn't as extreme and oddball, though it's definitely both, as they seem to think of themselves, based on the 'anti-music' shit, or as much as the reviews I saw online seem to think. But I've learned long ago not to trust what the people in the band or the people outside of it have to say about the music, 'cause 90% of people, as this forum ceaselessly reveals, have their faces nestled snuggly against their prostates, or, since girl's don't have prostates, then someone else's. There's just a definite head-prostate connection.

2003-09-09, 05:13
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From their very moody website:
I have yet to hear them because I have a dial-up connection (dowloading takes comical amounts of time) but I'll be sure to make your lives no more interesting by opinining horribly here when I do.
You're all a pack of cunts because I just lost / had stolen, a $110 textbook.

2003-09-09, 05:16
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The relevance in that posting was that Halo are from Melbourne.
You're all still cunts.
Livid about that fucking book...... 

2003-09-09, 05:20
I am a tax on the world..
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Originally posted by PST 88
You rambled and ended tritely, but not quite sensibly. Don't worry, the idiots will show up when they have time.
they already did, dude...
(directed towards me, you missed my joke)
And I want your thesaurus, j/k.  I need to buy one, cause I'm just stuck with just looking up words that people say...then I forget them. Atleast I still know what catamite means. 
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page
Last edited by powersofterror : 2003-09-09 at 05:24.

2003-09-09, 07:39
Dog farts
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Melbourne, figures.

2003-09-09, 12:31
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally posted by PST 88
I'm just annoyed with the equation: no melody = not music.
Interesting. I wouldn't say I'm annoyed, but I definitely don't agree with the premise.
It's perfectly understandable though, from people who review music constantly. It must be draining to have your paradigms battered around like ping-pong balls by stuff like this. Think of all the screechy derivative black metal you could be listening to instead.
Goddamn. It looks like we're almost having a discussion without interruption from some lobotomised teenage penismonger.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-09, 19:45
Forum Daemon
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We'd better hurry up, then.
What bothers me is this: my high school music teacher, who was, admittedly, a cooler than average high school music teacher (how many know Carcass lyrics? How many sing Bring tha Noise while you're trying to take a test? How many had blue hair and shot an RPG at a storage barn in high school?), always taught us that music was 'sounds captured in time.' He also taught us things like what 'aleatoric' means, showed us Wozzeck, and basically instilled a fairly openminded understanding of what music is. So, what I'm saying is, I, and many people I know, learned all this in 7th grade; why can't these people have understood it yet? Yeah, I know, I'm a demanding fuck. You just have to hope that, some day, the paradigms will be throttled to death by an angry dyke for being vestiges of the oppressive penisocracy.
And powers: I didn't have to call you an idiot to understand your joke. I don't use a thesaurus, so you can't have mine.
Stuff: if you'd just stolen then fucking thing to begin with, you'd be fine now. There's no money value on what you steal. Though, of course, you might get to thinking about how much effort you put into stealing the book, and it's very bad to feel you've been robbed of effort. So, really, what should be done is probably some kind of scraping of the perineum with a cheesegrater, or, if you don't have a cheesegrater, there are all sorts of other kitchen instruments that could be put to good used, for instance: and apple peeler - in an effort to let the punishment fit the crime. If that doesn't seem to fit, I'll explain why: you would get a kind of vellum, perfectly good for making a new book.

2003-09-10, 00:47
bugfucker strikes back.
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Anything by Mike Patton is odd. Just look at Fantomas... eww...
I hate aussie bands. So i neglected to check this one out.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2003-09-10, 06:23
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PST: my gonads & surrounding environs are seriously hairy. No vellum, of any quality, comes from a surface that pock-marked & wiry - especially if you're using a cheesegrater you sick shite!!!
Anyway, I found the horrible little bastard of a book. Me, in my infinite wisdom (& terrifying alcoholic haze) left it at the pub & it was rescues by one of those sober, smurf-type people that seem to tolerate me for some odd reason. The moral of the story: God is an arse, you're all still cunts, & I should try & drink all the time instead of having to lug a schoolbag & books to the pub after a half-day at school.
BTW, Halo aren't too shabby. My taste leans more towards the 'naked, screaming death riding a chainsaw into hell' type of thing, but a bit of slow, ambient noise that can upset even the most experimental, star-picket weilding, barefoot, spiral-dancing Aphex Twin fan is ALWAYS a good thing. Hopefully they're still playing shows because I'm in Melbourne every month or so to see my girlfriend. Should be worth going to see, at least for the crowd, & hopefully for a weirdo gig built on spite & bad anti-corp poetry.
Enjoy your sorry existances, mortals.

2003-09-10, 12:07
Forum Daemon
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No one said anything about your perineum, you hairy and egocentric bastard, just the potential perineum of some imagined cunt. It could be shaved first, as well. The vellum idea came as a sort of an afterthought, and more from using an apple slicer; a cheesegrater would obviously do a great deal to make sure you couldn't use whatever section it worked on to copy out a new textbook.
Luckily, though, that won't be necessary.
To justify this post's existence in this thread: Halo's still pretty good, and not nearly as rebarbative as idiots make you expect. I know I'm repeating myself.

2003-09-11, 00:08
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Apologies. I'll try to be less drunk when I check this thing.
Re: Halo (Halo, who the fuck are Halo? I thought this was the 'RTT: Groins, etc.' thread), My housemate actually seems to like them. He doesn't like metal & he particularly hates Gwar (cunt). But for some reason he seems to dig these guys. Odd.
PS. 'Rebarbative': fabulous. It's a new one in my world.

2004-02-23, 22:26
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Thessaloniki,greece
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I got their latest album Body Of Light a few days ago
and it's fucking great!They remind me a little of Khanate
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-02-23, 23:38
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damn, old thread

2004-02-24, 00:30
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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to me it was kind of boring. some parts were ok but i still got bored. And there are vocals? I didnt hear any. It would be cool background music for a movie or something, i just dont think its all that entertaining up front...

2004-02-24, 00:46
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Does fbs still exist?
FBS=Fucking Bull Shit
ahahah im so hilariass

2004-02-24, 00:52
Dog farts
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He does. MSN.

2004-02-24, 01:24
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Originally Posted by timedragon
to me it was kind of boring. some parts were ok but i still got bored. And there are vocals? I didnt hear any. It would be cool background music for a movie or something, i just dont think its all that entertaining up front...
There are lots of vocals. I infere that you didn't listen to more than one song.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-02-24, 02:46
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Darko
There are lots of vocals. I infere that you didn't listen to more than one song.
Damn, I had listened to 1/2 of 2 songs. Once they got to the middle i had closed them. Since i have dial up  I gave up once i had just heard a bunch of noise and stuff 1/2 through the songs. I went back though. Now i have heard the song Rise (and the vocals, of coarse). not bad.

2004-02-24, 07:18
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why the hell do you keep posting on old threads

2004-02-24, 10:10
Schrodinger's Cat
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Because he was talking about Halo's music and this happens to be a Halo thread concerned with their music. Must be a connection there somewhere...
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-02-24, 22:53
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Undying_Hatred
why the hell do you keep posting on old threads
And what would you rather have me do, start a NEW thread just to give my opinion on the band. In that case i guess i should start a new thread on any topic simply because it is "old". That would'nt be very smart...
Last edited by timedragon : 2004-02-24 at 22:55.

2004-02-25, 02:36
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Well, I'm glad you dug up this old thread so I could find out about this band.
I don't think it is deep, artsy, or whatever. If you think it sucks, you are not closed minded, and if you like it, you are definitely not special because you can embrace such a thing.
I looked up those metaljudgment reviews and they were pretty on target.
I think it makes a decent atmosphere, but thats about it. Above all, I find it to be boring. There are some cool effects and such, but it is still VERY boring and monotonous. Still, they are signed to Relapse Records.......
Anyway, I'd still listen to Halo rather than Mortician.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head
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