2003-09-16, 12:36
Dog farts
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MP3 Dump
I was searching for one on here, and there seemed to be one. But it doesn't exist anymore. So.. I can create an FTP account on my server, for people to upload if they want.

2003-09-16, 12:39
Master Killer
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yeah, slayme had one up, which ruled, but I guess its not there anymore.
Sounds like a great idea to me, I used to old one too, but you gotta keep some rules (like, only requested albums and that kinda shit, or you'll get a mess on your server)

2003-09-16, 12:42
Dog farts
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Yeah, I will have rules. Just wanna see what the verdict is, before I go through with it.
Should I just post the details of the account here (when it's created), or keep it private?

2003-09-16, 13:26
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Aaaaaaaaaages ago, we used to keep music in Yahoo Briefcase folders, which was not very good... Slayme had a couple of FTPs and they ruled and had much funness...
You'd be best served PMing people the login details.
Also, I think everyone would jump at the chance to have one. They're arse-meltingly geat when you want to find rare stuff or just to share... *AAAAAAAWWWWWWWW* 
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-16, 16:56
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Originally posted by far_beyond_sane
They're arse-meltingly geat when you want to find rare stuff or just to share... *AAAAAAAWWWWWWWW*
Or leech, which 95% of the Metaltabs community did. I know who's naughty and who's nice though, and it'd be wise that to do like mr. sane said and pm the login details so the fucking lurking leeching cuntwads don't come knockin'.

2003-09-16, 17:36
Master Killer
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yeah, I agree, we don't want cunts eating our bandwith 

2003-09-17, 01:25
The Mountie From Hell
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Hellz Ya we should have a MP3 server, hell I have lots of rare Pantera and Slayer songs to throw into this shit.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2003-09-17, 04:47
Dog farts
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Ok.. well. It's setup, PM me for user/password.

2003-09-17, 09:24
Master Killer
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Sweet, PM send.
but um, are you gonna dump your personal collection or something one it? we've gotta have something to start out with. so.

2003-09-17, 09:46
Dog farts
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My collection exceeds 15 GB at the moment, but I'm putting up a few for starters.
Before you upload, if there isn't already a folder for the band's song(s) you are uploading, create one. Perhaps even a folder within the band folder, for the album name. It won't get as messy then.

2003-09-17, 12:43
Master Killer
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Allright, I'm testing it now, I just put up the folder 'Selfmindead' with the album 'At the barricades we fall'
it's a mix of metal and hardcore, with ZAO like vocals, they're pretty unknown and come from somewhere in Scandinavia, check them out.
oh and how are you going to run this Nihilist? it'll be interesting to share bands with each other, but we don't need shit everybody has allready got, right? so no crap bands or allround bands, I guess?
Edit: I've got 5,5 gb of mp3s on my puter, but about 300 cds in my room, so if anyone is interested in hardcore and metalcore, any cd, I probably have it, as long as its descent stuff  I haven't got all too much metal, only death and trash. no blackmetal and not much grind.
Last edited by Def : 2003-09-17 at 12:45.

2003-09-17, 13:19
Dog farts
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
Oh just put whatever up. Obviously not like.. Slayer or anything. Everyone would have that.
EDIT: I liked the songs you uploaded.
Last edited by Nihilist : 2003-09-17 at 13:23.

2003-09-17, 14:30
Master Killer
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Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
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Cool, its just done uploading now, it was their full album, pretty good stuff
the ftp is beeing kinda weird sometimes, giving me connection timeouts and shit, but I guess its working fine now.
transfer rate is something like 20.00kbps downstream, pretty good eh for crappy adsl, uploading went pretty fast too.
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