2003-10-11, 18:19
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 1,596
New Vintersorg Album!!!
Vintersorg will come with a new album at the end of this year or the beginning of 2004! It´s gonna be called the Focussing Blur. Vintersorg explains it as: "Both intricate and flowing, and it holds a nice balance between the usual Vintersorg elements, like harmony and cacophony, warmth and coldness, melodism and monotonism, speed and calmness, ambience and focus..etc.. the usual Vintersorg inclements and elements".
these are the tracks:
Prologue Dialogue
The Essence
The Thesises Seasons
Matrix Odyssey
Star Puzzled
A Sphere In A Sphere (To Infinity)
Blindsight Complexity
Artifacts Of Chaos
Dark Matter Mystery/Blackbody Spectrum
A Microscopical Macrocosm
I hope it will be back to the Till Fjalls and Odemarkens Son style! Visions was cool, but to experimental....
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