*I edited my post because it was unsanely long filled with unneccesery stuff...
Ok, for those of you who have the patience to read my boring story and help me with my problems, read on:
I have cheap equipment and it S U C K S!! (
Well, this is what i have:
*A cheapass [Stratocaster clone] (only 3 single pickups)
*A very small Amp more suited for playing blues
*[Boss me-6 multi fx]
(the distortion sounds very 'canned' and not suited to play metal)
*[zoom 510]
(lots of different distortion stuff, somewhat suited for metal but sounds pansy)
I know at least 6 folks are gonna jump up and tell me what kind of hardware i should pick up at the local musicians store, but this is not that kind of question. I know what kind of stuff i want to get (but i'm not rich, it could turn out 6 months before i get a better guitar or amp.)
I guess i'm gonna buy a Boss me-2 when i have the money, and later a good middleclass guitar with two humbuckers, the amp is fine for me as long as i don't play on stage
Rather, i need some help to at least get some 'decent' sounds out of my stuff for the time being.
I guess that before anybody can help me, they must know what kind of knobs and buttons i can use
Amp settings: [Gain] [Master] [Treble] [Mid] [Bass]
(I tend to set both the Gain and Master at the same level. Also, i turn treble to 9 or 10 and mid and bass to 0. This because it gives me the clearest sound available and keeps my mom and the neigbours happy without the bass, but better sugestions are apreciated

Boss me-6: [Equalizer] [Delay] [Chorus / Flanger] [Reverb]
(I don't use the Compressor and Distortion since i already pluged the Zoom on it, and other than that, they sound like shit in a can.
I could use help on how to use an equalizer, and somebody who tells me what it can and cannot do
I'm only vaguely intrested in the other effects, but i could use some tips on how to get nice fx
Zoom 510: [pre-drive]******* [main-drive] [hi] [lo] [amp]
************Rhytm***********Blues Od
***********Fat Drive**********Distortion
************Light OD**********Fuzz
Hi and Lo seem to be an equalizer (but i need help on that), Amp is just plain weird, it makes my sound all fluffy and plushy (does anybody know what an 'amp simulator' is?
If anybody knows how to get some good sounds out of that
or how i use those equalizer thingy's, much apreciated. My guitar sound's way too pansy right now
Well, i'm aware that this is not an easy question (if not impossible because i have stinky equipment) but you have lots of eternal gratitude if you decide to actualy read all this boring text and help me (plus i'll buy you a bear if i ever come across you in real life
