2003-10-26, 18:34
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Varg Vikernes has escaped(?)
Varg had a day off from prison. He could walk free between 7 and 24. saturday.
He has not returned...
To his mother and girlfriend he said he had free to 15 this sunday, but did not return that day either.
Varg has always come back after his free-days outside, and he has only 2 years left. He has not done anything wrong in his time as a prisoner before this.
For 10 days or something, he was moved from closed to open prison too...
He may have escaped, but that would be stupid. He has only 2 years left...
I think he may have been beaten or somthing.
The Police says the concider him not to be dangerous anymore, but have sent a mesage to all borders of Shengen(that EU-border thing) to catch him...
Stupid Varg

Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-10-26, 18:38
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aaah, if only slayme was here, he'd probably say something interesting about this

2003-10-26, 18:39
The Mountie From Hell
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Who is this guy???
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2003-10-26, 18:41
Master Killer
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you kidding?
damn, if Varg is out, the black metal wars will be revived!
oooooh aaaah!!!

2003-10-26, 18:42
The Mountie From Hell
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Wait is he one of those guys who burned down a church, or killed someone for black metal?
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2003-10-26, 18:46
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wait, people get days off in prison? how the hell fuck does that work???? 

2003-10-26, 18:50
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I should have said what he did...
He has the Blackmetal band named Burzum, and he did the bass on Mayhem's album called De mysteriis dom sathanas. He also played in the blackmetal band called Old funeral, but quited becouse they was not true satanists. And he wanted his one man demon-band...
He is charged forburning of 3 church, and the killing of Euronymous, the frontman of Mayhem.
He was important in the old blackmetal cene in Norway. His soloband Burzum was one of the three groups Euronymous considered blackmetal. Burzum, Mayhem and Darkthrone.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-10-26, 20:18
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Originally posted by Def
the black metal wars will be revived!
uh no, varg has totally disowend black metal stating "my roots have never been in metal in the first place and definitaly not in black metal"
and the killing of Euronymous, the frontman of Mayhem.
wasnt dead the frontman? wasnt euronymous just the guitarist?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!
Last edited by guitar_demon : 2003-10-26 at 20:22.

2003-10-26, 22:58
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Euronymous was frontman, a frontman isn't necessarily the vocalist.
In Norway, the country ruled by a priest, people in low-security can get "days off".
My tip is that someone nailed his ass. He's not very popular, only amongst boys in puberty.
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2003-10-26, 23:09
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Originally posted by DerMeister
He's not very popular, only amongst boys in puberty.
Amen to that.

2003-10-27, 00:39
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He was caught at 00.45 Norwegian time, driving towards Oslo. he refused to stop, so two police cars had to squeese him and force him to pull over. He was not armed or acting threathening or anything.
Fun is over...
"Fear your thoughts and let the Father judge them, walk the Shining Path and guide the weakling along"

2003-10-27, 10:15
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what a stupid fuck.

2003-10-27, 10:18
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Check under the counter of the nearest gay bar, amidst the snapped rubbers and the smell of anal lube, and the gibbering defiled wreck of a human that is most 'true' will be him.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-10-27, 10:25
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well... at least he is not dead... sorry.. I started another thread about this at bands, wich I will remove
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2003-10-27, 14:32
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Get a life.... RIGHT NOW!!!!!

2003-10-27, 17:03
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Well... Varg didn't manage to escape...
Stuid atempt realy...
Varg may not be to popular, but he was atleast more popular than Euronymous was... Fenriz and the rest of the guys hatet him. Everyone knew Varg did the murder, but nobody cared.
And Far_beoynd_sane... Varg is atleast not as gay as fucking Lavey... He is just an idealist who called himself satanist.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-10-27, 20:16
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A lot of truth in two sentences....
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2003-10-27, 20:22
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For the cunts who do not link
Varg Vikernes threatened a family with a pistol and hijacked their car in a failed bid to elude the Norwegian police during his 24 hours on the run, it was reported Monday.
At approximately 4:30 p.m. on Sunday (October 26), a family of three driving through the valley known as Numedal in Buskerud County reported being flagged down by a pedestrian. When they stopped to assist him, the pedestrian believed to be Vikernes allegedly threatened them with a handgun and forced them to surrender their car.
"They explained that they were held at gunpoint and were forced to leave the vehicle, and that the man [Vikernes] took off in it," police spokesperson Knut Svalheim told wire service NTB.
The car was ultimately spotted around midnight Sunday by an unmarked police patrol in Romerike, north of Oslo. Believing Vikernes to be armed, police responded with five police cars and armed officers.
"We signalled for him to pull over, but when he failed to respond, we had to press his car in between two police cars [Photo#1, Photo#2, Photo#3]," police operations leader Vidar Hjulstad said.
Although no gun was found, a knife or a bayonet was reportedly retrieved from the vehicle. However, at this time, it is not clear if the knife belonged to Vikernes or the family who owns the car.
On Monday, authorities will decide whether Vikernes should return to the low-security prison Berg, where he was serving the a 21-year-sentence for the August 1993 murder of MAYHEM guitarist Oystein Aarseth (a.k.a. Euronymous), or be transferred to a maximum-security prison.
Meanwhile, Varg's mother Helene Bore has revealed the content of a letter her son left her while visiting her Saturday. In it, Vikernes writes that following a critical article in the local paper Tønsbergs Blad on October 15, there was an attempt on his life when another inmate tried to strangle him.
"Mother, I will flee," Vikernes allegedly wrote in the letter.
"When I read in his letter that his life had been threatened, I had a better understanding of why he made the choice of [trying to flee]," Helene Bore told Dagbladet. "He couldn't tell the prison staff about the threats, because he was afraid they'd put him back in a locked cell. But he feared the threats."
Even though Vikernes was sentenced to 21 years in prison in 1994, he was set to serve only another two years of his sentence. A couple of months ago, he was transferred to the low-security prison Berg in Tønsberg where the main gate isn't locked. Still, inmates very rarely opt to escape since they only have a short period of time left of their sentences before being released.
The hunt for Vikernes is now set to spark a debate in Stortinget, Norway's Parliament, about the prison system which allows inmates short leaves from jail. A member of the opposition has already called for a review of the system.
"The rules of how early one is released have just been changed and Varg was certain he would have to serve at least another four years," explained Bore who believed this contributed to her son's frustrations.
"I was as surprised as everyone else when he fled. But when I read the letter, I could see that the situation seemed hopeless to him."
The article in Tønsbergs Blad was critical of the fact that Vikernes, a convicted murdered with right-wing beliefs, was transferred to a low-security prison. Eight years ago, Varg started the national socialist group Norsk Hedensk Front (Norwegian Heathen Front), which he ran from his cell in Trondheim at the time. In an e-mail to Dagbladet, NHF claimed that Vikernes is no longer a member of the organization "because it's best both for us and him."
According to his mother, Vikernes no longer is in contact with neo-nazi groups and his one and only wish is to lead a normal life.
"For a while he thought that it was possible for him to have a normal life," she said. "But after the article in that newspaper he felt that it was hopeless. He feels that no matter what he does he will be haunted by the past. He will never be done paying for his crimes."
Helene Bore is concerned for her son, but happy that he wrote the letter.
"This way I don't have to fear that someone has done something to him or that he's done something to himself," she said. "I do wish he'd chosen another way out. If he'd talked to me, I would've advised him to complete his sentence. But he's apparently given the matter a great deal of thought and couldn't bring himself to deal with it in any other way. He's spent his entire adult life incarcerated and is a good boy."
Hmmm... he feared attempts on his life, while he allways stated not fearing anyone and being blind and stupid if he was killed....
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2003-10-27, 20:37
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Originally posted by sanderinos
"We signalled for him to pull over, but when he failed to respond, we had to press his car in between two police cars [Photo#1, Photo#2, Photo#3]," police operations leader Vidar Hjulstad said.
were there pictures? What site is that from

2003-10-27, 20:39
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the pics are vague
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2003-10-27, 20:40
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they rammed his car 
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2003-10-27, 20:40
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2003-10-27, 21:05

2003-10-27, 21:23
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No links, because my source is in Norwiegen...
The Police says Varg will be sendt back to the more strict prison he just came out from in the midle of october...
The last weeks he has been in a freer prison where he can work and go to school outside. He has worked on a fram I think.
I think Varg may have fucked up his chance of getting out next year...
The reason of his escape atempt is belived to be panic and depresion. When he last month said he wanted to get out and be a good (but sil heathen) famelyman. A newspaper wrote an article who said that was unlikely to work out. Varg did not like that...
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-10-27, 23:22
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stupid Varg

2003-10-28, 10:37
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Originally posted by PantericA
stupid Varg
i agree


2003-10-28, 12:19
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Well... I can imagine that a lot of people hate him and want him dead.... but even I think its dumb, and he should have waited for another 2 years....
what I do not get is that he was sentenced in 1994, right? To 21 years... he comes out in two years... wich is like 50% of the time! Even in holland you can't get off that easy 
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-10-28, 15:16
Originally posted by sanderinos
Well... I can imagine that a lot of people hate him and want him dead.... but even I think its dumb, and he should have waited for another 2 years....
what I do not get is that he was sentenced in 1994, right? To 21 years... he comes out in two years... wich is like 50% of the time! Even in holland you can't get off that easy
here his sentence would be considered quite heavy...(pedophiles get out after less than a year, rapists/ers(sp?) purge their 2 month sentence in community etc)

2003-10-28, 15:28
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Sentenced for murder, right?
He'd probably be dead already if he was here in Good Ol' Texas.
eh, or life..
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2003-10-28, 16:16
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Death sentence is stupid... lockup is much more suffering
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2003-10-28, 16:39
Originally posted by sanderinos
Death sentence is stupid... lockup is much more suffering
the day that we dont have to pay for their imprisonment through taxes, i'll agree to that. for now, let's just fucking kill them, it's the cheapest way

2003-10-28, 17:26
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thats a good point
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2003-10-28, 17:44
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The reason of Varg coming out that fast is that a prison year is only 2/3 of a year, unless I am mistaken. Vargs behaviour was also exelent, and this would result in geting out faster, if not for that stupid escape.
He may be charged for blundt robery for his car theft.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-10-28, 22:00
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Originally posted by Freezer666
here his sentence would be considered quite heavy...(pedophiles get out after less than a year, rapists/ers(sp?) purge their 2 month sentence in community etc)
Holy shit,,, and i thought that the Dutch Law was a pussy.... but i mean Pedophiles get out less than a year? ..mmmm maybe a good thing for the people who want a pedophile dead... they don't have to wait that long to kill him and when they do kill him the sentence isn't that heavy aswell...
mmm oh wel.. i'll just have another beer and consider my migration idea's... hehehe.. sounds interesting... hehehe
But if you ask me.. i think varg got out so soon is because the judge is a big fan of Varg..... lol or maybe the judge didn't liked euronymous
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2003-10-29, 01:06
Dog farts
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This is just getting fucking ridiculous.
"BURZUM mastermind Varg Vikernes, who is serving a 21-year sentence for the August 1993 murder of MAYHEM guitarist Oystein Aarseth (a.k.a. Euronymous), was carrying enough arms and military equipment at the time of his latest arrest to pass for a commando, Norwegian daily newspaper VG reports in today's edition. Police have refuted the newspaper's report that an AG3 automatic rifle was found in the stolen Volvo Vikernes was traveling in when he was captured following an attempted jailbreak. However, they have not disputed the rest of the report, which included information that that other elite soldier equipment — a gas mask, knives, camouflage clothing, a portable Global Positioning System satellite navigator, maps, a compass, a mobile telephone, a headset and a laptop — were retrieved from the vehicle at the time of Varg's arrest.
These shocking revelations have led the police to put a lid on information related to the investigation. The police department, the defense ministry and the police's special national security unit PST have jointly launched a massive hunt for several people who are believed to have helped Vikernes in his escape from prison.
According to the information obtained by VG, the police have concluded that Varg's escape was well planned and involved assistance from several people on the outside. Varg was transferred on August 4 from a maximum-security prison in Bergen to the low-security prison Berg. Between August 29 and September 1, Vikernes was given a free pass from prison, and the authorities are now focusing their efforts on finding out the identities of all the individuals Varg might have met with during this period.
Before hijacking a Volvo from a family of three Sunday afternoon, Vikernes reportedly disposed of a BMW which an inmate at another prison purchased as late as last week. Police spokesperson Vidar Franksson in Flesberg confirmed to NRK that the inmate offered this information during an interrogation following Varg's latest arrest. VG reports that a bulletproof vest was found in the BMW and police have also confirmed that a handgun was found in a cabin in Rollag, which Vikernes has admitted to breaking into while on the run. Varg is believed to have spent Saturday night at the cabin and narrowly eluded heavily armed police, who were on their way to the secluded location shortly prior to his capture on a highway on the outskirts of Oslo early Monday morning."

2003-10-29, 04:37
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Planned escape?!?!?!?!?!?! What fucking retards. He was on a free day, all he had to do was walk away, and break into the car. Fuck all that. I should move to Norway, just to kill someone. I'll be let off easy, just like anyone else. 
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2003-10-29, 07:58
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This just keeps getting better, Nihilist... I bet he´ll get another 8 years for this
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2003-10-29, 12:54
Master Killer
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poor varg
I don't think he was actually planning something, just wanted to get out or something, he sure fucked up though.

2003-10-29, 18:38
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He is sentenced for 1 murder and 3 chruch-fires. And got 21 years, which is the worst punishment you can get in Norway. He only has to be locked up for 1/3 of that period, tho. He also owes the State of Norway around 23million NOK...
Pedophiles get 2-3 years here, and are out after around a year.
This is quite stupid...Pedophiles should be dragged after cars, with their balls tied to the rear bumper.
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2003-10-29, 19:53
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2003-10-30, 02:42
Forum Daemon
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Originally posted by Nihilist
special national security unit PST have jointly launched a massive hunt for several people who are believed to have helped Vikernes in his escape from prison.
The above is kickass. To Freezer I'd like to add that often, with the appeal process and the special care of death row, in America at least, the death penalty is pretty goddamned expensive, and, in some cases, markedly more expensive than life imprisonment, which can be as little as 25 years, so that argument's not the best one. Not that I care that much. Really, you can fry whomever you want, I have no moral objection.
Oh, and I'm not back. I just had to comment that Varg is a tool, but at this point it's more that I feel bad for him than I dislike him, because, really, he's got a sad, sad life. Or he's full of shit and doesn't deserve my pity, whatever. I still dislike him, though, don't misunderstand me, it's just that my pity is greater than my emnity. The important thing is the name of the unit in the quote. Bye.

2003-10-30, 06:13
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...come crawling back, eh? 
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-10-30, 07:17
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hey, look what the cat barfed out 

2003-10-30, 18:08
El Diablo sin pantalones
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he consorted with facists huh?
what a pig dog...
he's not getting my sympathy
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2003-11-22, 00:09
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2003-11-22, 00:14
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2003-11-22, 00:17
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Anybody know where that scar on his mouth came from? I mean, obviously from getting genital warts on his mouth and scratching them off and scarring himself, but for real?

2003-11-22, 00:31
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Thats from 97...
He probaley got the scar as a kid.
His music is realy good no mather what you say.
And CannibalXampire...shut the fuck up. You come from the country who gave us the Electric hellfire club..lol
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi

Last edited by daggerfall : 2003-11-22 at 00:35.

2003-11-22, 01:46
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You come from a country that gave us....you....yea, I'll shut up now.


2003-11-22, 05:54
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wow .. varg really does look happy on the picture..
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2003-11-22, 11:55
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I hope they find him and shoot him in the head. Unfortunately, it's kind of obvious that they won't. However, it's promising to hear that the Black Metal wars may be once again begun, let it spread over here too, cause we're also starting our own!

2003-11-22, 12:30
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That is the MOST (and I say that word with feeling, compassion, and intensity) retarded thing I have ever heard. You probobly sit at your computer with corpse paint on beating off to some snuff films. Fucking faggot.

2003-11-22, 17:23
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Originally posted by Euronymous
I hope they find him and shoot him in the head.
Some body didn't read the entire thread. Naughty naughty.

2003-11-22, 21:34
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Originally posted by metal=life
That is the MOST (and I say that word with feeling, compassion, and intensity) retarded thing I have ever heard. You probobly sit at your computer with corpse paint on beating off to some snuff films. Fucking faggot.
What's wrong with corpse paint?
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-11-22, 23:22
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When I first saw that picture, I was like, "Black Metal!?!?!?!?!?!"
Amusing, so damn amusing. What did he look like before he went to prison?
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2003-11-22, 23:36
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Last edited by CannibalXampire : 2003-11-22 at 23:39.

2003-11-23, 00:59
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Originally posted by daggerfall
What's wrong with corpse paint?
I find nothing wrong with corpse paint. But when you use it for your own self amusement to turn yourself on it gets a little queery.

2003-11-23, 13:03
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Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-11-23, 13:30
Dog farts
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2003-11-23, 19:07
I am a tax on the world..
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Whoa, he's ugly.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-11-24, 11:41
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Yeah, but could you take BM too seriously if all the dudes would be soooo Beautiful?
I'm ugly and I like it. Suits my image.
Doom what thou wilt

2003-11-25, 05:37
New Blood
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Unbelievable cunt this euronymous guy, thinks he´s so fucking radical behind his computer, talking about black metal wars and shit, like they would mean cock to him! do us a favour, and keep you ignorant mouth shut asshole! 

2003-11-25, 14:28
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There were never a black metal war... Some anti Burzum flyers and albums, but most people were happy with the death of Euronymous.
I think Varg may have continiued to play bass if he wasn't send to prison.
And they said they wanted Blackthorne who was with Varg.
Quotes of Hellhammer:
"Frankly, I didn't care too much about it."
"Not the way Euro was heading. He was concentrating more and more on his record label, and I was starting to rehearse more and more with other bands, because I need to practise a lot. He didn't care too much about Mayhem anymore. He was burned out. He wasn't into the band thing anymore, he was just into making money with DSP. We were even considering kicking him out of the band."
"That started to piss me off," says Hellhammer. "He was a very egocentric person. He wasn't like that at first, but he turned that way. I didn't care too much about it to begin with, but when I saw how he was carrying on, sending out pictures of only himself or pictures that only he looked good in, that started to bug me a little."
"When Euro was killed I first tried to get Blackthorne, who at that time was our second guitarist, back inthe band," Hellhammer explains. "But he got a longer sentence than expected because he was framed. I was thinking 'What the hell now?' Then I got in touch with this guy Blasphemer..."
Euronymous also never paid Varg his money, or Nocturno Culto's 1000$
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-11-26, 08:23
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Finland
Posts: 434
Tell me, where can I find more stuff about this "Norwegian Black metal Circle", Mayhem, Burzum and such. I have a book called Lucifer Rising and theres some interrestin things about them but not too much...
I've got really into BM lately, not only cos of music, but all the other crap that it contains, so I'd like to read more about it...
Doom what thou wilt

2003-11-26, 13:54
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 387
There is this book called Lords of chaos.
The black circle was hyped by the media, but I think it was a circle. Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, Emperor and Enslaved was the members. They were the bands who were considered true...
There is some info on www.anus.com
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-11-26, 14:19
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
Yeah Lords of Chaos is really good. You can get that book at www.shiva-int.com if that sites even open anymore.

2003-11-26, 14:52
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,216
Were all the old-school "true" black metal bands neo-Nazis?

2003-11-27, 03:58
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: the putrefying road in the nineteenth extremity
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i guess not...they were just pro-pagan or wotever...neo-nazism started with the national socialist black metal scene...even varg turned neo-nazi in prison
the old school "true" black metal movement (more specifically the second wave of black metal) was out and out about kicking christianity & other non-scandinavian religions out of scandinavia, and bringing back the pagan ways
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-11-27, 08:37
New Blood
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 9
... And i meant that guy who uses the Euronymous nick, not the real one...

2003-11-27, 09:14
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by ThroneofbahoS
Tell me, where can I find more stuff about this "Norwegian Black metal Circle", Mayhem, Burzum and such. I have a book called Lucifer Rising and theres some interrestin things about them but not too much...
I've got really into BM lately, not only cos of music, but all the other crap that it contains, so I'd like to read more about it...
Search on google for Vargsmal ... thats the book varg wrote in prison
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-11-27, 11:57
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Finland
Posts: 434
Cool, thanks man, Just the kind of stuff I wanted! I Knew He was supposed to write a book in prison, but I never heard it came out...
Then If you could tell me where I could find some info on "Black Metal war" and what happened in Norway Back in those days... I'm gonna check the Lords of chaos, but I want more!!!
Doom what thou wilt

2003-11-27, 17:56
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,216
Originally posted by corroded_soul
neo-nazism started with the national socialist black metal scene...even varg turned neo-nazi in prison
Who were some of the national socialist black metal bands?

2003-11-27, 18:23
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Set of "Family Ties"
Posts: 111
Originally posted by CannibalXampire
Who were some of the national socialist black metal bands?
They suck, who cares.
Old Burzum rules, though.

2003-11-28, 03:51
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: the putrefying road in the nineteenth extremity
Posts: 1,309
Originally posted by CannibalXampire
Who were some of the national socialist black metal bands?
i guess burzum, graveland, thor's hammer etc.
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-11-28, 03:52
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: the putrefying road in the nineteenth extremity
Posts: 1,309
Originally posted by ThroneofbahoS
Cool, thanks man, Just the kind of stuff I wanted! I Knew He was supposed to write a book in prison, but I never heard it came out...
Then If you could tell me where I could find some info on "Black Metal war" and what happened in Norway Back in those days... I'm gonna check the Lords of chaos, but I want more!!!
try this out dude
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!
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