2003-11-12, 23:58
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The Good Metal Distortion
I have a small little problem. I have a shitty guitar and a shitty amp. I cant afford a new guitar or new amp. The problem I have lies in the amp. Its sucks ass because it has no distortion on it. All I have is the Digitech Rp200. I like to play black metal, Immortal type distortion. Also I enjoy Amon Amarth. If anyone could help me with setting for my piece of shit please go ahead.
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2003-11-13, 03:44
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I would have to suggest getting a job and saving some money... whats stopping you? A low budjet distortion sounds have-decent compared to a low budjet clean, which IMO sounds like complete shit. So really, you dont need that much money to get a distortion going.
What do I have? I have a little Fender Bullet amp... it has GAIN (distortion) built into it and it works quiet well.. except its hard to ajust the volume when its the gain is above 5 (out of 10)... its either two quiet or too loud. It was about $170 Canadian... so thats peanuts american ($120 I'm guessing). Definitely worth it. It was my first amp (considering a tube soon) and has brought me far.

2003-11-13, 07:29
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a damn good petal would be the Death Metal distortion by DOD(an obvious choice). has a real deep, crunchy sound. great for solo's except for it doesn't carry harmonics very well.
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2003-11-13, 19:45
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Thanks Drag the Waters. But what about black metal. I have been searching all around music stores in order to find a nice black metal sound and turned up with nothing.If you have any suggestions, please share. And to dunlop man... I lead a shitty life. The only thing that keeps me alive is my music. I have been saving and shit but it will probably be about a year before I am able to buy a nice powerful amp.
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2003-11-13, 20:41
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Dude, u could just pick up a Boss Metal Zone (MT-2) if you cant afford much its your best bet, it can achieve a range of sounds. A job wouls also be a plan if u want the big stuff, b4 u buy your amp find out wat the bands u listen to use, thats your best bet to get the sound u want (if u want to sound like them) u should aim to have your own "corpsevomit sound" that ppl would recognise as "your sound". 

2003-11-14, 00:56
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Thanks man. Its not that I want to sound like anyone else but, I want to practice on that style and change it from there. And do you know any site that I would be abe to figure that shit out. I went to the band site and they didnt say shit. Corpsevomit already is a band. And they suck nuts, I only chose the name cuz its a pretty funny name. Thanks
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2003-11-15, 23:52
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Hey man, check out this link, it is has reviews out the yang yang on any brand, any model pedal, effects processors, whatever:
Personally, I think for your situation you should check out the boss mt-2 metal zone like metaldave said. You could use the dod fx-86b dm distortion with your mid's cranked, but I still think the mt-2 could better achieve that black metal "hiss".

2003-11-17, 19:48
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i would seriously suggest getting the Dod Death metal!!  its a killer pedal for those on a tight budget. I used to use one for death/black metal, but i saved up my money for over a year and got a boss gt6, IT FUCKIN ROCKS!!!!!!
you could also try the Digitech metalmaster, theres shit loads of variation in that pedal, more than the mt 2,
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2003-11-17, 21:29
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I picked up DigiTech's metal master and liked the different tone variations, but I wouldn't recommend you use it as a 9V operated stompbox because it has a digital prosessor that will eat a fresh 9V in 20 miuntes. My DOD fx 86 can run for a week and a half, being used a few hours a day on a new 9V. So if you're looking at the metal master, I would also drop another twenty bucks on the adapter.

2003-11-17, 22:18
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The DOD DeathMetal Distortion is as good as pig slop. Mine's already broken.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-11-17, 22:32
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...sounds like a personal problem... 

2003-11-18, 20:34
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I wouldn't really suggest the MT-2 for Black Metal. To me it seems to have a better thrash sound. I say go with the DOD. Or be smart, go and try some distortion pedals.

2003-11-18, 20:35
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Originally posted by chris-o-fer
...sounds like a personal problem...
No, DOD pedals haven't really seemed to be too sturdy in my opinion, which would make up for their low prices. I've broken two so far.

2003-11-18, 22:37
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Man, I don't know what the hell you guys are doing to your pedals, but I bought my first dod fx 86 used like three years ago. That finally took a shit, and I just recently replaced it. But those things have sturdy metal casings, and it doesn't have a digital processor in it, and unless you're taking the thing in the pool with you, or you guys have giant ape feet... I dunno. Maybe I'm just lucky....


2003-11-18, 22:44
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mine also busted... try giging with that piece of plastic shit. I do acually "STOMP" the pedal... maybe thats why?
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2003-11-19, 23:04
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Thanks guys, you really helped me. I think that I am going to get the MT-2 after I get my new amp. Thanks for the info.
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2003-11-23, 03:09
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Originally posted by Corpsevomit98
Thanks man. Its not that I want to sound like anyone else but, I want to practice on that style and change it from there. And do you know any site that I would be abe to figure that shit out. I went to the band site and they didnt say shit. Corpsevomit already is a band. And they suck nuts, I only chose the name cuz its a pretty funny name. Thanks
^ has a shitload of different rigs in cartoon or "geeked".
i'm not to sure of death or black metal bands though.
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2003-11-24, 22:48
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id have to disagree and say the DOD pedals are great...
i have tried and bought alot of pedals over the years....i owned a metal zone and thought it was ok until i put it up against this cheap DOD grunge pedal i found...the grunge blew it away...
now it didnt exactly give me the sound i was looking for but i did run it through some piece of poo marshall combo..70 watts or so(cant remember)...so i hunted around for a good cheap but loud stack...and i found a bargain!!
what i did was trade in my marshall combo for a randall 412-jb quadbox(4 x 12'' speakers, 400watts)...i thought it was a fair deal cause i knew once i found a head i was gonna be able to crank it..
the head i found is actually a bass head, its a Peavey sessionbass 200watter and i found it in some 2nd hand shop amongst the stereo amps and it was very cheap...i found the same model in a guitar shop and 2nd hand it was 3 times more expensive than what i payed for it..i figured if it didnt sound good with my box i could flog it off to someone for a tidy profit..
but to my surprise the amp rocked hard...the head has many knobs so im able to create alot of good sounds without actually adjusting my pedal knobs...
so what im saying here is that your amp has alot to do with your sound....the pedal can only do so much....and another option is to get an eq' pedal to boost your mids or your lows or what ever needs it.
hope that mad sense cause im really stoned.

2003-11-26, 21:34
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Originally posted by BLS
mine also busted... try giging with that piece of plastic shit. I do acually "STOMP" the pedal... maybe thats why?
ummm... all the dod pedals i've played and/or owned(grunge,deathmetal,supradist,chorus, ect.) had metal casings, so i don't know what "peice of plastic shit" dod pedals you've been playing. i've only broken one dod pedal, and it had nothing to do with the out side being poorly constructed, i just hooked up the wrong adapter and it fried it.
after i had owened half a dozen different distorion pedals i just figured, most the pros use their amps for distortion. so i went out and bought a mesa vtwin rackmount preamp another 4x12 cab, i sold my old head and bought a nice power amp. now with that setup i could get meaner or pussier distorion than any of the pedals i've played.(mt2,dod death,supra and grunge,ibanez ds7 and sm7.)
i'd suggest saving up and putting money into a bitchn amp with the sounds you like.
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2003-11-27, 00:27
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yeh metal casing... NOT METAL PEDALS. All i have showing now its a little metal switch withs is hard to hit with your foot.
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2003-11-27, 02:58
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If you think DODs have good sound you are deaf or never heard what good distortion sounds like. Also they are built like shit.
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2003-11-27, 05:57
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Originally posted by DEAD
If you think DODs have good sound you are deaf or never heard what good distortion sounds like. Also they are built like shit.
Damn strait!
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2003-11-27, 20:22
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compared to the metal zone....dod grunge is alot better....sorry.

2003-11-28, 01:14
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Originally posted by DEAD
If you think DODs have good sound you are deaf or never heard what good distortion sounds like. Also they are built like shit.
thats a very biased opinion, i've actually owned a couple dod pedals and i liked them fine, and you gotta be pretty ignorant to tell me or most other guitarists what "good distortion" is or isnt. i know what i call good distortion, hell, i play a mesa. but to each his own, some guys dig peaveys, some hate em, some swear by their marshalls while others swear at them. ect.
plus its not that they're built like shit, people just don't take very good care of their shit. you could smash or crack any brand of pedals.
i don't use pedals for distortion anymore though, and the stompbox effects i do have are boss and ibanez which i prefer anyways.
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2003-11-28, 01:17
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Originally posted by KB_CANS
compared to the metal zone....dod grunge is alot better....sorry.
depends on what you mean by "better". the metalzone can do a hell of a lot more than a grunge pedal can as far as versitality goes. you just might like what the grunge does do, better than the mt2.
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2003-11-28, 01:23
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Main Reason why I don't like DOD: The sensor that picks up the pedal's touch sucks and seems to break easily, at least for me. I use older model stuff of theirs too though. 

2003-11-28, 01:40
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Yeh I expect a stomp pedal to be stomped on without it breaking... But my old ass Boss pedal still works great after years of use.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2003-11-28, 02:16
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I think, correct me if I'm wrong, a lot of Boss stuff uses latching

2003-11-28, 18:19
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latching? All i know is my Boss pedals are all METAL except one little rubber grip.
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2003-11-28, 20:43
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boss pedals are delux, they switch good, they're durable, and they're good quality.
ibanez tone lok effect pedals are pretty nice too, the push in knobs are great, they eat batteries like hookers go through condoms though, but my boss noise suppressor allows me to power all my stompboxes in a daisie chain link setup which is pretty sweet.
one drawback with boss when you compare it to dod: boss's cost about twice as much.
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2003-11-28, 21:38
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Yeh like always u get what u pay for. Personally i rather spend and extra 30-40 bux and have it last much longer.
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2003-11-29, 15:53
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Originally posted by BLS
Yeh like always u get what u pay for. Personally i rather spend and extra 30-40 bux and have it last much longer.
you don't always get what you pay for, and just because something is cheap doesnt mean its gonna sound like crap, or just because something is expensive doent mean its gonna sound good.
for example... ibanez pedals, they don't cost to much more than dod pedals, yet i like the way they sound more than dod(even better than some boss's) and they're built tuffer' than dods.
its more than durability for me, i actually take care of my equipment, i may thrash around and play heavy music, but i could still make one of those plastic danelectro pedals last for years(if they sounded good which they don't), because i press or tap the pedal instead of jumping on it. so the durability isnt the main factor when i buy a pedal.
dod makes some good stuff and some not so good stuff, but the actual sound you get out of a pedal is what i'm into. i like the way boss and ibanez pedals sound like higher end equipment, because, they are of course, and it just so happens that they're "constructed better" than dod.
i listen for the sound quality of my pedals, then i look at the price and construction. instead of thinking "i can afford this, it looks tuff, and it says 'death metal distortion' on it so it should work for me." which unfortunately is the case for some people.
but in the end i find that i still mainly use boss and ibanez pedals(except stuff like my digitech whammy, dunlop wah/volume, and my aphex guitar exciter.)
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2003-11-29, 16:09
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i could still make one of those plastic danelectro pedals last for years
You must be a fucking genius -bows down-

2003-11-29, 17:54
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i personally dont recommend a DOD Death Metal Distortion, mine is also broken. The sound is great but the quality of the hardware is shit, get either the Metal Zone or Metal Master(which i have) you can do the DOD sound with it and have it for longer

2003-11-29, 18:13
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Im starting to wonder if any of you acually use your foot to stomp the pedal.... what do u just press it with your finger?? Giv your DOD one good stomp.... 
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2003-11-29, 20:45
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Originally posted by BLS
Im starting to wonder if any of you acually use your foot to stomp the pedal.... what do u just press it with your finger?? Giv your DOD one good stomp....
i'm starting to wonder whats wrong with your foot to make you break them like that?, all metal casing with a hard plastic switch. you must smack it with a hammer, or elbow drop it.
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2003-11-30, 03:10
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hard plastic switch?? I admit i do abuse my gear but the plastic on my wasent hard at all it was thin and cracked very easy.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-11-30, 04:49
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Hell, I want pedals that I can throw into the sky, ahve it fall on pavement and still work fine.

2003-11-30, 06:46
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how the hell do u brake the dods??
i have owned 2 grunges...lost one....and then bought one 2nd hand and its fine..
the metal zone(and other boss pedals) are very tough.....so if u are breaking them you should be drinking less!
any of u guys played the dime's warhead????...over fucken priced i reckon.

2003-11-30, 18:01
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Yeh its way over priced and all those useless effects just take up space.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2003-12-01, 00:21
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Originally posted by xdislexicx
thats a very biased opinion, i've actually owned a couple dod pedals and i liked them fine, and you gotta be pretty ignorant to tell me or most other guitarists what "good distortion" is or isnt. i know what i call good distortion, hell, i play a mesa. but to each his own, some guys dig peaveys, some hate em, some swear by their marshalls while others swear at them. ect.
plus its not that they're built like shit, people just don't take very good care of their shit. you could smash or crack any brand of pedals.
i don't use pedals for distortion anymore though, and the stompbox effects i do have are boss and ibanez which i prefer anyways.
Mesa Rectos blow large penis.
By good distrotion I mean overdriven articulation. Well round, I like to hear every note I play. Not a giant muddy mess of bass. I want the sound to cut through the mix (something rectos have a horrible hard time doing). Soldanos have godly distrotion. That is a fact.
I've owned a few DOD (back during my 1st year of playing) and I've always had a problem with them not switching correctly and the input/outputs acting up. They are shit made pedals.
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2003-12-02, 23:55
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also, for black metal really any decent any pedal will work good with enough reverb(which most amps have built in these days) but if you amp dosent and you're still n a budget dont worry, for black metal reverb isnt a necessity.

2003-12-03, 22:17
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Originally posted by DEAD
Mesa Rectos blow large penis.
By good distrotion I mean overdriven articulation. Well round, I like to hear every note I play. Not a giant muddy mess of bass. I want the sound to cut through the mix (something rectos have a horrible hard time doing). Soldanos have godly distrotion. That is a fact.
I've owned a few DOD (back during my 1st year of playing) and I've always had a problem with them not switching correctly and the input/outputs acting up. They are shit made pedals.
i actually play a mesa vtwin rackmount preamp(not the cheaper pedal version). not a recto. i love my vtwin, it allows me to blend my clean channel with the solo channel, so i can have a heavy "kick your face in" distortion and i can still hear every note i'm playing.
rectifiers don't suck, in fact, they are amazing amps, you make yourself look extremely stupid when saying flat out "mesa rectos blow large penis" and then nothing to back up your opinion. its just not your thing, and thats cool, but me and millions of other people have heard and or played rectifiers, and loved the way they sound. you can't just say i'm right and you guys are all wrong without looking stupid.
with any amp, but mesa's especially, you need to spend a bit of time with them to get that "sweet" sound you like. any amp can sound like crap if you use it the wrong way, even soldanos, which i love. just not their price tags.
and don't you play a 5150?, i wouldnt say a 5150 is any worse than a recto, but i certainly wouldnt say its better.
think about what you say, don't just assume every body else is a novice and think you are almighty and what you say is fact.
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2003-12-04, 01:04
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Can you read, seriously? I don't like rectos because they don't stand out. They are to bass heavy. See the paragraph after my first statement, thoes are what rectos are NOT. Your arguemnts are as stupid as you say mine are. You hide behind a curtain of obsurity. "heavy "kick your face in" distortion" Tells me nothing, it doesnt describe the sound at all. How is my opinion biased? Do I work for Peavey or something? What is swaying my opinion besides personal experience?
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2003-12-04, 04:19
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Yeh I also find the mesa sound muddy and undefined.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2003-12-04, 11:32
El Diablo sin pantalones
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actualy.. i'm gonna check my account and gonna get me the boss mt-2 today....
i realy hope my account allows it...
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2003-12-04, 14:26
El Diablo sin pantalones
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damnit! i still don't got my money 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2003-12-06, 05:44
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Originally posted by DEAD
Can you read, seriously? I don't like rectos because they don't stand out. They are to bass heavy. See the paragraph after my first statement, thoes are what rectos are NOT. Your arguemnts are as stupid as you say mine are. You hide behind a curtain of obsurity. "heavy "kick your face in" distortion" Tells me nothing, it doesnt describe the sound at all. How is my opinion biased? Do I work for Peavey or something? What is swaying my opinion besides personal experience?
i've never had a problem with recto's being "muddy".
maybe you should spend some time with an amp before you can tell others what they are or are not.
heavy distortion is heavy distortion. i wasnt describing anything in detail, people usually associate heavy distortion with not being able to hear the notes threw it. i was just saying i get a good mean distortion from a mesa and it doesnt sound muddy at all., if you want to know my settings, i can tell you. if you need my description to be more than "heavy".
on the lead channel i scoop out the mids a little, not completely, but enough to make it sharp and tight sounding(about 9-10 o'clock), i have the bass set at about 12 o' clock and the treble, gain, and presence all the way up, and the masters are both at about 3 o'clock. the clean channel, gain is set at about 10-11 o'clock, presence all the way up, the mids, and bass are set at about 12 o'clock. and the treble at about 1 o'clock, the mix level is all the way up and the blend is at 9 o'clock.
i get a nice deep scooped distortion for my grindcore/melodicore/metalcore band.
does that clear up my "curtain of obusity"?
saying "rectos blow" is a biased oppinion, just because you say they blow doesnt mean they do, some people just don't like having a low deep distortion sound, others do, i don't talk shit on fender amps because they arent "metal" enough. so just because an amp or pedal doesnt do exactly what you want it to do doesnt mean it sucks.
its childish how much shit you talk.
i'm not trying to convince you into thinking rectos rule or anything, you just need to learn that not every body is looking for the same sound as you.
to each his own. if you don't like something then just don't use it.
no need to start forum fights over it. because win or lose, its still retarded.
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2003-12-06, 18:24
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Telling me where your knobs are do nothing unless I have that exact same amp with the same guitar in the exact same enviroment that you have it.
See but bias means that my opinion is strayed by something forgien to me, ie money. And something goes along with opions is that even though I say rectos blow they may not, and even though you say rectos are good they may not be. So according to your definition to a bias opinion your opinion is bias. hmph.
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2003-12-07, 01:08
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Originally posted by DEAD
Telling me where your knobs are do nothing unless I have that exact same amp with the same guitar in the exact same enviroment that you have it.
See but bias means that my opinion is strayed by something forgien to me, ie money. And something goes along with opions is that even though I say rectos blow they may not, and even though you say rectos are good they may not be. So according to your definition to a bias opinion your opinion is bias. hmph.
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2003-12-07, 02:15
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I cease to see why this thread is still open
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2003-12-09, 22:38
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Originally posted by DEAD
Telling me where your knobs are do nothing unless I have that exact same amp with the same guitar in the exact same enviroment that you have it.
then just don't worry about it, you got all pissy when i just said i had a heavy distortion, just because that doesnt describe it exactly, so i gave you the settings, not much else i could do to describe my sound, your not here, so i don't see what your fuss is about.
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2003-12-10, 19:49
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Posts: 1,399
Nice one!!
Close this before he humiliates me with another witty reply!
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2003-12-11, 01:39
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
i give up anyways, its all the same.
you don't want a recto for chrismas.... there it's settled
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-01-06, 13:25
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Denmark
Posts: 82
The DOD Death Metal is nice, sounds brutal.
And it can takek a beating, i have had mine for over 2 years now, and it hasent been broken once.

2004-01-09, 03:02
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
Posts: 2,209
personally, id go with the digitech metal master, that thing is a fucking tank, ive had mine for a year, and is=t hasnt fucked up yet, and i abuse my gear. dod are good begginer pedals, but they break pretty fucking easy, i had a grunge and a flashback fuzz, i liked them, the grunge had alot of gut to it, but neither would great metal pedals, i killed them both in about 6 months, digitech, in my opinion, is by far the most worth the money, they are a bit pricey, and you do need an adapter, but they have got to be the most versitle single-effect pedals on the market, and like i said before, they are built like tanks.
Too grim to function
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