2003-12-01, 04:04
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The Randall Warhead(dime's amp)
ok so i went to my local the other day and they stock Randall now....
so i ask to try the dime warhead...priced at $5600 australian...with cash it would cost less...about $4500..still expensive but its dime's "real" amp....so i thought it would be worth it..
ok so a mate and i fuck around with it...im looking for a super clean crisp crunch.....all we seem to get is sounds we have heard on much cheaper amps and nothing that is really blowing us away for the price....we try and try....nothing....every sound we managed to make we can come up with at home on our setups...
but i gotta say....it looks so cool...hahahahaha
pls post any comment about the amp if u own one....
p.s. i wouldnt knock one back if it was free or mega discounted...but for the price i could buy alot of gear and get better results.

2003-12-01, 06:03
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check out venuemusic in sydney.
i saw the warhead priced at AU$2695 in their half yearly catalog.
theyre gonna be having a sale jan/feb, might be cheaper then..
anyways, whereabouts are ya?
i like 12yo blonde russian skoolgirls but INTERPOL thinks im skum

2003-12-01, 18:15
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Buying an amp because of the name or because someone famous plays it is insanely stupid. Why do you think These companies put out horribly overpriced signature lines? Because morons like you will buy one just for that fact.
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2003-12-01, 19:52
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Originally posted by DEAD
Buying an amp because of the name or because someone famous plays it is insanely stupid. Why do you think These companies put out horribly overpriced signature lines? Because morons like you will buy one just for that fact.
u talking to me???
i said i think its way over-priced...so maybe you should chill and have a few cold colds..or maybe read what people type....
oh yeah...u fucken moron.. 

2003-12-03, 22:40
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Originally posted by DEAD
Buying an amp because of the name or because someone famous plays it is insanely stupid. Why do you think These companies put out horribly overpriced signature lines? Because morons like you will buy one just for that fact.
i swear you try so hard to start shit in each thread, and the more and more i see it, the dumber and dumber you look.
i agreed with the first two sentences you said, but then you decide to call him a moron and then attempt to make him look stupid for buying a warhead, when in fact, he didn't ever say he bought it.
pathetic.... just pathetic.
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2003-12-04, 00:49
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Morons, both of you. I never said that he said he bought one, jackass. Read. I was calling him a moron because he said despite th fact that the tone and sound was nothing special and he could achive it at home he would buy if it was discounted, this follow the retarded statement "but i gotta say....it looks so cool...hahahahaha". His whole post is filled with stupidness about how the whole reason he tried it out was because it is Dimebag's amp.
xdislexicx, take you hypocrisy filed posts and lies and shove them up your ass. I don't need some ill-informed douche bag to tell me how he thinks I look. Like I'm real fucking worried about how YOU, some straight-edge hardcore bastard who for all know is 13, percieve me.
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2003-12-04, 04:21
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You forgot an s in there. 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-04, 20:31
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nah your offensive and u suck balls...
u can suck on mine of u want...u wanna???

2003-12-05, 23:50
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Yeah, Warheads are OK but too overpriced...Mesa's are better.

2003-12-06, 00:13
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You all need to shut up.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-12-06, 00:22
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what a sick pic
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-06, 06:00
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Originally posted by DEAD
Morons, both of you. I never said that he said he bought one, jackass. Read. I was calling him a moron because he said despite th fact that the tone and sound was nothing special and he could achive it at home he would buy if it was discounted, this follow the retarded statement "but i gotta say....it looks so cool...hahahahaha". His whole post is filled with stupidness about how the whole reason he tried it out was because it is Dimebag's amp.
xdislexicx, take you hypocrisy filed posts and lies and shove them up your ass. I don't need some ill-informed douche bag to tell me how he thinks I look. Like I'm real fucking worried about how YOU, some straight-edge hardcore bastard who for all know is 13, percieve me.
ouch.... you hurt my korn shirt. i'm gonna go rub of the x's because they're stupid and they make me "ill informed". 
diss straight-edge hardcore, and 13 year olds all you want. and tell me i'm a "hypocrit", and i "lie",douche bag,retard,jackass moron,stupid, blah blah. act like your smarter than everybody, and what not, you mean nothing to me. just like the way you don't care about what other people think, so you start shit in almost every thread.
p.s. powersofterror, i just posted something like that in a different thread, i wish i would of had that pic instead.
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2003-12-06, 15:52
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Originally posted by powersofterror
You all need to shut up.
hahaha, I saw that same pic used as, Racing with a Honda is like running in the Special Olympics..., It was a good one
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2003-12-06, 18:15
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When I say ill-informed I refering to the fact you make retarded comments about amps in other threads. Perhaps you think I'm starting shit, I'm just voicing my opinion. If someone makes a totaly stupid post I'm going to tell them about it. And if they decide to get all pissy over what someone said over the internet fine, I just hope they realise how dumb they are, and that angry faces don't convey thier anger but only make people laugh.
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2003-12-07, 00:29
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nice pic...GO FOR GOLD!!

2003-12-07, 02:16
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Bitch Bitch Bitch....
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-09, 22:31
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Originally posted by DEAD
When I say ill-informed I refering to the fact you make retarded comments about amps in other threads. Perhaps you think I'm starting shit, I'm just voicing my opinion. If someone makes a totaly stupid post I'm going to tell them about it. And if they decide to get all pissy over what someone said over the internet fine, I just hope they realise how dumb they are, and that angry faces don't convey thier anger but only make people laugh.
nothing personal pal, but you always seem to make shit sound offensive to some people, maybe its because you call them morons and shit, i dunno, its all about pride sometimes, call me ill informed for what ever you claim i say, i don't care, sometimes its funny, sometimes its just stupid, if you say you don't mean to be "starting shit", then you should probably look over your word choices when giving your oppinion.
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2003-12-10, 08:23
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u quoted him...now u must suffer...

2003-12-10, 16:18
The Mountie From Hell
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Before this gets closed I have a question about the amp, is it solid state or tubed?
Some guy at school said it was a tube, but i always thought it was solid.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2003-12-10, 16:46
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Well dimebags plays SOLID STATE always has. So go and beat the shit outta the dumbass who said it was tube.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-10, 18:01
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He plays solid state? That explains why my buddy's 38W solid state practise amp is the closest I've ever gotten to Dime's lead tone...
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2003-12-10, 19:55
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Dime also runs his signal through about a million digital signal processors. I seriously think he has one of the worst tones in metal.
A little side note, if you are offended by WORDS via a message board on the INTERNET, you should seriously be shot and help clean up the gene pool.
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2003-12-10, 22:28
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I think dimebag has one of the BEST tones.. its so original. Whenever u hear his tone you instantly know its him. But he does use ALOT of digital shit unlike kerry king or zakk wylde who just run right through there amp.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-11, 01:23
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i think dime's got some good sounds going for him, i don't know his exact rig, but from what i've played on the warhead amps, i would guess he doesnt use them, just some other randall, plus a bunch of other shit, but i do like his tone.
kerry and those guys go with good ol' tube amps, but i wouldnt be suprised if they to went through some digital processing.
and i'm not necissarily offended by anything, i'm not gonna go cry because some douche calls me names, its more in the idea of if somebody is giving you shit then you automatically have the right to tell them to eat a dick and fuck off, or most would argee.
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2003-12-11, 04:06
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"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-11, 05:51
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of course he uses it.....but its all the rack mounted shit that gets his his sound...

2003-12-11, 13:55
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I'm not really sure I'd trust that site. It's saying he's got two axes in Drop D and one a *quarter* step down. I've never heard any song or seen any tab that said this...
Oh, and I must ask mr. KB how a tuner, an eq and a silencer would give him that distortion. Not meant to sound offensive or rude, just seriously questioning the amount of thought behind that statement, so please try to answer calmly instead of getting pissed, since it is not my intention to piss you of.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia
Last edited by G_urr_A : 2003-12-11 at 13:58.

2003-12-11, 23:31
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i'm pretty sure its not his exact rig aswell, it probably has some truth behind it, but there is no way he gets those sounds from that setup.
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2003-12-12, 01:33
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I remeber in one of his lessons in Guitar World when he tunes down he always tunes slightly sharp. Like instead of C# its C# slightly sharp.
Unique tone < Good tone
I remember seeing somewhere that he did run lots of signal processors. Which is dumb. No matter how much money you have to burn why would you want a complicated rig that is hard to troubleshoot when you if you spend your money on where you should get your sound from (the amp not your rack) everything would be easy.
The best live tone I've ever heard was Macabre's. He uses Bogner; the one that looks like a Marshall (the name has escapes me and I dont feel like looking it up).
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2003-12-12, 11:04
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2003-12-12, 12:24
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Originally posted by DEAD
I remeber in one of his lessons in Guitar World when he tunes down he always tunes slightly sharp. Like instead of C# its C# slightly sharp.
Unique tone < Good tone
I remember seeing somewhere that he did run lots of signal processors. Which is dumb. No matter how much money you have to burn why would you want a complicated rig that is hard to troubleshoot when you if you spend your money on where you should get your sound from (the amp not your rack) everything would be easy.
The best live tone I've ever heard was Macabre's. He uses Bogner; the one that looks like a Marshall (the name has escapes me and I dont feel like looking it up).
i bet he has somebody else setting up his rig for him, so i doubt he cares about how complicated his digital shit is.
but i see what you mean about just using a better amp and saving alot of trouble and money.
i think macabre uses a bogner uberschall, my dream amp, i've had the pleasure of playing one in a store, and it smoked just about any other amp i could think of, mesa's, peavey's, randalls, marshalls, engl's, you name it.
but then i saw the price tag and realized it would be years before i would get one. $2,500 american just for the head, and the cab was about another $1,000.
the only other bogner i think it would be if it wasnt an uberschall would be a shiva, wich is also excellent, but its not as "brutal" in my opionin.
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2003-12-12, 18:45
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Exactly I doubt dime has set up his rig in years. Thats what his tech and roadies are for. Hell i wouldnt be surprised if the tech went out and bought shit without even telling dime.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-13, 16:00
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I know he doesnt set up his rig that douche Grandmaster Dragon does it for him. But I'm speaking of practical purposes for getting a good tone.
The dude from Macabre doesnt use an Ubersahll, I'm pretty sure its an Ecstasy or a Shiva. It was very impressive, they are second playing on the bill and had by far the best sound. He was using a miced half stack and his tone totaly raped Hate Eternal's(Marshall full stack) and Cannibal Corpse's(Mesa and Crate full stacks.).
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2003-12-13, 17:54
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HA, even Machine Head uses 5150's! God damn like every band uses them dont they?
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-14, 01:09
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They are fuckin great amps.
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2003-12-14, 02:11
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Yeh I know, I just got one off ebay for $455 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-14, 16:40
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2003-12-14, 17:16
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Originally posted by DEAD
I know he doesnt set up his rig that douche Grandmaster Dragon does it for him. But I'm speaking of practical purposes for getting a good tone.
The dude from Macabre doesnt use an Ubersahll, I'm pretty sure its an Ecstasy or a Shiva. It was very impressive, they are second playing on the bill and had by far the best sound. He was using a miced half stack and his tone totaly raped Hate Eternal's(Marshall full stack) and Cannibal Corpse's(Mesa and Crate full stacks.).
oh yeah, i forgot about the ecstasy, either way, bogner amps are fuckn awsome. i don't think any marshalls, mesas, or crates can even compare to bogners.
but i still dig dime's tone, its just sad when a great guitarist can't even setup his own shit, it kinda makes me lose some respect for him.
peavey's 5150s are getting quite popular, i love it, if i wasn't already playing a great amp like my mesa then i probably wouldnt mind buying one if i could, but i'm more than content with what i gots.
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2003-12-14, 18:12
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Crates blow and cant compare to any REAL amps
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-16, 21:16
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i actually like my old crate g1600 xl, but my mesa is more what i'm looking for. and i really like the blue voodoo's tone, its not a versitile amp at all which is why some people like it or hate it, but i like that grungy distortion i can get out of it when i scoop the mids and crank the rest. but like i said, it doesnt appeal to me as much as my mesa.
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