2003-12-12, 19:51
Senior Metalhead
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song choice for gig
theres a show at school coming up in march sometime and my band are gonna try to get in and play, we usually have a 2 song limit, and we cant deicde what the 2 should be, we are gonna play metallicas One for sure, but we;re kinda torn between Hate me! from Children Of Bodom, and a song from dream theatre, i could use some opinions about this dilemma
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
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2003-12-12, 21:36
New Blood
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Play Hate Me!

2003-12-13, 00:20
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DREAM THEATRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glass prison or Caught in a web........ tough choice still.................. lol 

2003-12-13, 02:28
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Hate me!, ONLY if u have a keyboardist which i asusme you do since any Dream Theater songs would require a keyboardist as well. But i think Hate Me would be the better choice if your playing to a audience of dumbass school kids, it will appeal to them more.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-13, 03:34
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play anything by blood duster.

2003-12-13, 12:06
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What dream theatre song were u thinkin of doin?
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2003-12-13, 15:30
Supreme Metalhead
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If you go for Dream Theater, make sure it's a song with relatively easy time changes, because "normal ppl" usually do not really appreciate stuff that they don't understand. The Glass Prison would be "easy" enough, and really great to show of your guitar skills (if you have them that is (I for sure don't)).
And I'd vote for Dream Theater.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2003-12-13, 20:14
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i think the bassist wanted to play glass prison or something like that, but he wasnt sure which song, i was kinda going for hate me myself cause im a bigger bodom fan ( their live show kicked ass btw) but dream theatre would be easier to sing i guess thansk for your output guys and rock on
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2003-12-13, 21:35
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 160
definately hate me, show everyone how you can play guitar better than they can. im thinkin of playin it at a talent show for my school in april.

2003-12-14, 04:44
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Originally posted by Poof Daddy
definately hate me, show everyone how you can play guitar better than they can. im thinkin of playin it at a talent show for my school in april.
Any Dream Theater song would prove that hes a good guitarist also.. And proove that the rest of the band is great as well.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-14, 05:26
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thats the funny thing about it, im not trying to prove anyone anything, im there to do what i love best play guitar, and i have to sing aswell, so i thinnk i'll be impressing enough ppl, but thats my bassists idea, he wants to prove to everyone hes a good bassist, this is kinda of topic, but since when did ppl throw the love of music out the window and just try to show everyone up? do you think eric clapton wanted to be the best, ok sure maybe a little, but he fell in love with the guitar, had a talent, and im sure he enjoyed 80-90% of his career. buti think im gonna go with hate me, we decided to learn hate me and Lie, from DT whichever sounds best we play haha thanks alot guys, and remember, its not about how much ass you kick, its about how much fun you had doing it 
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2003-12-14, 10:20
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Take KBs advise and just play the intro to fisting the dead over and over. dun nuh nuh dun nuh dun nuh nuh dun dun

2003-12-14, 10:32
Dog farts
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Blood Duster are boring though.

2003-12-14, 18:17
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Definetly play Lie if you can get that sound.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-14, 19:03
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 160
well the reason i just wanna look good at guitar is cuz noone at my school will give a shit about what i play since it wont be punk or rap or numetal.

2003-12-14, 22:14
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 196
I like Dream Theater much more, mostly because I think CoB's cover of "The Trooper" ruined the entire song. But if you play Dream Theater then there a.) Probably won't be much singing & b.) is gonna be one hell of a song to learn if you don't know it yet.

2003-12-14, 23:27
El Diablo sin pantalones
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you shouldn't concentrate on what song would be best on stage, but what song you would like most to play (favourite band or song maybe?)
if you realy like what you play, that will show and give one heck of a better show than just another tricky solo that you play with inhuman machinelike precision (ok i'm raving lol)
screw the people that don't like the song you choose to play... let them figure it out on the fretboard right?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2003-12-15, 19:04
Senior Metalhead
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thanks, were going with One and hate me! thanks alot for the feed back, if you guys good play any songs on lets call it a a "dream setlist" what would they be? i'd have to say a thrash metal tribute set list would be awesome, you know play one song from each of the big thrash bands, something like,
1. seek and destroy
2.some thing from megadeth
3.raining blood
4.something from anthrax
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2003-12-15, 23:54
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Cacophony - Speed Metal Symphony
Yngwie Malmsteen - Blitzkrieg
Black Label Society - Destruction Overdrive
Children of Bodom - Lake Bodom
Yeh that would kick ass
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-16, 20:17
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Cacophony - Concerto
Yngwie Malmsteen - Evil Eye
Jason Becker - 5th Capriccio (Ha! like I can even play 2 seconds of this.)
Michael Angelo - No Boundries
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2003-12-20, 18:41
Join Date: Dec 2003
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Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Children Of Bodom - Warheart
In Flames - Pinball Map
Arch Enemy - Ravenous
Not really hard songs to play, but are my fave songs to play.

2003-12-23, 04:57
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final update
well we got together and jammed again this weekend and we finalized our set list for the school show, haha man how things got fucked around we are going with the beggining to home unitl just after the " temptation" part, then we are gonna medley into metallicas one the fast part before the solo. finish the song then play downfall from children of bodom. 1 of 2 things will happen, we fail miserably at all or most of the songs, or we suceed, get tons of pussy and go home with a show under our belts, haha btw, depending on how the show goes we are gonna try to get some other gigs and put up a website, the bands name was originally steel scythe but we decided on going with Slain In Fire, the school gig is a bit of a side project ofr the lead guitarist and i, we are calling it Epitome of hate, haha thanks for particiating in the thread. and go play some fucking Metal
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2003-12-23, 05:37
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Cool, failure or not id like to hear it 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-01-02, 09:33
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2004-01-02, 15:03
Supreme Metalhead
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I'm with Poof, try to record it.
If you're going through a PA, it's easy pieces, if not, it's a bit more difficult to get it rigth, but please try!
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-01-02, 15:21
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hmm record it, i dunno i'll have to talk with my friend shes the one who manages the sound and everything, and depending on the budget this year we might just have to play through amps and no pa's or anything excpet for the microphone for the singer, butlike i siaid it all depends how they set it up, the thing is the show isnt like a concert, its "variety show" haha where ppl who have some trace of a talent can but something together and show it off, last year there was everything from tribal drumming by white guys, to irish dancing, including a nirvana cover band and some other crap, but im hoping this year is gonna be different, but about the recording, i'll try to. heres hoping!
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2004-01-08, 00:33
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 3
How did the show go?
Anyway, on my first gig, this was the setlist:
1.So What? - The Anti-Nowhere League
2.Deadnight Warrior - Children Of Bodom
3.Own song
4.For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica
5.Last Carress - Misfits (we hadn't planned this, the drummer just started it out of nowhere)
Last edited by Goldsmith : 2004-01-08 at 00:39.

2004-01-22, 20:57
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well the auditions were today, haha we got in, thanks to the judges who managed to convince the teachers that Children Of Bodom kick ass. and iof it wasnt for the worlds shittiest amps we would have kicked even more ass, now about left till the actual show so i dont know how thats gonna turn out, but hopefully it will kick ass
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2004-01-30, 01:26
Join Date: Mar 2003
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I would definately do a mostly thrash setlist.
1. Mouth for War(Pantera)
2. Seek and Destroy(Metallica)
3. Peace Sells(Megadeth)
4. I Hate You/Born To Be Wild together(Slayer covers)
By the way, my first set list was this
1. Origional Song
2. For Whom the Bell Tolls
Pretty crappy huh? lol. I only had twelve minutes and both songs were long.
RIP Dimebag
"Dime brought the life into so many people, how could somebody take his?" - Charlie Benante

2004-01-30, 01:49
bugfucker strikes back.
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When we start practicing, the setlist will be
1.) deeds of flesh - Indiginous to the Appaling
2.) Opeth - Wreath
3.) Death - Empty Words (hopefully) or Leprosy
4.) Own song (Damnation, as its entitled) as a finisher.
Possible encore:
Deeds of Flesh - Cleansed By Fire
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-02-02, 20:11
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Posts: 114
Dissection: pretty awesome setlist, man your singer must have some crazy stomach muscles, a little off topic does anyone know a good sitre or something for breathing techniques when you sing like those guys?
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid
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