2003-12-18, 14:27
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2003
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Do You Hate Rap??
Well if you remeber, and listen metal like me, for years, tha tin the 80's, metal music was a lot more popular that is now, most of 80's metal was better, than a vast number of albums in the 90's.
Good and innovative bands are missing. There are anyways some good and ORIGINAl bands out there, bands as Opeth and Anathema, are god to the genre, beacuse of the new and fresh ideas.
But we see as some genres as the Black Metal, are fulled of Posers, and the lack of Ideas. Same with Death Metal, nowdays everthing sounds very "repetitive" if your new in the metal scene, you probably did not realize this, but someone ho has listened to metal for years and years, probably did saw this a lot of time ago.
So extreme metal is very very underground, most people dont know what it is, 90% of ppl dont know what is black metal, death, or grind. Nowdays ppl only listen to melodic shit because is a lot easier to listen, but with more and more LACK of IDEAS and more important MUSIC.
That britney spears shit, and pop shit all sounds the same, only with the only objective to SELL, to the ignorant mases that listen to that fucking shit, cuz is the cool music that MTV is passing now.
But they listen to that music cuz they do not know anymore music, everyone knows metal exists, but some ppl, think metal is Metallica(¿?) and no more, because is probably the most known metal band ever.
Here comes the rap, is rap REALLY MUSIC????.
Lets think about it, there are indeed rapers that use REAL intruments (in their way of course) to make their "music" but that is only like 1% of rapers.
I listen to rapers like 50 cents and i say to myself, what is this FUCKING SHIT????. A catchy melody (not for me anyways) SHITY LYRICS (what is that fucking message anyway??) and an IMAGE to sell. You see is only for the money, music should not be that way. It is normal thant an REAL artist makes money with HIS work, but beacuse it is GOOD, he is not selling and image of BAD BOY, and GANGSTA and NUDE BLACK WOMEN, that is what the rap sells.
I think that it should be really named GANGSTA POP.
Well im talking about the things I see in tv and in the world, im probably wrong, and im not going to be pissed if I am, so if I am plz tell me my mistakes.
Excuse me for my shity english, Im not very good at it.

2003-12-18, 14:33
Master Killer
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you're generalizing, I don't think metal was really that much better back in the day, there's plenty of new upcoming bands
whatever turns your clock, i don't like melodic metal at all, don't like black metal either, but I love some good death/trash/grind.
50 cent, yeah, I guess you're right, it isn't real rap but commercial bullshit, well some call it a form of art. if you want rap, listen to DMX or some shit like that.
well, just listen to the music you like and keep the tv and radio off and you'll be fine.

2003-12-18, 19:39
The Devil
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Re: Do You Hate Rap??
Originally posted by Chaos
....and NUDE BLACK WOMEN, that is what the rap sells.
Black women eh?? Hmm...seems to me that at least 1/2 or more of the women i see hanging around rappers are white chicks.
Hell, i glanced at this magazine in a window stand just last night....it's called "Urban Male Magazine", canada's 1st urban something or other......and whaddayaknow, it's a super hot WHITE girl on the cover!! WOW!!! That's pretty fucking urban there you stupid fucking turds.
Anyways.....i don't see this discussion going very far. Not a bad post, but you just basically stated 100% of the most obvious thing someone with even the slightest bit of "mind" could see.
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2003-12-18, 19:47
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I stopped paying attentuiont to the mainstream years ago. I listen to what I like and stoped getting worked up over other people's horrible taste.
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2003-12-18, 19:55
Throbbing Member
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I see rap as an evil form, true Blackmetal if you will. They contribute to the moral rot of society. They desensitize and exploit sexism, violence, the use of drugs and alcohol..yet still claim to be so close to God. That and it really dosen't take much talent at all.
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i'm so bonery

2003-12-19, 01:53
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Man why yall foo's playa hating biatch! My snizzle is fo shizzle up in da hizzy... Its like big boy Dr. Suess
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