2004-01-27, 21:02
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in need of some amp info
i have to do this damn thing for school where i take an argument with two sides and compare them so i figured lets do something that i might enjoy so i choose the debate of tube vs solid state(original...? well noone else did it  ) i have info on how they are made and stuff but i need some info that only players could give me. here are some q's (if you think of anything else to add then please do... i did do a search but didnt find quite what i was looking for)
how long do tubes usually last
what kind of tone is usually associated with tube amps? solid state amps?
what is your personal preference and why?
is one manufactored and sold more then the other?
(for sound refernce) can you name some bands that use tubes and some that use solid state
and since this is a paper i need good info and not some stupid bullshit(which just for saying that some smart ass will give..hehe)
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-01-28, 00:45
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I replace my power tubes every year or so, the preamp tubes last longer and i change them every 3 years or when the tone seems to get dull. Tube amps seems to give a warmer more saturated tone which i love. Alot of bands use the 5150 which is a tube amp for example, the haunted, in flames, machine head, children of bodom, and arch enemy.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-01-28, 05:12
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Tubes allow impurities into your signal that add warmth and color to your tone. Thats why digital amps have that very sterile sound. A comon misconception are these 'hybird' amps where they have tubes in the preamp stage. You needs tubes in the power amp stage for real tube warmth.
Macabre use Bogner tube amps
Slayer use JCM 800s
Impaled use 5150s
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2004-01-28, 18:38
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u lazy bastard....getting us to do your work.....well done DEAD and BLS....you to always go hand in hand...

2004-01-28, 20:42
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by KB_CANS
u lazy bastard....getting us to do your work.....well done DEAD and BLS....you to always go hand in hand...
wel, "nice guy", he asked for oppinions of players, isnt that what they gave him? and he asked for no shit from people, so you still wanted to give it?
oh...and i have no experience with tube amps, never played any, and what i know has been said by the other 2 guys, so there...
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-01-28, 23:11
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Tubes allow impurities into your signal that add warmth and color to your tone. Thats why digital amps have that very sterile sound.
ever heard the yamaha dg series? one plus for the solid state has got to be the incredible versality as well as accurate emulation that some digital modelling can produce. they sound 99% just like a tube amp, and there are 8 different amp type sounds you can use. it's like 8 in 1.. and all 8 are impressively good. some digital modellers suck, but yamaha did a very nice job with it.

2004-01-28, 23:22
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Im nearly certain Dimebags rig is solid state (as an example of a played that uses solid...).

2004-01-29, 19:53
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Yes Dimes rig is solid state with about 6000 effects and other random shit in bewtween. Where as Zakk uses a JCM 800 with a boss chorus and tube over drive. So dime needs tons of effects and shit to get a good solid state tone where as zakk uses 2 pedals...
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-01-29, 21:17
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Originally Posted by mctriple
ever heard the yamaha dg series? one plus for the solid state has got to be the incredible versality as well as accurate emulation that some digital modelling can produce. they sound 99% just like a tube amp, and there are 8 different amp type sounds you can use. it's like 8 in 1.. and all 8 are impressively good. some digital modellers suck, but yamaha did a very nice job with it.
They may be acurate to a point. But they will never reproduce the feeling and response of tubes. Crank your solid state thing and it will break up. Crank an all tube amp and it just gets better.
Also, tube amps produce more sound. I have a 5150 combo and I play lead at volume 4 and he has a 100 wat solid state head with a 4x12 and plays rythem at like 6.5.
KB Cans, shut the fuck up. Youre dumb.
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2004-01-30, 00:58
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dead, that's also true to a point. maybe you haven't tried this amp yet. my 80 watt with 1 12" speaker sounds great cranked way up, and i'm getting a 2x12" with 2 more celestions very soon, so it will be quite loud. and it does not break up even at 7, which was insanely loud. they really are high quality. i could buy a tube head and half cab for the same price as my digi and 12" speaker.. that doesn't necessarily say something, but the fact that i haven't sold it off and got a tube amp, when my friends refuse to play on anything but marshall tube stacks, which i do like, but am not overly impressed with, should say something. ive plugged my guitars into theirs, and it's great, don't get me wrong. but it's not really better, even cranked. and mine is sooo much more versatile. i hooked mine up to my friend's awful 4x12" and it was unbelievable.

2004-01-30, 01:02
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fyi, the feeling is actually quite good. my amp has 2 inputs.. high and low, and a trim. these are used to get the amp to work exactly right with the amount of output that your pickups use. i have to adjust it every time i plug in a different guitar, but this makes the feeling quite similar to the way a tube plays off the output of your pickups.

2004-01-30, 06:35
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by DEAD
They may be acurate to a point. But they will never reproduce the feeling and response of tubes. Crank your solid state thing and it will break up. Crank an all tube amp and it just gets better.
Also, tube amps produce more sound. I have a 5150 combo and I play lead at volume 4 and he has a 100 wat solid state head with a 4x12 and plays rythem at like 6.5.
KB Cans, shut the fuck up. Youre dumb.
exactly, thats why god gave us tube amps.
I tried an ENGL screamer 50 which kicked the crap outta any ss marshall, it just sounded more powerfull and it had much better tone, Engl in my opinion just sound better then Marshalls. Marshall nowadays is pretty overpriced.

2004-01-30, 19:58
Join Date: Oct 2002
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thanks for the info so far guys
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-01-30, 20:15
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I don't like Marshalls very much. I view them the same way I view Gibson, good, but not worth the money. Engl, Bogner, Soldano, and really any other boutique amps are better.
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2004-01-31, 23:47
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when ss amps start clipping, it doesnt sound so good. but when a tube amp clips, you have an orgasm.
and the reason dime actually needs all those processors and shit is because he actually use the "warhead", which in my opinion blows, and is one of the worste randall amps. almost $1,000 for a warhead 2x12 combo that sounds cheap as fuck..... when you could pickup a kick ass all tube 5150 2x12 combo for less.
and as far as price goes.... the cost of a ss amp that is as good as something like... say a 5150...... will probably end up costing you just as much.
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2004-02-01, 00:13
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by DEAD
I don't like Marshalls very much. I view them the same way I view Gibson, good, but not worth the money. Engl, Bogner, Soldano, and really any other boutique amps are better.
yeah, my thoughts exactly, most people buy Marshall because it's Marshall, purely by name and endorsers and shit, the only descent marshalls are the older JCM's, the mode four is crap, and the tsl/dsl100 is too compared to neat old jcm800/900.
Engls are great, so are Hughes and Kettner Triamps, but Bogner and Soldano's are even a step up from an Engl, but for the hard cash, Engl is the way to go, I'm thinking about buying a Engl head this year. (I'm thinking of the Screamer or the Fireball)
but first I'm gonna pick up my '89 RG with ofr, put an invader in the bridge and pick up shredding again.
fuck people who steal other people's instruments. 

2004-02-01, 04:57
New Blood
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Yeah engls rock!!!!
I have a powerball myself and I love it to bits
I think its much better then my friends triamp.

2004-02-01, 15:44
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Originally Posted by Def
yeah, my thoughts exactly, most people buy Marshall because it's Marshall, purely by name and endorsers and shit, the only descent marshalls are the older JCM's, the mode four is crap, and the tsl/dsl100 is too compared to neat old jcm800/900.......
i do like marshalls and all, but the mg's and even the avt's shouldnt even be associated with the name marshall in my opinion, sure they sound alright for ss/valve amps, but they don't have that good ol tube marshall sound...
i like the mode4, but for the money i'd much rather have a jcm of any kind. i like the 800's because they can get pretty mean sounding, especially with a tone booster or od pedal in front of em. but i don't like only having one channel. i like the 900 pretty alround, except they don't have a ton of low end. i'd say the 2000's are my personal favorites, because they just fit my hi gain style alittle better, but i think i'd rather take a 5150 II for $900 instead of a dsl100 for like $1200.
mg 4x12's are lame, avt's are a little better but nothing "wow",the 1960 cabs with greenbacks sound f'n' awsome. and the newer m4 cabs are like mesa recto cabs with marshall decals slapped on em.
i just think theres alot of amps that are better for the money.
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2004-02-01, 15:49
Master Killer
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Yeah, but if I'de had the choice between an Engl Screamer 50 and a 5150, I'de take the engl anyday  not as many watts but much better tone..
50 tube watts is enough anyways.
the avt's and mg's are pure crap, its just a 'step' in amp for guitarist I guess, a guy I know had an mg, then an avt and now a tsl100.
as far as the cabs go, marshall 1960's cabs aren't bad, I haven't tried the other, but I bet I don't want to either, hehe. Laney and Mesa cabs are pretty good too, but I don't like their amps.

2004-02-01, 20:29
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The thing about JCM 800s is that you need to turn crank them for a good distortion, and i dont know about you but I'd lie to keep my hearing.
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2004-02-02, 01:16
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Originally Posted by DEAD
The thing about JCM 800s is that you need to turn crank them for a good distortion, and i dont know about you but I'd lie to keep my hearing.
just get a 50w jcm 800, and put it on a 2x12 or 1x12 cab, it will clip sooner and at more decent volumes than a 100w 800 pushin 1 or 2 4x12(s), but it'd still be capabe of getting quite loud. or you could get an o.d. pedal or something to push it harder at low volumes.
earplugs during band practice wouldn't hurt either.
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2004-02-02, 10:00
Master Killer
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earplugs won't help against 100 tube watts plus your bandmembers won't be all too happy with it. lol.
the jcm800 lacks a bit of gain, but using a distortion pedal is the stupidest thing you can do, you have a tube amp, why the hell did god make us a tube amp? yes, because of their distortion!
you're better off using a power brake.

2004-02-02, 12:33
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i've gotten some pretty cool tones out of an 800 with a light o.d. from an ibanez tube screamer in front of it.... it wasnt like i put a smashbox or something in front of it and used that primarily for dist.
but, if you were gonna drop all that money on a head, then you should at least buy a head that will suit your needs, best for your buck. ex. you don't drop two and a half grand on an uberschall if you're only gonna play the blues out of it.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!
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