2004-02-03, 16:47
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Preview Damage Plan's new album here.

2004-02-03, 17:11
Britney Spear's Pimp
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dude... you rule.
I'm clicking to add at your reputation
Get a life.... RIGHT NOW!!!!!

2004-02-03, 21:29
Britney Spear's Pimp
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OH SHIT...!!!
Get a life.... RIGHT NOW!!!!!

2004-02-03, 21:51
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Originally Posted by DELETE79
exactly, nothing new here,which is why im not buying the album.
i just wasted 20 minutes of my life listening to the preview and im not impressed
A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die.
-Franz Kafka

2004-02-04, 00:12
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jesus christ that sucks. Its like mixing pantera with mudvayne or something.

2004-02-06, 16:35
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Originally Posted by DELETE79
OH SHIT...!!!
yeah, it's slow and it's got a nasty groove, solo is pretty creative too 'cause of the unexpected note choice
i didn't like the song "Breathing New Life", it doesn't flow, and not really that catchy.
the title track is okay, the main riff sounds similar to a riff by Dream Theater in "In The Name Of God"
i heard Pride, it sounded okay too, didn't listen to it all though
the song with Corey Taylor isn't that bad, it has good energy
i like Pat's voice.
Reborn is another mid tempo song, it was mediocre
i've heard like 6 tracks from that preview deal, and so far, i've yet to find a brutal riff, an amazing solo, or catchy vocals
Last edited by atifman : 2004-02-06 at 17:34.

2004-02-06, 17:07
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(btw merge this with the new found power: http://www.metaltabs.com/forum/show...ight=damageplan )
yeah this isn't that great, the only song that really caught my attention is "Crawl"
when i listen to bands, i try not comparing them to other bands on the first listen.....but this really sucks compared to Pantera. Reinventing the Steel was an album where you could listen to it all the way through without skipping tracks.....this album has a bunch of skippers....there are a few songs that i like on this album, but still.
lyrics aren't that spectacular either, you can tell that this album was a tad targeted towards the mainstream audience. the songs to seemed like they were about identity, believing in yourself, rising up, and crap like that....
to me, putting "Don't Judge me" (i think this was in Explode) in a song, totally means that it was targeted towards a teenager.
also, "if you think you're better than me, than you better wake up, 'cause you know it's a lie"
what? if i know it's a lie, why would i think the opposite? that doesn't make sense.
yeah i listened to most of the album by now, and i can say i'm disappointed.
they said that they were trying to put a modern touch on old school metal, and i think that was the problem, these riffs sound hackneyed. well they're varied in a way, in the sense, that they sound Pantera influenced but they're not riffs Pantera would play. still, the riffs suck, there's no brutal interludes like in "Uplift" and "I'll Cast a Shadow". i expected that much from Dime.
they said Phil was holding them back from branching out, but he was doing the right thing.
but the problem is, this album will be really successful 'cause of how radio friendly it is. i was hoping that this album and SJR's album would both do badly and Phil would realize his mistake and get back together with Dime and Vinnie, but that's not gonna happen.
Dime and Vinnie have disappointed their old Pantera fans, but they won't realize it 'cause their album will sell (to newer fans who probably don't even dig pantera).
i won't say that they sold out, 'cause at least the music has some passion in it instead of St. Wanker.
Last edited by atifman : 2004-02-06 at 17:33.

2004-02-06, 22:14
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I don't like Pantera at all but I thought I would give this band a try. It sucked. And I mean really really sucked. It sounded really nu-metal.
The CD cover is way over done too; very corny.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-02-06, 22:45
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check www.damageplan.net (fansite)
for a chat with the band and a live webcam broadcast with the band this sunday 6pm PST
Last edited by The Doctor : 2004-02-07 at 08:43.

2004-02-06, 23:59
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sweet, hopefully some people will go there and tell the band how much the album sucks

2004-02-07, 05:45
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Originally Posted by Darko
I don't like Pantera at all but I thought I would give this band a try. It sucked. And I mean really really sucked. It sounded really nu-metal.
The CD cover is way over done too; very corny.
DONT LIKE PANTERA??? Damn i didnt know that was possible. But yeh damage plan isent too great. Its no Pantera but it isent supposed to be. I still rather hear Damage Plan on the radio than whatever kind alame shit they play now.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-02-09, 06:56
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Superjoint Ritual kicks its ass.....
phil must be smiling..

2004-03-06, 18:01
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Damage Plan > the other Pantera spin-offs.
Phil Anselmo is a drug-fucked moron.
Case closed.

2004-03-06, 18:42
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by P§ÝÇHÕ
Damage Plan > the other Pantera spin-offs.
Nah, you're OK, I think I'll skip it and keep listening to Down.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-03-06, 18:46
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Nah, you're OK, I think I'll skip it and keep listening to Down.
Why did Down only have a few good songs on their album? That band was going places, and Anselmo, in his drug-induced stupidity, decided to fuck things up.

2004-03-06, 18:56
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all down's stuff's good imo, its the best spinnoff so far

2004-03-06, 18:59
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
all down's stuff's good imo, its the best spinnoff so far
I'll second that.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-03-07, 07:54
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Down is the only descent spin off, and the only reason its descent is cause of the Crowbar boys.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-03-07, 21:48
Schrodinger's Cat
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Yeah, but Jimmy Bower's pretty good too.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-03-07, 23:32
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What about crowbar? Rex produced the new album and plays bass for them i think
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-03-08, 01:46
Dog farts
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I don't like Pantera either. I don't really want to check out Damageplan if they are similar.

2004-03-08, 04:44
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Damage plan...crowbar...down....super joint.....these names make me think they are a bunch of drunken rednecks, who speak hic.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-03-08, 09:42
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They are, but they don't produce bad music.

2004-03-09, 17:00
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None of the songs on the album really stuck out.
But when I listened to it drunk, it gave me the same "pantera rush" That i love about dime's playing.
I think it may grow on me.

2004-03-16, 21:24
New Blood
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Hahaha, i didnt buy it .. a mate gave it to me coz he didnt like it ... haha anybody want it? i dont haha its the biggest pile of poo ... least superjoint rule, and damageplan well they dont, nuff said! totaly let down! their bassist looks like robert trujillo too .... weirdo!

2004-03-16, 21:53
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i have mixed feelings on this one.
if you listen to it just, out of nowhere, it's actually pretty decent.
but if you listen to it while whispering to yourself "bah, Pantera were better" then this album wont sound nearly as good.

2004-03-25, 06:05
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The only good one F___ You
Like the song F___ You but the rest lacked the why I like Pantera. I'm Out! 

2004-03-25, 10:28
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you can say fuck here

2004-03-25, 10:54
Schrodinger's Cat
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But you can't say cunt...
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-03-25, 17:25
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Originally Posted by Nitara
Like the song F___ You but the rest lacked the why I like Pantera. I'm Out! 
In the version i got, he doesnt evem say fuck. He just whispers it and screams YOUUUUUUUUU. Sounds pretty stupid. I'd have to say Pride is the only one i like from them.

2004-03-26, 01:42
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Yeah, Pride's probably my favourite song on the album.

2004-03-28, 08:13
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well the forums over at damageplan is filled with nu-metal kiddies...so that says it all.

2004-03-28, 12:17
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Originally Posted by KB_CANS
well the forums over at damageplan is filled with nu-metal kiddies...so that says it all.
Saying something as stupid as that tells me you're one moronic fucktard.

2004-03-30, 06:44
New Blood
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analyse this.
Man, what can I say? I joined this forum just so I could say how wrong you guys are about the new Damage Plan album. It is one kick ass album and probably one of the best metal releases in the past two years (coming from this genre anyway). New Found Power and Soul Fly’s Prophecy are just amazing advances in metal from a bunch of industry veterans. St. Anger was a joke compared to this stuff, this is the real deal!
In NFP the vocals are hardcore and the drums, guitars and bass are loud as hell. What else could you ask for? THIS IS FUCKING METAL PEOPLE!
Zakk Wylde makes a guest appearance and you still whinge saying D.P aren’t as good as Pantera.
I don’t mean to put you guys down but I bet if dimebag were sitting next to you right now you would be worshipping his ass. So don’t let other people’s opinions affect your own. You are all are so used to criticising things you would never be capable of doing yourself that you remind me of cranky old men. I don’t even think people like you guys would recognise a great album when you hear one anymore. This is Dime and Vinnie at their very best. I have been lucky enough to witness Pantera twice in my lifetime and I can’t wait to see Damage live because there are some serious groovers on this offering. Just listen to “Wake Up” and then “Blunt Force Trauma” back to back just to see how much of a range this band has in their repertoire. It’s their first album and you people are already writing them off as lame.
There is a new future in metal. Damage plan are writing this future. This does not make them nu metal or lame but pioneers.

2004-03-30, 07:18
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if you are going to say nice things about Soulfly you could at least put their name right
AND we have every right to criticize, the second anyone becomes a public character, their actions are open to criticsm, we have EVERY right to say it shit and we hate it ... we DON'T HAVE to appreciate it for skill or whatever. Thats what happens when ypu are in an industry based on opinion
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-03-30, 09:46
Schrodinger's Cat
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m2fu: I've got the utmost respect for musicians like Dime and Vinnie but that still doesn't hide the fact that Damage Plan are comparable to a thick, brown substance usually found in fields. You're right, I wouldn't tell Dime this if he were sitting next to me but I would ask him when or if the next Pantera record will be coming out. You're perfectly entitled to hold your own opinion, but don't get too uptight if other people don't agree with it.
PS: I heard Soulfly's new song (Prophecy) the other day and it's hardly an advancement in metal as it sounds the same as everything else that Max has written since '95. Don't get me wrong, I like listening to Soulfly occasionally but to describe them as advancing metal? No.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-03-31, 02:38
New Blood
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To BeastOfCarrion: trust u would pick apart one spelling mistake just because I pissed you off with my opinion. Btw u made a spelling mistake too...
I do agree with u when u says "we DON'T HAVE to appreciate it for skill or whatever". But you really should give this album a thorough listening too before you dis it like everyone else who hasn’t even bought a copy of the album, just leeched it off the net and based their opinion on that.
To johnmansley: Max experiments with world music and reggae on Prophecy and you’re telling me that’s not advancement in metal?
Anyway without further risking my reputation as an Internet wanker on this forum...
Every man to his own opinion. God bless freedom of speech.

2004-04-01, 02:48
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Originally Posted by m2fu
To BeastOfCarrion: trust u would pick apart one spelling mistake just because I pissed you off with my opinion. Btw u made a spelling mistake too...
I do agree with u when u says "we DON'T HAVE to appreciate it for skill or whatever". But you really should give this album a thorough listening too before you dis it like everyone else who hasn’t even bought a copy of the album, just leeched it off the net and based their opinion on that.
To johnmansley: Max experiments with world music and reggae on Prophecy and you’re telling me that’s not advancement in metal?
Anyway without further risking my reputation as an Internet wanker on this forum...
Every man to his own opinion. God bless freedom of speech.
Go praise damageplan on their forum. Im sure you'll be loved there. I've listened to the whole album enough to know that it's nothing great compared to pantera. And im comparing it to them because thats what they should live up to. Dont go backwards like metallica.
Why the hell would you think buying the cd make it sound better then downloading it? If i paid money for that crap, i would hate it even more. Make sense? Yup.

2004-04-01, 06:05
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Originally Posted by guitarenvy
Go praise damageplan on their forum. Im sure you'll be loved there. I've listened to the whole album enough to know that it's nothing great compared to pantera. And im comparing it to them because thats what they should live up to. Dont go backwards like metallica.
I guess ignorance is bliss in your case.
Damage Plan is not Pantera and I'm glad it's not. It doesn't have to live up to Pantera. If you think like that, guess what? You're a fucking moron. That's not an opinion - that's a fact. DP never tried to be Pantera, they never said "We're going to be the next Pantera", they simply said that they'd try and carry from where the best Pantera came from - and I believe they're doing it right.

2004-04-01, 08:10
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your a moron for thinking i really care about your opinion

2004-04-01, 08:39
Pokémon Master
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i think this thread needs to be closed, or the pointless bickering needs to stop
yes, some poeple like it
no, others don't
can we have some better comments
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-04-01, 13:45
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Originally Posted by guitarenvy
your a moron for thinking i really care about your opinion
You're a moron because you don't know how to fucking spell.
Oh I read you're location. You must be 12 or 13 years old - my bad.

2004-04-01, 20:46
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Your a knowledgable wise man oh great Psycho. You know many wonderful things.

2004-04-03, 05:48
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If that was sarcasm, I'm not impressed.

2004-04-03, 11:24
Dog farts
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"Oh I read you're location"
Haha, you fucked up.

2004-04-04, 12:51
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
"Oh I read you're location"
Haha, you fucked up.
I couldn't have been mocking him now, surely.

2004-04-04, 13:06
Dog farts
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I am deeply sorry, Mr. Internet Tough Guy.

2004-04-05, 12:01
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I'm an egotistical fuck, not a tough guy.

2004-04-06, 04:11
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Your a WORTHLESS fuck Psych0 bitch.
You mock someone with the most retarded comments and are too stupid to notice. Nice try loser.

2004-04-06, 07:19
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Originally Posted by guitarenvy
Your a WORTHLESS fuck Psych0 bitch.
You mock someone with the most retarded comments and are too stupid to notice. Nice try loser.
Poor diddums. Now now. There's no reason to be angry just because you know that I'm better than you.

2004-04-06, 08:32
Pokémon Master
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Where is the "Arguing on the internet" picture?
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-04-06, 15:16
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
Where is the "Arguing on the internet" picture?
In the 'I am very fucking new to the internet', section along with Goatse, that screaming .gif with red eyes and the rest of the people who think they're cool when they post old shit like that.

2004-04-20, 22:20
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 1
aight look, u guys who didnt hear the whole album are wrong
this album obviously has some really bad songs on here, but there are a few REALLY good songs...i bought it, then copied it with just the songs that i thought were good
1 save me
2 crawl
3 pride
4 soul bleed
5 moment of truth
and thats about it
also their new song w/ jerry cantrell is amazing....its called ashes
so 5/14 songs on here are good, which makes me think they might have a future, if they stop making bullshit songs like breathing new life and explode.............

2004-04-21, 12:46
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by m2fu
To johnmansley: Max experiments with world music and reggae on Prophecy and you’re telling me that’s not advancement in metal?
That's exactly what I'm telling you. It's nothing new to experiment with other styles of music within the metal structure, vis-a-vie rap-metal. Look how that turned out.
I believe Bad Brains were mixing reggae and punk years ago so for Max to now incorporate reggae into metal is hardly innovative. World music and metal? Nile have been using the whole middle eastern thing for the past 10 years and indeed early Soulfly included tribal beats and world music when they first came out. So yes, I think that Max is not producing an advancement in metal, merely pedalling the same music that he's written ever since leaving Sep.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-04-21, 12:52
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2004-04-21, 15:28
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
Congratulations. I don't know if you're more of an idiot to post that picture after everybody realised it wasn't funny, or if you're simply too stupid to understand that nobody cares.

2004-04-21, 17:12
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it still is.
now go stick a gun up your ass.

2004-04-21, 18:13
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
it still is.
now go stick a gun up your ass.
You forgot to add "An idiotic dipshit", after your "regards", line.

2004-04-21, 18:36
Britney Spear's Pimp
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Get a life.... RIGHT NOW!!!!!

2004-04-21, 19:30
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Last edited by DELETE79 : 2004-04-21 at 20:56.

2004-04-24, 08:09
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by m2fu
In NFP the vocals are hardcore and the drums, guitars and bass are loud as hell. What else could you ask for? THIS IS FUCKING METAL PEOPLE!
I guess I could ask for it not to be terminally boring and musically mediocre.
10 word story - Listened to it. It was tepid. Put on Decapitated instead.
('Scuse me coming to this late after the pissing contest.)
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."
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