2004-02-04, 19:59
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Your Fave Guitar Necks?
Who do u think makes the thinnest most playable guitar necks and why? I think its got to be the ibanez wizard necks because their so comfortable.
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-02-04, 20:05
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My hands are big, Wizards and Wizard IIs feel like I'm holding a knife. I like Jackson necks...
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2004-02-04, 20:15
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I'd have to say the neck on my Ibanez ex series is good..
But I like the maple fretboard and neck on my rg as well...

2004-02-04, 20:30
Master Killer
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wizzard necks for me.
jackson necks are good too. shame my got nicked 

2004-02-04, 20:40
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I like Jacksons, but they feel a tiny bit too thin. S standard Strat neck feels a tad too fat, but really good usually. The best thing I've felt so far is the neck of an ESP M252.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-02-04, 20:49
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Ibanez, Jackon, and B.C. Richs all have great necks.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-02-04, 20:51
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yeah, my rich one's a bit worn out but still its smooth as hell

2004-02-05, 01:22
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I hate thin necks its like playing a paper neck. I prefer the thicker jackson necks not the thiny wanna be wizard pos' Gibson necks feel good too
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2004-02-05, 01:25
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I prefer the ESP MII Deluxe neck. Also the american handcrafted warlocks.

2004-02-05, 04:23
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i love the neck of my ibanez RG, i just wish it was just a tad thicker around frets 1-4, for mroe comfortable barre chords. but they feel pretty comfortable after fret 4 though.
i also like the ibanez js1000, ibanez jem, EBMM Petrucci, and EBMM Luke. i like ibanez's and EBMM's 

2004-02-05, 04:49
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my gibson les paul special's neck is great. it's not the huge chunky kind that most les pauls have.. it's the slim 60s taper, so its pretty quick. the satin (non-lacquer) finish is also very smooth and makes it even quicker. it's a joy to play on.

2004-02-06, 03:35
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IM recently loved ESP and Ibanez necks, but today I played a 24fret neck thru Lado guitar, dates back to about '89 a bladed humbucker in the bridge and blade coil in the neck, but an absolutly amazing guitar. Soon to be mine...
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2004-02-06, 14:43
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I like the neck on my dime333. I have big gorilla hands, so the wizard necks are a pain in the ass to play. I also like the neck on my ltd m-255. It still feels thin to me, but not so much as an rg. I like my necks a little thicker than most people though.

2004-03-13, 06:08
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i like my ibanez's wizard II neck. accomodates my hands perfectly.

2004-03-13, 12:27
bugfucker strikes back.
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Wizard IIs definately. To be honest, i've never played anything so comfortable as an Ibanez.
I  my RG.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-03-13, 12:50
Master Killer
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nah, Wizzard I's are the shit 

2004-03-13, 13:39
bugfucker strikes back.
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Havent played wizard Is. Cant say.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-03-13, 14:38
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i love my jackson neck, i once picked up a 60's les paul and it had one of the best necks i have ever played
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2004-03-14, 04:13
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Some Ibanez necks are quite good but the neck on my Squier Strat is very thin too. It is about 2cm at the widest point and extremely comfortable, the only problem is that is has only 21 frets.

2004-03-14, 11:50
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The neck on my jacksons Warrior has to be the the most comfortable i've ever played, i've played a few ibanez Guitars whether the necks were wizards are not, they didn't compare to my jackson in the slightest.
Then again i soppose it's all a matter of preferance.

2004-03-14, 12:02
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thats true, it depends on what kind of jackson too, I used to have a korean Dinky, but I prefer my Wizzard I neck on my '89 RG....
Squier Strat necks thin?? yeah, and they play like ass... they're not fast at all IMO, the main problem is though, that the neck is mounted to a squier...

2004-03-14, 19:05
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mmmmmm asssss
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-03-14, 19:15
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I hate squires. I played one the other day at guitar center. Your fingers feel like they stick to the damn fretboard.. And the overall tone and crunch didn't sound to hot to me. I rather play a Fender than that.


2004-03-15, 10:35
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Originally Posted by Def
Squier Strat necks thin?? yeah, and they play like ass... they're not fast at all IMO, the main problem is though, that the neck is mounted to a squier...
Yeah. The tone is shitty and not at all suitable for anything other than a practice guitar. The fact that I've lowered the strings so that they are just above fret buzz height probably adds to the ease of playing with it though. I still manage to play around 16 notes per second alternate picking on it and about 18 nps sweeping, mind you I've only been playing for 15 months, so you can still get descent speed from it.

2004-03-15, 13:11
New Blood
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It'll be the BC Rich Warlock for me...
Still the Jacksons are good aswell..
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