2004-02-09, 05:29
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okay, i searched the forums and didn't find too much specifically on strings, so sorry if i missed it. basically, i'm pretty broke right now after buyin a lot of gear. very broke. i've only ever tried ernie ball super slinkies (9). i got some gibson brite wire 10s that came with my LP, and i love them, but they're more expensive, and we don't have a gibson shop within 2 hours from here (middle of illinois..), so they're not a option since i can't afford to order any for a month or so, and mine have lost their tone after 2 months. i thought about boiling them, but wouldn't want them to break, so i want some spares anyway.
i really like the feel of the 10s i have now, but i never tune down like a monster.. 1/2 a step or drop d is just about the lowest i go, so even 9s would be okay, but what are some good cheap strings for 10s? i wish i'd tried a bunch over the years, but always stuck with ernie ball 9s. i might give dadario 10s a try... but how are the ernie ball 10s? do they feel like most other 10s? are most 10s the same? these are the first 10s ive ever tried and they're expensive, so i dont know how they compare to others.
and have you guys tried boiling? do they break real quickly? i don't have a whammy and haven't been bending much lately, just working on sweeps,trem picking, etc.

2004-02-09, 06:53
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this is from my personal experience.
anyways, ive used ernie balls and found them to be really good in so far that they stay in tune really well even with whammy bar abuse, and that they are stable when downtuning also. good solid tone as well.
daddarios are more for lead playing. i find i can bend daddarios alot easier than other brands. however, for me, they dont stay in tune really well and only last a couple of weeks of playing an hour a day, as they rust easily. tone however seems to be more aggressive and grainy than other brans.
dean markleys are between the ernie balls and daddarios in regards to feel and tone. i like these as they suit my lead and rhythm playing well. they stay in tune relatively okay as well.
dr strings tite fits to me are basically shit. i hate em. not as aggressive sounding as daddarios and are basically middle of the road tone wise and the feel is weak. they do last abit so that may be a plus. however i dont usually play on these often. staying in tune is alright.
ghs to me are like daddarios and dean markleys except a little brighter. they seem to last as well. dunno about the stability of tuning with these as ive only ever used em for rhythm.
gibson powerlines. shit. flat dark tone. good for rhythm but for leads suck. i found it difficult to get up to speed on these strings.
as for boiling the strings? i never do this and when i have the results were worthless.
if you can afford decent gear than you can afford decent strings. dont get lulled into a false sense of economics by skimping on maintenance or string quality.
if you are price conscious however, buy strings in bulk, perhaps 10 or 12 packs at a time, for sure you can ask for a discount.
my personal picks are the first 3, i usually rotate between brands whenever i feel like a different approach.
hope this helps in some way.
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2004-02-10, 14:53
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Originally Posted by andras
ghs to me are like daddarios and dean markleys except a little brighter. they seem to last as well. dunno about the stability of tuning with these as ive only ever used em for rhythm.
They dont stay in tune too well, I got the largest gauge there is, im not sure if that has anything to do with it, but it also has to do with how much string you have at the tuner of the guitar. If you got too much wound it will have more of a chance of the strings falling a step lower than what you want.
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2004-02-10, 15:02
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I play guitar roughly 1-2 hours a day, sometimes more. It depends on what's going on that day. The strings I'm using now are D'Addario 10's on my Ibanez Rg 120, and 12's light gauge on my Ibanez Ex.


2004-02-10, 15:04
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Are they any good?
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2004-02-10, 15:16
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I'd say their pretty good. I've been using them for years. I've tried GHS guitar boomers and I thought they sucked..lol.. Ernie Ball seems to be pretty decent, but I like D'Addario's better. That's my opinion.....


2004-02-10, 15:25
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Hmmm, I never thought of trying D'Addario's 10s. I've only used 9s on that brand, and they're pretty good for bending. I'd suggest DR 10s, they're have a cool feel and nice for fast picking.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2004-02-10, 15:49
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Personally I have .11 GHS Zakk Wylde Boomers on my RR but theyre way too heavy... Though the sound is awesome! Normally I use 0.9 or .10's
Doom what thou wilt

2004-02-10, 16:00
Master Killer
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ernie ball's for me too. DR strings for bass rule, but the guitar strings don't.

2004-02-10, 16:08
The Mountie From Hell
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D'Addario's are the best, I use .09 for regular tuning, .10 if I want a thicker strings, and .11 for down tuning.
GHS Boombers are good, but I find them really thin (.09 is all i used by GHS)
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-02-10, 18:00
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yeah i picked up 2 packs of daddario 10s. haven't put them on yet, but i'm thinkin that i'll like them. i used ghs ONCE because a retarded friend said they were the best.. and never got a 2nd set. other than that it's just been EB 9s, so ill be lookin forward to putting these on and trying them out when i get back. thanks for the info.

2004-02-10, 21:23
I am a tax on the world..
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I use GHS for my bass guitar, and they sound better than D'Addario bass strings.
I didn't know they did guitar too.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-02-10, 21:28
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Originally Posted by mctriple
yeah i picked up 2 packs of daddario 10s. haven't put them on yet, but i'm thinkin that i'll like them. i used ghs ONCE because a retarded friend said they were the best.. and never got a 2nd set. other than that it's just been EB 9s, so ill be lookin forward to putting these on and trying them out when i get back. thanks for the info.
For the same price you can get a 3-pack. (I assume the string where 5 bux a peice)
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-02-17, 21:05
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i like d addario because the tone lasts quite a while, and i ve not once broke a d addario in my life. i find ernie balls have a decent sound that dies FAST but also have the tendancy to break easily. right now my warlock is strung with d addario 11's and my ibanez is fitted with elixer nanoweb coated strings (11's)
the elixer s i'd say, though pricy ( 15 bucks a pack, yikes!)is the best out of them all. they last a while ( i'm talking a WHILE, and they have not broke on me yet. the only comp[laint is they like to strip ther nanoweb coat if you tremolo pick alot ( yes, i'm guilty) but that doesnt at all effect the tone. it just makes it look like you strings are coated with dried jizz and it's flaking off. other than that, they do fine. hope that helps
WORD OF CAUTION: NEVER BUY VINCI STRINGS!!!! they are made by washburn and comes with an extra e string. sounds nice, but the tone dies the NEXT DAY if not the same day. then they sound like pure shit.
(strings are really a matter of personal preference.) 

2004-02-17, 21:07
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has anyone ever noticed that strings made by guitar companies are pure shit?
i think they should just stick with making guitars... and let drands like ghs, d'addario, and elixer make the strings 

2004-02-17, 23:11
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Gibson makes some quality strings. And some of those ernie ball music man guitars are nice (exspecially the petrucci model) Its just that MOST string made by guitar companys, and most guitars made by string companys suck
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-02-18, 06:53
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yes i like my gibson strings a lot. ill be puttin on the daddarios tonight, though, so we'll see how that goes. they didn't have a 3 pack.. damn i got ripped off. what a bastard! 

2004-02-25, 14:58
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Originally Posted by BestialWarrior
I play guitar roughly 1-2 hours a day, sometimes more. It depends on what's going on that day. The strings I'm using now are D'Addario 10's on my Ibanez Rg 120, and 12's light gauge on my Ibanez Ex.

Same thing right here.
D'Addario a very good strings. Price is OK!!! (when you buy they with a whole set. When ya buy them seperately they are quite expensive)

2004-02-25, 15:07
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ernie ball all the way, i got a custom set on my baritone, and they are fuckin great, and the next time i restring, im gonna get ernie balls for my other guitars as well. prolly 10-56 or 11-58 for my 7-string, and the new not even slinky 12-56 for my telecaster, tuning it down to C
Too grim to function

2004-02-25, 16:37
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Posts: 80
I like the DR Pure Blues 12-52 more than anything so far. They stay in tune much longer than earnie balls. They Last along time. on my guitar they have a great tone.
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2004-02-25, 17:27
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I usually use Ernie Ball 10's for my guitars because there fairly cheap, stay in tune and sound good. But i m thinkin that next time i get some strings i ll buy some d'addarios 10's to see how they are
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2004-02-25, 18:54
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i always use dean markley for my guitar. i tried ernie ball and some ghs strings and i thought both were of lesser quality than the markleys. and i mostly play leads and the dean markleys NEVER go out of tune with my locking trem system. and i abuse the trem quite frequently. and they are killer for chunky riffs too.

2004-02-26, 01:18
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im quite happy with my daddario 10s for the record. i think i'll stick with them and gibson brite wires.

2004-03-03, 01:04
New Blood
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are the elixers are they worth the money, i know someone said there good but is there anyone else with something to say about them. i use eb supers slinkys right now they do decent but i always break a string every few weeks. i need some ones that can stand the shit to be beat out of them. ;]

2004-03-06, 06:36
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elixers are great for tone and longevity, but they are weak, i broke the d string at the tuning post. but since i have a locking nut, the strings are still in tune.. cool.. but yeah, if oyuu play hard, get d' addarios. they are one of my favorites because they last for a long time and they never break ( at least not for me, and i brutalize my strings)
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