2004-02-09, 21:30
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entombed/dismember distortion?
Does any body have a clue how to make the distortion like Entombed and Dismember?
and if so, what kind of gear do you use.

2004-02-09, 22:29
New Blood
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try using the digitech metal master. with that pedal i come pretty close sounding like them

2004-02-10, 13:28
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Thanks for the tip man

2004-02-11, 04:14
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Kustom amps all knobs at 7 with the Boss MD-2

2004-02-11, 20:23
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So where to find a BOSS-MD2, can´t a BOSS-MT2 do?

2004-02-12, 06:08
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No clue, the MD-2 is the megadistortion 2. And the only reason I said kustom amps is for the intro to "Cheif Rebel Angel" and kustom gives a nice acoustic feel to electric when its not plugged into anything of on over drive. But it works well for dismember too if you pop the MD-2 up and push the overdrive button on the amp and slap your E. You dont even have to tune down it gives it that, well I dont know how to say it that "BAHHHHHH" pitch for your guitar. you know the, I love the smell of napalm in the morning......BAHHHH NUH BAHHH NUH BAHHHH NUH NUH BAH NUH BAHHHH

2004-02-12, 06:41
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Haha yeah i know what you mean, and thanks.

2004-02-12, 16:04
Senior Metalhead
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Hell ya!
I totally love entombed's sound. It shit kicks my stereo!
BTW: Clandestine = best entombed album.

2004-02-22, 19:00
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Hmm. Not too hard to find out, but maybe try this:
On your mid range, turn it up to around 10,11, or 12(on the plus side)
Your tone turned all the way up.
The bass Turned up halfway to 3/4's of the way.
You should add a little bit of reverb and Delay as well.
Maybe a little compression...
Thats what I can come up with. And that's just thinking off of the top
of my head....


2004-02-22, 20:26
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Denmark
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Nice, i´ll give it a try

2004-02-23, 15:18
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Been thinking about replacing my DOD Death Metal, whit the Digitech Metal Master, but ís the Metal Master worth alle the money...cause here in Denmark it costs about 1350, and in US$ thats about 192 $, and thats a shit load of money.

2004-02-23, 15:46
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You may want to check out the Rp100 or Rp200 by Digitech. I have the Rp200. On this, you have Compression, Reverb, Delay, Amp prefrence, Mid-range,Tone,Bass,etc...


2004-02-23, 16:38
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Thanks again Bestialwarrior, myabe i´ll give the RP200 ago instead of the Metal Master.

2004-02-25, 01:09
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What is this distortion you are talking about? It sounds fucking mad. I have only heard Entombed stuff a long time ago, so what album is it off. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I have tried an RP200 and an RP300A, as well as an Boss ME-50. I am personally thinking of buying the RP300A (as the shop I go to has a 30% discount at the moment). The ME-50 is easier to use as it is knob-driven as opposed to going through multi-level menus. Thus it's good for using at gigs. However, the RP300/A has other features like CD jam-along, you can slow riffs down to 1/4 speed, stereo flanger, and everything you could imagine (mad distortion - adjust the centre frequency of the mid range band, etc, wah, detune/harmonizer, pitch shift, amp/cabinet/pickup modelling, chorus, compressor, drum loops, 40 artist presets). I got the impression that the dude in the shop liked the ME-50 better, but then again, it costed more.
Anyway, I've been dying to find out what the effect is that Obituary use on their Chopped In Half solo. It's like a rapid tremolo/vibrato sound. It's also briefly in the Amor E Morte solo, and the best example I could find is on a playstation game - LA music track on Twisted Metal World Tour. I tried to get it going on the RP300A with a vibrato effect but I couldn't get it fast enough. Anyone know what the effect is called or what effects units do it?

2004-02-25, 05:58
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Just any Entombed album, they have the coolest distortion on all theire albums, so all of them will do.

2004-03-17, 01:08
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Posts: 82
Just had a listen to the Entombed track on 'Route 666'. I noticed the bass guitar was mixed loud on the track, and so you get the buzzing chainsaw distortion.  I recently acquired a Zoom GFX-5, and it has a patch called "boots". Basically it mixes in a detuned (1 octave, or 12 steps down) version of what you're playing. If I tweak the setting with some more gain, bass, and midrange, and delay, I can get a fairly close simulation of the sound. The only trouble is that it don't sound good unless you are playing a single string at a time. I can record a sample if anyone wants.

2004-03-17, 05:59
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Yeah a sample wouldt be really cool.

2004-03-18, 07:27
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Now I'm pretty sure it's the bass guitar making that sound. I was listening to "Six Feet Under - Jailbreak" and that had a similar sound, but if you closely listen, you can hear that it's some sort of fuzz distortion on the bass guitar breaking up the low end, and then mixing the bass guitar in more than normal.
I'll record that sample when I get around to it, but don't expect it to be exact, as I could spend hours tinkering with settings on the Gfx-5 and still not get it right. I somehow managed to get the sound even without the octave lower mixed in by playing a single string at a time.

2004-03-18, 14:25
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Entombeds bass is all clean, but the guitars are somhow able to make that bass like tone whit what seems like a fat distortion mixed whit somekind of overdrive thing...it´s hard to describe, but listen to Wolverine Blues, or To Ride Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth, and you will get the idea.

2004-03-19, 10:20
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Kokaiinum
Thanks again Bestialwarrior, myabe i´ll give the RP200 ago instead of the Metal Master.
NO! If you go with any of those, make it a RP300A.
I have a slightly more vintage RP7. Yeah... they made 7s...
Distortion on it is ok, if you dont own a Marshall like some of us. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-03-19, 14:14
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That sounds crappy, cause i own a Marshall.

2004-04-07, 06:47
New Blood
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I found this searching the web, about a norwegian band called Solefald:
You mentioned in a previous e-mail how you discovered the secret to that Entombed/Skogsberg guitar sound. Can you explain that again?
Yeah! They're recorded on Peavey Bandits. They're between the practice amps and the smallest stage amps. They're actually really small. Before we recorded, they actually packed the amps in this foam rubber stuff first, and then they turned the volume up to maximum, so it was a really weird way of recording the guitars. They said, "Well, this is the way we always did it," and we said, "Okay. We trust you!" I think it came out great.
Have fun!

2004-04-07, 12:45
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using multi fx pedals for distortion is sickening, if you want to get a good sound similar to alot of the pros, you'll be wanting a good amp for your distortion, not a pedal. because more than likely most of them(like 90% or more)are using an amp's o.d. channel.
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2004-04-08, 02:02
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I have a 50W Peavey Envoy transtube amp and I thought the distortion was heavy and had that "chung"  sound when I palm muted. I had the bass on 10, mid on 3.5, treble on 10, gain on 10, plus "thrash" (mid cut) and gain boost on. But then I acquired a gfx-5 and used that for a while. I can tell you, going back to the amp distortion now; it sounds like I'm playing clean! It doesn't compare.

2004-04-08, 02:28
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try using a dist pedal when you're jaming with a loud drummer, pedals start to sound really thin and cheesey, an decent amp's dist will actually have balls
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2004-04-08, 06:11
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I disagree, I can get huge boosts just above midrange etc by adjusting the crossover frequencies and it cuts through any other sound. (It's like a shredding/ripping sound that's harsh on your ear, and sounds insanely brutal.) Plus if I added some gain from my amp, it'd fucking rip then... But I played on a $3000 (Australian $) Peavey amp, and the distortion sounded exactly the same as my 50 watter

2004-04-08, 17:00
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i've owned my share of pedals in the past, good, bad, decent, ranging anywhere from $30-$300(u.s.).... some of them sounded pretty good with the amps i had(s.s.), but only at low volumes. they were s.s. amps, so of course they didn't get as 'mean' sounding as a pedal, but when cranked they had better tone than the pedals and still managed to get pretty heavy.
now i'm tube and i can't believe i actually used to like the tone i was getting before, my mesa can not only get way better tone than any boss,dod,ibanez,ect pedal, but it gets heavier too.
i'm not sure how much $3000 au is in american, but i assume you're talking about a triple x or a 5150(II), if so you must not have a very good ear for tone, if you think a 50w s.s. transtube peavey amp sounds exactly like one of them. because a 5150(II) or triple x could blow away your gfx 5 anyday, and although i still think transtube amps have pretty good tone, they don't even compare to the xxx or 5150's.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-04-13, 05:11
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 82
You sound like you know what you're talking about, Mesa's rip. I'm probably half deaf anyway from listening to too much metal, so my Peavey sounds muffled by itself; no top or bottom end. Boosting those bands through the gfx allows me to hear frequencies that I haven't heard for ages  . That's why I think in my situation the gfx sounds better than my amp. If you sat in front my amp and listened to the amp and then the gfx, I'd guarantee (even at high volume) that you'd agree that the gfx leaves it for dead in the killer tone department. I find it difficult to tell the difference between Peavey transtube amps (e.g. Rage, Studio, Envoy etc). But I only got to try them at the shop briefly.
I think the $3000 (btw: $1 AUS ~ $0.75 US) amp I tried at the shop was one like this (Peavey XXX series 112 combo, or it may have been a super 40, I'm not sure):
I wasn't really listening closely; I was jamming to Master Of Puppets with some other guy and singing as well, plus we had to turn it down. It's hard to tell at low volume, with my hearing and all, I couldn't tell the difference between that amp and my Peavey. But I know it would have definitely sounded better at high volume (unlike my 50W Envoy which just doesn't have the power), because I can vaguely recall the fullness of tone from the tube driven 12" mofo!
Btw, that Super 40 EFX looks alright, are they worth the money?

2004-04-13, 12:24
Senior Metalhead
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If Entombed would sell their recipy for their sound, they would make millions.
Just imagine......Boss Entombed Metal.
I know I would buy it anytime
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Last edited by The Dimmu Monk : 2004-04-13 at 18:18.

2004-04-15, 22:51
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Denmark
Posts: 82
Yeah they need to make a Entombed Distortion pedal. Or start telling people the secret of theire sound.
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