2004-02-23, 04:42
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
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amp trouble
Its guitar amp by the way...
I figured maybe someone coule help me with the trouble i have with my amp...
Ok, you know the input socket where you plug in the cable to the amp, well i think there is something wrong with mine. Sometimes the amp goes into this weird mode where it is quiet and has static, then when i shake the cable at the socket it snaps out of it. Even worse is when i do a heavy mute and the amp really vibrates, then it shakes the whole thing and it goes into that shit automatically. I had to tie the cable aroung the back so that it wouldnt be shaken, which is now resulting in my cable fucking up!!! dammit!
So, anyone know what the fuck is wrong?

2004-02-23, 06:19
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 80
my friends bass amp did that. Does it feel really loose when you plug in the cable? if it does contacts inside of that jack have bent out make a loose connection causing all of that shit to happen
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2004-02-23, 22:57
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
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It isnt all that loose...
but if that is the problem, i guess i should take it apart and try something???
Does anyone know what to mess with inside to fix it?

2004-02-24, 01:41
Senior Metalhead
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before you go fukking around inside an amp and possibly elektrokuting yaself, either ask a decent musik shop, email the manufakturer or ask someone with elektrikal knowledge how to go about it or what to do.
if youre gonna go with the DIY job try downloading a manual off the net.
il say this again, if you dont know what youre doin with an amp and its elektroniks, get someone with knowledge and experience to work on it.
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2004-02-24, 02:30
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
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yeah, it is better to be safe...
im just so used to my friend fixing all his shit on his own, it makes me always consider it.
I wouldnt want to fuck up the amp, it is all i got, im poor (year round) and it cost me a lot.
If anyone else knows, with certainty, what the problem is, please tell me what you know

2004-02-24, 20:12
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by timedragon
I wouldnt want to fuck up the amp,
If it's a tube amp, you might very well fuck up yourself.
*What I'm saying is that there are LETHAL voltages in tube amps EVEN when they have been unplugged. So BE CAREFUL and KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING*
My idea about what's causing the problem would be that the jack is either too loose (as mentioned) or rotated in a bad way.
You said that the amp worked when you taped the cable up around the back of the amp. Try to turn the jack part around 180 degrees, so that the "ring" part of the jack will be up, instead of down (as I'm guessing it is now). This will cause the cable to make better contact due to it hanging down, instead of forcing you to lift the cable.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-02-24, 23:38
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take it to your local guitar shop, or you could call them up and ask them
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2004-02-24, 23:42
Alumni Staff
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you also might see if something is wrong with your cable before you start to take shit apart.
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2004-02-25, 00:18
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
you also might see if something is wrong with your cable before you start to take shit apart.
My cables are good. I made sure of that right away. Its definately the amp
I wish it was the damn cables having trouble  i could replace those in no time... but its my amp 

2004-02-25, 01:02
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Manitoba Canada
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well it could be something more than just a loose input jack. the same thing happened to my practice amp. my little bros. kicked the damn thing over. well, after that it did what you are discribing. it started to cut in and out of that staticy phase. well, me and my buddy took the thing apart and half the fuckin curcuit board was cracked! yeah! we had to sodder the damn thing back together (very fuckin carefully might i add) what a pain in the ass. i hope, for your sake, this isn't the case with your amp.

2004-02-25, 01:58
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 82
Same thing kind of happens with my amp. My cable is OK, but once I stood on the cable and the plug got pulled downwards while in the socket (see Pantera Vulgar Video No.3 I think it is @ 53:00 minutes; I was trying to impersonate Dimebag whilst playing Cowboys From Hell). Anyway, my guitar socket is always coming loose, so I have to tighten it with a ratchet. I think the amp socket may either be loose (wear and tear on the parts in it), or a wire has somehow started to break off (if the socket gets twisted around, then that would do it). Mine isn't too bad, just sometimes goes into static because the plug isn't fully contacting in the socket.
I suggest to double check your cables. If it still does it, the unplug your amp, and if you can take it apart, check that the socket hasn't got a wire broken off. If it has, solder it back on. Otherwise, replace the socket (buy a 6.5mm chassis mount mono socket at an electronics store). Make sure you know which terminals are the right ones (there's always trial and error if you don't have a multimeter). If that's not it, then something else sounds like it is loose, like if there is a thrash/dirstortion button that's worn out. If the amp is fairly old, I am told that the solder can melt off. You're pretty much screwed if that's the case. Then you'd have to take it to a pro to find the prob; you'd be better of buying a new amp in that case.
Just remember, only test stuff with the power on after you have tried a repair. Don't try to repair or touch stuff while the power is plugged in.

2004-02-25, 02:39
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I will consider all your suggestions.
But im a little hesitant on any major repairs... thanks anyway!!!

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