2004-02-25, 17:10
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1
Void Sales Forum !
Very recently, i became co-admin of the Void Sales Forum.
It's a (Black)Metal forum, linked to the www.voidsales.com site. (a site where you can order Metal clothes, located in Belgium)
I quote my associate:
As you all might know, a Void Sales message board recently came online.
Not with the succes I hoped for, so I searched for someone who could help me.
The person who is in charge for the message board now, is Radiant Bastard.
It's our goal now to make the message board some kind of metal chat, no more, no less. And we only can do that with YOUR help.
So please go visit the message board and register 
here is the link : http://forum.voidsales.com
Feel free to spread this message around.
Please register and spread the message!
thanks all !!