2004-02-29, 13:58
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: NY
Posts: 15
i have to fuckin say...i thought cannibal corpse was fuckin done after bloodthirst...everything was just to the same....then they fuckin pulled "The Wretched Spawn" out of there ass's and blew my fucking mind away...i can barely find one bad song on that fucking alblum true brutal death metal...i havnt gotten the cd yet so if anyone could Tab ANY SONG OF that alblum plz do eh....will be workin on Frantic Disembowelment and Rotted Body Landslide when i get money for the fucking alblum in a few days...so plz god fuck in the meantime if anyone could fuckin tab anything out....hailz
"Blessed by the Devil under inverted crosses, religious ways, lies controlling minds"
Last edited by Rigamortus : 2004-02-29 at 15:14.