2004-02-29, 14:48
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New tab submission procedure
Hi all,
The tab submission procedure has been changed. From now on, new tabs should be submitted using the submission form. The Tab Posting forum is depreciated and will be deleted when all tabs are processed.
The new Pending Tabs forum was created to show the newly submitted tabs. The main purpose of this forum is to post your comments on the new tabs.
The purpose of this change is, first, to speed up the tab archiving process, and second, to link the tabs to their authors. This will later allow to show all posted tabs for every author and to do the "best tabber" kind of competition.
Please review new new posting guidelines for more details and feel free to ask here your questions on the new procedure.
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2004-02-29, 15:57
Schrodinger's Cat
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I've just had a look at the submitting form and it seems like a very good change to the tab posting process. Just a few questions though:
Is it still possible to edit the tab once you've posted it or do we have to re-post the tab as an update every time we want to add a change? I continually edit my tabs in the tab posting forum and it seems that if an edit facility isn't available in the Pending forum that the forum could get cluttered with many different updates of the same song.
Am I correct in saying that once the tabs are uploaded to the main site they are deleted from the Pending forum?
I take it that since we will have already entered the band/song/etc details from the menus that we just need to copy and paste the tab along with the tab legend from now on? Is it still OK to give a short introduction to the tab?
Also, how will the tabs be linked to their authors? Will there be a list of submitted tabs in our personal profiles or will there be an option to search by author in the Pending forum?
Sorry for all the questions!!!
As I say, this seems like an improvement to the tab submitting process and if it speeds up getting tabs onto the site then it can only be a good thing. Good stuff!
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn
Last edited by johnmansley : 2004-02-29 at 16:02.

2004-02-29, 16:14
round the world
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
I've just had a look at the submitting form and it seems like a very good change to the tab posting process. Just a few questions though:
Is it still possible to edit the tab once you've posted it or do we have to re-post the tab as an update every time we want to add a change? I continually edit my tabs in the tab posting forum and it seems that if an edit facility isn't available in the Pending forum that the forum could get cluttered with many different updates of the same song.
Am I correct in saying that once the tabs are uploaded to the main site they are deleted from the Pending forum?
I take it that since we will have already entered the band/song/etc details from the menus that we just need to copy and paste the tab along with the tab legend from now on? Is it still OK to give a short introduction to the tab?
Also, how will the tabs be linked to their authors? Will there be a list of submitted tabs in our personal profiles or will there be an option to search by author in the Pending forum?
Sorry for all the questions!!!
As I say, this seems like an improvement to the tab submitting process and if it speeds up getting tabs onto the site then it can only be a good thing. Good stuff!
Thanks for the questions  I'll try to answer them one by one:
1. Editing.
In the future (I would say a month or so) you will have the possibility to see your tabs in the profile. There'll be an edit link next to each tab. In the mean time you will need just to resubmit your corrections, but I assure you this is a temporary solution.
2. Archiving + deleting.
Nope. The corresponding thread will be just locked. However in the future I might clean up very old threads. And anyway, I'm open for your suggestions...
3. Linking.
I was thinking about top tabbers list + the list of the tabs by author + probably the number of the tabs submitted next to your Location. Any other ideas?...
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2004-02-29, 16:18
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i probably look really dumb now, but were should i post my tabs when i created them?

2004-02-29, 16:39
Schrodinger's Cat
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Doc: I think you just click on the "Submission Form" link by the link to the Pending Tabs forum. Just fill in the details at each step and then paste your tab. You'll know what I mean when you do it.
Thanks for answering those questions, Nomad. When you say "see your tabs in the profile" do you mean in our personal profiles? This would be excellent as it would save searching the forum when we want to edit our tabs.
Top tabber seems like a good idea as does displaying the number of tabs that we've submitted.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-02-29, 16:43
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ah wait! i see. thanks

2004-02-29, 16:49
round the world
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
When you say "see your tabs in the profile" do you mean in our personal profiles?
Yep. Either incorporated into the vB3 User CP or on a separate user page. Anyway, it will be very easy to see your tabs.
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2004-02-29, 17:13
Schrodinger's Cat
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Great stuff, that's an excellent feature!
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-02-29, 18:15
Throbbing Member
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I agree. Nice creative thinking Nomad.
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2004-02-29, 18:24
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Hell yeah. That's some cool shit...


2004-03-02, 14:32
round the world
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
I take it that since we will have already entered the band/song/etc details from the menus that we just need to copy and paste the tab along with the tab legend from now on? Is it still OK to give a short introduction to the tab?
Looks like I overlooked this question. Sure you can give an introduction, just make sure it's on the very top of the tab, otherwise I might miss it and archive along with the tab.
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2004-03-02, 17:02
Schrodinger's Cat
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OK, no worries, thanks.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-03-02, 18:20
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now the tabs in the other forum, the last posted ones, will still be added, right? cause i posted on friday a cradle of filth tab, and i am curious as to wether or not it will be posted
Too grim to function

2004-03-02, 19:17
Forum Reverend
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well everything looks nice...and i like how you can't submit a tab thats over 80 characers...but for some reason i can't figure out how to make my submitted tabs look right...i got courier and all that going but its still fucked up for some reason...i tried 3 times in the pending tabs forum...I DON"T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!
good work on the update though nomad.
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2004-03-03, 08:17
round the world
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
now the tabs in the other forum, the last posted ones, will still be added, right? cause i posted on friday a cradle of filth tab, and i am curious as to wether or not it will be posted
They will be processed ASAP. Please don't re-post them.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-03-03, 08:19
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Originally Posted by Father Death
well everything looks nice...and i like how you can't submit a tab thats over 80 characers...but for some reason i can't figure out how to make my submitted tabs look right...i got courier and all that going but its still fucked up for some reason...i tried 3 times in the pending tabs forum...I DON"T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!
good work on the update though nomad.
It was a visual glitch on the forum. I fixed the error, now it should work fine.
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2004-03-03, 17:05
Forum Reverend
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the patterns are everywhere...

2004-03-08, 07:45
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Can it be possible to write a tab like this?
guitar 1
|guitar 2(second time only)
|Bass(second time only)
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page
Last edited by powersofterror : 2004-03-08 at 07:48.
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