2004-03-01, 04:59
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 82
What effect/technique?
I've always wondered how to get a certain sound out of my guitar like a rapid vibrato. I'm not talking about whammy bar flutters or whatever (like on Emperor Curse You All Men), it sounds like that but much faster. If you want to know what I'm talking about, listen to Obituary - Chopped In Half (1:10), or Cradle Of Filth - somewhere in the Amor E Morte solo. I can't think of any other examples off the top of my head. I was told it was done with a whammy bar and to watch a Van Halen vid. I haven't seen anyone do this effect, and I'm still convinced that it's done by an effects unit as it is very fast. Anyone out there know how to do it or what effect units, if so, does it?